
Chapter 1159 Visit

Chapter 1159 Visit
At this time, Chen Qing was passing through Taiyuan. He was going to Datong Mansion to inspect and defend Taiyuan by the way. The officials who accompanied Chen Qing on the visit were the military envoy of Hedong, Niu Gao, the governor of the capital, and Cao De, the prefect of Taiyuan.

Cao De was originally the instructor of Yanwutang, that is, the principal of the military academy. Because Shi Zhang Chunxiao, the former Taiyuan prefect and director of the Shangshuxing on Hedong Road, was seriously ill, after he resigned and returned to his hometown, Chen Qing appointed Cao De as the Taiyuan prefect.

Cao De is a descendant of Cao Bin, the founding father of the Song Dynasty. During the Renzong period, the Cao family became an important relative of the Song Dynasty because of Empress Cao. They had a high prestige in the Song Dynasty. However, after the establishment of the Southern Song Dynasty, these former relatives did not He was valued by the new emperor Zhao Gou.

Cao De is the son of the Cao family. He was originally an important general under Liu Guangshi. Liu Guangshi suffered several disastrous defeats in Huaibei. He was protected by the Empress Dowager Wei and was not held accountable. As the commander, and deprived him of his title.

Feeling the injustice deeply, Cao De went to Jingzhao to seek refuge with Chen Qing in a rage, and was reused by Chen Qing. The next time, Chen Qing promoted him to be the prefect of Taiyuan and the transshipment envoy of Hedong Road, and named him the Duke of Gaoping County. Although this was a kind of win over, it was more of a trust in him.

As for the Shangshuxingtai on Hedong Road, which actually exists in name only and is in a state of being cancelled, Shangshuxingtai was originally too far away from the ruling center, and transportation and communication were inconvenient, so it was a temporary administrative measure adopted as an outpost of the Neizhengtang. Later, the Neizhengtang successively set up Shangshu Xingtai on Sichuan Road, Hedong Road, Jinghu South Road, Henan Road and Lingxia Road.

However, as Jingzhao’s ability to govern continues to strengthen, and its ability to control government affairs, finance and taxation, and supervision becomes stronger and stronger, Xingtai Shangshu will gradually be abolished. The first to be abolished is Lingxia Road Shangshu Xingtai, where only Lingzhou needs to be established The government office and Xiazhou government office are enough, and there is no need for another layer of Shangshuxingtai.

The second is Hedong Road, which is also relatively close to Jingzhao. Even the "Jing Bao" began to be published on Hedong Road, only two days later than Jingzhao. Hedong Mansion is even closer to Jingzhao than to Taiyuan.

Therefore, when the government orders from the Neizhengtang can be delivered to Hedong Road in only two days, it is imperative to cancel the Shangshu Xingtai on Hedong Road.

However, the cancellation of Shangshuxing Station on Hedong Road needs an opportunity. Zhang Chunxiao’s retirement from illness is such an opportunity. In the offices of Jingzhao, Shangshu Xingtai on Hedong Road has its name in vain.

It's a bit far away, turn back.

Chen Qing came to a family next to the east gate of the county seat. This is a family of Beigui people. Beiguiren is a name for the local people and the government in Taiyuan. It refers to the captive Han people released by the Kingdom of Jin. Guards, maids, craftsmen, etc., because the Henan Road was still in the hands of the Kingdom of Jin at that time, and the place of release happened to be in Taiyuan Prefecture, and the population of Taiyuan City was insufficient, so Chen Qing placed the captives released by the Kingdom of Jin in Taiyuan. In the city.

The family Chen Qing inspected was surnamed Zhang, and the male owner was Zhang Chun, the son of Zhang Gao, a doctor in the Ministry of Rites. He was only a teenager when he was taken captive to the Kingdom of Jin. died in the year.

Zhang Chun also married a lonely court lady when he was [-] years old. The two depended on each other for life and gave birth to a son named Zhang Sinan.

After the Sichuan-Shaanxi Propaganda Envoy and Jin Guo reached an exchange agreement, more than [-] surviving Han people were released back to the Song Dynasty, and Zhang Chun's family was among them. Chen Qing took special care of these released Han people and ordered the Taiyuan government to deal with them living and living issues.

Zhang Chun's family was allocated this small courtyard covering an area of ​​half an acre, and received a monthly supplement of consistent money and three sheepskins.

