
Chapter 1158

Chapter 1158
Wanyan Digunai led [-] cavalry to rush to Xuzhou. He had two tasks, one was to destroy the Yellow River warships of the Western Army, and the other was to plunder food, pigs and sheep, property and population.

Wanyan Digunai arrived at Xiao County first. Xiao County is a small county with a small population, but its geographical location is very important. It is the gateway from the Central Plains to Xuzhou. Wars broke out here frequently. The people here are very alert to wars. If there is any trouble, run for your life immediately, and there is no need to mobilize again.

Like Chuqiu County in the north, Xiao County was also an empty city. The people in the city ran away cleanly, not even an old man was left behind. The Jurchen soldiers dug three feet of the ground and found not even a grain of rice or a copper coin.

Wanyan Digunai was so angry that he cursed, but he had no choice but to let go of the looting of the population and property for the time being, and to destroy the warships of the Western Army first.

Historically, it was not without reason that Wanyan Digunai was able to become the King of Hailing. He had a strong view of the overall situation and knew the priorities of things. Although plundering property and food is very important, it is fundamentally more important than destroying the warships of the Western Army. It's nothing.

Destroying the warships of the Western Army is the real great achievement, and it freezes in winter, and the warships are frozen in the river and cannot move. This is the best and only chance to destroy the warships.

Wanyan Digunai led [-] cavalry to run in the desolate yellow flooded area, surrounded by desolate people, not even a tree in sight, and the world was bleak.

Wanyan Digunai was luckier than Alubu. When they passed through Feng County, they got more than a thousand shi of grain. Each soldier got a few buckets of grain. They would not be like Alubu's army, who only had two days. Wanyan Digu Nai has more time, and there is no time urgency.

In the evening, [-] Jurchen cavalry arrived in Pengcheng County, where the Yellow River Navy's logistics were stationed. In winter, hundreds of warships should be moored on the water outside Pengcheng County.

Wanyan Digunai immediately dispatched [-] teams of spies to search for the whereabouts of the Western Army's navy within a radius of [-] miles in Pengcheng County.

Different from the plains in the north, there are many low mountains around Pengcheng County, and there are large forests on the mountains. Thousands of Jurchen cavalry stationed in a sheltered mountain depression, lit more than a dozen fires, and there was no game meat, so they could only enjoy the fire. Eat rice with bacon jerky on the side.

At night, the teams sent to investigate came back one after another, bringing news that disappointed Wanyan Digunai, not to mention warships, not even an ordinary small fishing boat was found.

At this time, a commander said to Wanyan Di Gu Nai: "General, I feel that it is normal for me to find it. The Western Army has strengthened the walls and cleared the country, and moved all the people into the city. Naturally, the warships will not stay outside. I guess They are also at the city gate."

"Can the warship enter the city gate?"

"The city gate is very high. If the masts of the ships are lowered, even a warship of three thousand stone can enter."

Wanyan Digunai pondered for a while and said: "We don't have siege weapons, and we don't know how many Western troops are in Xuzhou City. Is this trip in vain?"

"General Qi, I have a suggestion!"

The commander-in-chief Yabulie urged: "Since we have enough food in our hands, why don't we go south. It is said that Yangzhou is the most prosperous place in the world, why don't we go and plunder Yangzhou."

Wanyan Digu Nai came to the Central Plains relatively late, he didn't know that Yangzhou had suffered repeated wars and was plundered many times by Jin soldiers, his wealth had been plundered long ago, and the canal was blocked, Yangzhou had become a stagnant pool of water, how could there be any wealth for them grab.

Besides, the Song Army deployed more than [-] troops along the Huaihe River, and they killed [-] people, which was not enough to fill the gaps between the Song Army's teeth. You must know that the current Song Army is not the Song Army in Jingkang, it is now Jianghuai His sons are very powerful in combat, and they are also led by famous generals Liu Kai, Wang Jian, Tian Shizhong, Zhang Zigai and others.

