
Chapter 1160 Returning to the North

Chapter 1160 Returning to the North
Cao De helplessly explained: "Your Highness, this must be divided into two. The old officials in the past are indeed not from a professional background. Since the regulations were made five years ago, all new civil servants must have a professional background."

"Okay! I don't want to investigate whether it is a professional background, but the external teaching is calculated on a daily basis. Is this reasonable? I know Zhang Chun's father. If there is no Jingkang crisis, his father is at least a The servant, can it be said that the son of the servant can't even finish an ordinary state school? His situation is special, isn't it the responsibility of your government to write a letter to the internal affairs hall, asking for special treatment?"

"Humble job knows it's wrong!"

"If you know your mistakes, you have to correct them. I would like to make two suggestions. First, equal pay for equal work. External teachers should be treated the same as civil servants and teaching assistants. The salary should be the same, and the rest should be the same. Paying by the day is never allowed. They are teachers. , not a small laborer doing odd jobs.

Second, the prefect Cao wrote an ultimatum to the Neizhengtang, asking the Neizhengtang to let go of the people who came back from Liaodong. Those who need official school qualifications will be treated as government school graduates, and those who are not eligible to take the imperial examinations will be given qualifications. There is no such problem in other places, only Taiyuan Prefecture, so this is your responsibility. "

Cao De nodded again and again, "Remember the humble job."

Chen Qing pointed to Zhang Chun again, "His situation was specially approved by me. He was hired as a teaching assistant as if he was from a major. From the time he entered the job, he will be paid as much as he should be paid!"


Zhang Chun and his wife knelt down on the ground, kowtowed with tears in their eyes, "Thank you, Your Highness, for your great kindness!"

"Both of you please stand up! Please stand up!"

Chen Qingxu asked the two of them to stand up, and said with a smile: "Teacher is your personal problem, but I also want to understand the common difficulties of everyone. Tell me about it, and tell the truth."

"The villain must tell the truth!"

Zhang Chun sat down again, wiped away his tears and thought for a while: "Generally speaking, it's pretty good. Everyone has a house to live in, so they don't live on the streets. There are old and helpless people, at least there is a monthly income." Living expenses, food and accommodation are not a problem, but it would be a lie to say that everyone has no objections, there are indeed some things that make everyone dissatisfied."

"What dissatisfaction do you have? You don't have to be afraid of offending the prefect Cao even if you speak out. He only took office in May this year. Many things are not his responsibility, but it will be up to him to solve problems in the future."

Cao De nodded and said with a smile: "Mr. Zhang, just say it bluntly, I am also a soldier, and I like straightforward people."

"Okay! I said, there are two main points. One is our identity. The people in Taiyuan call us Beigui people. It is actually a kind of discrimination. They don't want to study with our children, don't want to marry, or even work as men. The wages of maids are lower than others. We also know that this discrimination cannot be eliminated in a day or two. It will take several generations to gradually eliminate it, but the root lies in the government. The government has registered us separately, which is not the same as ordinary people. , so in the eyes of ordinary people, we have become lowly households, even if we want to move to other places, we can’t move, unless we go to black households.”

Chen Qing glanced at Cao De, and Cao De said hastily: "Zhang Chunxiao told me that the main purpose of creating a special household registration is to take care of them, such as housing allocation and security money, etc. It does not mean discrimination."

Zhang Chun dissatisfied: "But in fact, we are discriminated against everywhere. The locals look down on us from the bottom of our hearts. We dare not say that we are from the north, but we can find out when we check our household registration. Our household registration has a special number. Just the word 'North'."

Chen Qing nodded, "It can be special at the beginning, but after so many years, it will become a burden if you continue to be special. You must return to the normal household registration. Except for a few people who need special care, they will be managed separately, and everyone else will be treated equally."

"Understood, I will make arrangements later to eliminate the special household registration as soon as possible."

Chen Qing smiled and asked Zhang Chun again, "What about the second point?"