Soon, Zhang Chun found a job as a teacher in the county school, earning three pennies a month. His wife was good at sewing, and also took on some work sewing military shoes and socks, earning three pennies a month. A hundred Wen, although the family is not rich, the family can live happily,
Chen Qing's arrival made Zhang Chun at a loss. Fortunately, the guards and a large group of officials were outside, and Chen Qing was only accompanied by Niu Gao and Cao De. They didn't enter the house, but sat in the yard.

Chen Qing looked at the yard. The yard was not big, but it was kept very clean. There was a grape trellis in one corner, and the grape vines climbed the trellis. Underneath was a pair of stone tables and benches. Zhang Chun was worthy of being a scholar. Exuding elegance.

Seeing that Chen Qing was interested in the stone table, Zhang Chun said with a embarrassed smile: "This villain bought it from the second-hand market. It only cost [-] Wen, plus [-] Wen for renting a car, it cost a total of [-] Wen." The money probably belonged to some rich family, and Jin Bing didn’t want this kind of thing, so they were moved home and exchanged for some small money.”

Chen Qing nodded, and sat down on a stone bench. Zhang Chun's wife, Mrs. Li, brought hot tea. Chen Qing looked at the tea set and found that it was a Ru kiln. Unfortunately, it was not an official kiln, but a folk kiln, but it was also very good. up.

"Is this tea set bought from a flea market?" Chen Qingxiao asked.

"Exactly! This set of tea sets only cost [-] Wen. I bought it together with a stone table and stone bench. The seller didn't know the goods. He didn't even know that it was a fine product of Ru Kiln. He asked for [-] Wen. I counter-offered it for [-] Wen. , although it is not an official kiln, the high-quality folk kiln is not much different from the official kiln, and it is said that the craftsmen who fired the kiln are the same group of people."

"Not bad, very discerning!" Chen Qing praised.

Zhang Chun couldn't bear the joy in his heart and said: "Actually, I have also received several treasures, and the price is more than ten yuan."

His wife Li couldn't help reminding: "Husband, His Royal Highness King Yong is not here to see your baby."

Only then did Zhang Chun come to his senses, and said embarrassingly, "I made His Highness laugh at you."

Chen Qing smiled, greeted the couple to sit down, and said to them: "I am mainly here to learn about your living conditions. I have been back for several years. I don't know how it is now? I heard that Mr. Zhang is teaching in a primary school?"

"Yes, I have been teaching in the county primary school."

"How much income?"

"Three pennies per month!"

"It's always been three pennies?"

Zhang Chun nodded, "From the beginning, the money has been three times, and it has not changed until now, but sometimes it will be a little less."

"Are all teachers the same?" Chen Qing asked.

"No, it's much younger than me. They came a few years later, and they got four pennies when they came in. After five years of teaching, they were promoted to professors, and they got eight pennies."

"What's the reason for that?"

Zhang Chun hesitated and didn't know how to speak, his wife touched him lightly, Zhang Chun smiled wryly: "It's my own problem, it has nothing to do with the government!"

Chen Qing was a little displeased and said, "What's the problem? Let's just talk about it. It just so happens that the prefect Cao is here. If you have any difficulties, you can speak freely. If it's a problem with the rules and regulations, then think of a way and make changes as the rules allow. "

"It is indeed a system problem. Xiaomin is not from a major, nor is he from a government school. When a villain goes to teach, he is also temporarily recruited. The money is calculated on a daily basis. He is paid one hundred coins a day for teaching. There is no holiday or sick leave. If he gets sick one day, he can't go there. Therefore, Xiaomin is not even a teaching assistant. If he graduated from an official school, or passed the Mingjing subject, his status will be different. He belongs to the official civil service, counting as a teaching assistant. , and rest normally during holidays, without deducting salary.”

"Wait a minute!"

Chen Qing suddenly realized something was wrong, and asked: "Ten days off for the New Year, three days off for the Lantern Festival, and two ten-day breaks, a total of fifteen days off, how much money can you earn in January?"

"Fifteen hundred Wen, the villain just said, I get paid by the day, and I get paid for one day of teaching."

Chen Qing's face sank, and he turned around and asked Cao De, "Is that so?"

Cao De wiped the sweat from his forehead and said: "I really don't understand this issue of humble positions. It should be like this. The system stipulates that civil servants must have a background in official education or imperial examinations to become an official civil servant. Teachers are civil servants, but Because there are not enough teachers, we hired some from outside.”

Chen Qing asked coldly: "The six Caos of the Yangqu county government are all from a professional background?"

(End of this chapter)

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