It can only be said that this commander-in-chief's suggestion is simply dizzy, but Wanyan Digunai is young and vigorous, always looking forward to the glorious history of the predecessor Jurchen cavalry defeating hundreds of thousands of Song soldiers with ten thousand cavalry, and he also hopes that he can With this achievement, he was full of passion for a while, Wanyan Digunai immediately nodded and said: "This plan is very good, tomorrow morning, we will go south to Jianghuai!"

The commanders of the Jurchen Army did not guess wrong. Since it is hardening the walls and clearing the fields, how could it be possible to leave the warships alone outside to be destroyed by the enemy. In fact, even if they are not dead and the walls are cleared, in winter, the warships will return to Hong Kong for repairs and maintenance, and the damaged planks will be replaced. , brushed with tung oil, replaced ropes and sails.

Chen Qing positioned Xuzhou as the base of the Yellow River water army, in order to find a harbor for hundreds of warships to cultivate. After entering the city, even all the civilian ships around also sailed into the city for shelter.

The governor of the Yellow River Navy of the Western Army is called Li Qingong. He was originally the commander of the Yangtze River Navy of the Song Army. Following Yang Yuanqing to guard Jiangling, the Yellow River Navy was established the year before last, and Li Qingong was transferred to serve as the deputy commander of the navy and concurrently the governor of the Yellow River Navy.

Niu Gao led the warship to attack the mutton supply ship of Daming Mansion. Niu Gao was only the commander in name, and the general who actually commanded the battle was Li Qingong. Niu Gao returned to Taiyuan to continue to sit in the town, and Li Qingong became the real commander of the navy.

In the early morning, Li Qingong was standing on the city wall, watching the movements in the west. He had already got the news that six thousand Jurchen cavalry were stationed in a mountain depression twenty miles away, and countless teams were looking for warships around Pengcheng County.

Li Qingong was secretly amused, there is not even a single commoner outside the city, how can you find warships?I don't know what they are thinking, but they actually want to destroy the Yellow River warships of the Western Army. When will the ships be frozen on the ice in winter?

There are [-] troops in Pengcheng County, all of them are navy troops. Although the number is larger than that of the opponent, the opponent is cavalry. Besides, the navy is not good at land warfare. Sending [-] navy troops will only be wiped out by the opponent. It is better to stick to it county seat.

At this time, a scout cavalry rushed from outside the city, ran to the bottom of the city and shouted: "Is Governor Li here?"

Li Qingong leaned out, "I'm here, what's the matter?"

"Report to the governor, six thousand Jurchen cavalry have gone south."

"When did it happen?" Li Qingong asked anxiously.

"An hour ago, they set off before dawn."

"Do you know where they went?"

"I don't know their destination. I only know that they didn't cross the Yellow River, but went south along the west bank of the Yellow River."

If you go south along the west bank of the Yellow River, you will go to Pizhou. Pizhou is divided into two by the Yellow River. The east bank belongs to the Kingdom of Jin, and the west bank belongs to the Song Dynasty.

Pizhou is also a flooded area with few people. There is only one big county, Suqian County. Because this is the northernmost border of the Song Dynasty, the Song Army stationed heavy troops in Pizhou.

Suqian County has [-] troops stationed by Wang Jian. Since Pizhou is not under the jurisdiction of the Western Army, there is no implementation of fortified walls and clearing the country. If the Jin soldiers rob people's property and rape women in Pizhou, Wang Jian will definitely send troops.

The relationship between Li Qingong and Wang Jian is very good. Although Wang Jian is Li Qiong's deadly enemy, Li Qingong thinks that Wang Jian is very kind and abides by the rules. Sometimes there is no one soldier in Xuzhou, and Wang Jian will never cross the border.

Wang Jian was especially kind to the common people, which even King Yong admired Wang Jian very much.

Li Qingong felt that he had to remind Wang Jian that this army was not the Jurchen iron cavalry, but the Donghu cavalry, and the [-] Song army could completely fight against it.

Li Qingong immediately sent two scout cavalrymen to carry his personal letter, and rushed to Suqian County on two horses to report the letter.

(End of this chapter)

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