"The second point is the big deal, that is, the house we live in was first allocated to us. As long as the original landlord does not come to ask for the house within three years, the house will belong to us. If no one comes to ask for it, then according to the agreement, this house should be ours.

But so far we haven’t got the house deed and land deed, and two months ago, the county government made a new statement, saying that this house is an official house, which is only temporarily lent to us to live in, and the rent will be exempted for three years, that is to say, in the future, we will have to ask We have collected the rent, but the house is not ours. This made everyone extremely angry. To tell you the truth, we are planning to march to Jingzhao in tens of thousands of people after the Chinese New Year to protest against the Taiyuan government’s back-and-forth and deceiving us! "

Chen Qing was very annoyed, so he held back his anger and asked Cao De, "Does Zhifu Cao know about this?"

Cao De was stunned and said: "I really don't know about this matter, I will start investigating tomorrow, if the government really made a promise before."

Chen Qing shook his head, "You don't need to investigate, I remember very clearly, this is my promise, I signed an order, the government gave them a house, so that they can live and work in Taiyuan, I didn't say that I asked the government to rent them a house, share The house and the distribution of land mean the same thing, to give ownership, Governor Cao, do you understand what I mean?"

Cao De nodded, "I understand!"

Chen Qing said lightly: "The problem lies with Wangzhi County of Yangqu County, let him reflect on it!"

Coming out of Zhang Chun's house, Chen Qing immediately went up to the east wall. He walked to the wall, supported the battlements and looked at the Taihang Mountains in the distance.

Cao De saw the worry in the eyes of His Royal Highness King Yong, and knew why he was annoyed. Cao De stepped forward and explained: "The humble staff will thoroughly investigate all kinds of problems, take charge of this matter personally, find one and solve the other, please Your Highness." rest assured!"

Chen Qing sighed lightly and said, "I'm also to blame for this matter. I didn't make it clear to everyone at the beginning. These Beigui people are a political test question for me. If they are handled well, I will get points. If they are not handled well, I will lose them." separated.

If tens of thousands of them really went to Jingzhao to protest, what would the court say?The originally passive imperial court would definitely make a fuss about this matter and publicize everywhere, 'Do you think they bring people back, or make people live like dogs? What's the difference from Jin Guo? '

To be honest, I am very dissatisfied with Zhang Chunxiao's handling of this matter, which has failed my expectations of him. "

Speaking of this, Chen Qing glanced at Cao Dedao: "Prefect Cao, the reason why I only care about the situation of Beigui people when I inspected Taiyuan is because they are related to my reputation. I hope you can handle their affairs well and take proper care of them." , try to turn the situation around as soon as possible, this time I will definitely dismiss the magistrate of Yangqu County, you can recommend a capable magistrate."

Cao De said with sincerity: "I guarantee that there will be a big change before the spring of next year. Tomorrow, I will suspend Yangqu Wang Zhixian and let Wu County Cheng temporarily act as the chief officer. If he can do well, If he is humble, I recommend him to take over as magistrate."

Chen Qing nodded and said: "Tomorrow, do two things well. First, treat all external teachers as clerks. Counting from the time they enter the job, they will pay as much as they have given. Ambiguity, pay attention to what I mean, treat them as civil officials, if you don’t want to turn them into civil servants, then it’s a bad rule, understand?”


"Second, at least [-] house deeds and land deeds will be issued tomorrow, and all of them must be issued before the Chinese New Year. And it must be publicized and let the whole city know. This is very important. With real real estate, they will have If they belong, the locals will not discriminate against them.

The third point is what I just thought of. It doesn’t have to be done tomorrow, but it must be done as soon as possible. The government will select a group of educated young people from the North Returnees, including today’s Zhang Chun, and then invite several experienced Confucians to teach They prepare for the examination of Ming Jing, and as long as they pass the Ming Jing, they will be officially hired as teaching assistants, which is very good for improving their status. "

"I remember what your Highness said, and I can issue a military order. If there is no major change before the spring of next year, I am willing to resign."

Chen Qing smiled slightly: "With your words, I feel relieved!"

(End of this chapter)

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