
Chapter 1161 Murder

Chapter 1161 Murder

Chen Qing only rested for one night in Taiyuan, and the next morning, under the escort of three thousand cavalry, he continued to go north to Datong Mansion.

Datong Mansion is also a world of ice and snow at this time. Before that, a large number of people from Yingzhou fled to Datong City. Resettlement of these people is also the most important thing for the Datong government. They were evacuated to the southern states, but the government was not ready yet, and a heavy snowstorm swept in, so the relocation could only be postponed until the beginning of next spring.

In the eyes of the government, these people are a great burden and a responsibility they have to bear, but in the eyes of some people with ulterior motives, these refugees are wealth, especially some beautiful girls, and they are the targets of these people. They were sold to brothels for a fortune.

Their method is also very simple. First, they lure the girl's father to eat, drink and gamble. After he owes a huge debt in a daze, they force him to sell his daughter to pay off the debt.

In a large tent, there lived a family of four, a middle-aged couple and their children. The host’s surname was Yao, the son’s name was Yao Song, who was seventeen years old this year, and the daughter’s name was Yao Mei, who was only fifteen years old this year. The son was five big and three thick, and as strong as a cow, but the daughter was slender and beautiful, and the hunters focused their eyes on their daughter.

"Father, the Western Army is recruiting soldiers, and my son wants to join the army." Yao Song sat in the corner of the tent and asked his father for his opinion.

Father Yao was a little restless, looking out of the tent with worry from time to time, but he didn't hear what his son was saying.

"Daddy, do you agree?" Yao Song asked again.

"Hmm! What did you say?" Father Yao turned to look at his son.

"I said that the Western Army is recruiting soldiers, and my son wants to sign up for the army."

"Give me money?"

"It's like giving ten pennies to settle down, one stone of rice and one sheep, and then two pennies and one mu of land every month."

"It's only ten pennies, it's too little, if only three hundred pennies would be fine."

At this time, someone shouted outside: "Yao Dalang, someone is looking for you."

Yao's father's face turned pale, and Yao's mother said in horror: "Father, didn't that group of people come again?"

"I don't know, I'll go and have a look." Father Yao went out of the tent tremblingly.

The siblings stepped forward and asked, "Mother, what's the matter!"

Yao's mother sighed and said, "Your father met a few people a while ago, they invited your father to drink, got drunk, and went to gamble with them, somehow owed a large amount of money, your father doesn't even remember what happened things, but they have an IOU with your father's handprint on it."

"How much does Daddy owe them?" Yao Song asked.

"Your father said, there may be three hundred strings!"

"Three hundred!"

Yao Mei exclaimed, "Our family probably won't even be able to pay back the money!"

Yao Song clenched his fists, gritted his teeth and said, "I know, they are hunters, and they must be trying to trick my sister!"

Yao Mei's eyes became terrified, "Mother, no!"

At this moment, their father's screams came from outside, and he shouted: "I will not sell my daughter, and I will not sell my daughter if I kill me."

Immediately afterwards, Yao's father screamed again, Yao Song's blood rushed to the top of his head, he drew a dagger and rushed out.

"Song'er, don't act recklessly!" Mother Yao yelled in horror.

"Mother, take your sister and hide first."

Yao's mother was flustered, she pulled her daughter and said, "Mei'er, why don't you go to my uncle's house to hide with mother first."

Yao Mei nodded in fear, and the mother and daughter hurried away from the back tent.

Father Yao was dragged outside the camp by a group of people, Yao Song chased after him, pointed a dagger at the leading man and said, "Let go of my father!"

"Your father owes us [-] pennies and [-] pennies of interest. If you pay the money back, nothing will happen, or you can let your sister pay off the debt!"

"Fart! How many people have been harmed by you demons."

The big man at the head became furious, drew his knife and rushed forward, "Little bastard is tired of working!"

Yao's father was beaten with blood, and he shouted anxiously: "Song'er, run, you can't beat him!"

A few big guys next to him punched and kicked again, causing Yao's father to scream.

Yao Song's eyes were red, "Devil, I will fight you!"

He rushed up and got stabbed on the shoulder, blood gushed out, but he didn't care, he stabbed the dagger into the opponent's stomach, the big man never dreamed that the opponent was real, he held back the severe pain, and He grabbed Yao Song's hair.

"Little bastard, I want to kill you!"

Yao Song went all out and stabbed the opponent more than a dozen times with a dagger, the last one stabbed in the left chest, piercing the heart, the leader of the big man screamed and died on the spot.

Seeing that the man was killed, several young men ran away. Father Yao stepped forward tremblingly, touched the nose of the big man in the head, and said in shock: "Oh! He's dead."

Father Yao said in a panic, "Song'er, run away quickly! They all have backers, and they will kill you."

Yao Song said stubbornly: "A life pays for a life, the child will not run away!"

Father Yao gritted his teeth, snatched the dagger from his son, and stabbed it fiercely into the right chest of the big man, "Remember, I killed the man, and it has nothing to do with you. I will surrender myself to the government."

"Daddy, it's my business, I'll take it on!"

Father Yao slapped his son on the face, "Go home and take care of your mother and sister. If daddy killed someone, daddy will take care of it."

At this time, more than a dozen archers came running, "Where did you kill someone?"

Yao's father pushed his son away, stepped forward and said: "This man came to press for debts, he beat me too hard, I killed him out of desperation."

Yao Song rushed forward and said, "I killed the man, it has nothing to do with my father!"

Father Yao was furious, and slapped him hard again, "Go away, I don't need you to recite it on my father's behalf, go home quickly."

The archers got impatient and chained Yao's father, "Go back to the county government office and take it away!"

Yao's father was taken away, and his body was also taken away. Yao Song knelt on the ground and burst into tears.

In the big tent, uncle Liu Dajiang bandaged Yao Song's wound and complained to him: "What are you doing so impulsively? Those people are just bastards, and the real behind-the-scenes people didn't show up. You killed someone, but your father was miserable." .”

"Daddy will be fine. I'll go back to the county government office and make it clear that I killed the man, and those gangsters saw it with their own eyes. Daddy can't take the blame even if he wants to."

Liu Dajiang slapped him on the back of the head, "You are the only blood of the Yao family. If you die, your father can still live. Don't talk stupid things."

"One person does things and the other is responsible. Although I am reckless, I will never let my father take the blame for me."

Liu Dajiang sighed, "I've been talking for a long time, but you still want to turn yourself in? Your father is really going to be mad at you. It's not as simple as you think."

At this time, the people entrusted by Liu Dajiang appeared at the gate, "Dajiang, there is news."

Liu Dajiang hurried out, "How do you say?"

"Old Yao went in and was punished first. Thirty killing blows, this is the rule, and then the county magistrate asked a few words, and he all admitted that he killed the person, and the other party was too aggressive."

"What did the opposing witness say?"

"It's very strange. The gangsters who were with the other party all identified it at once, saying that it was Lao Yao who killed him, and the dagger that killed the murder was also Lao Yao's. There are all witnesses and material evidence. Lao Yao also admitted that he will be put in prison first. If it is to be handed over to the government office, even if it is sentenced, it will have to be executed next autumn, but the county official I asked said that if it can be proved that the other party is also at fault, then the death penalty is not necessarily imposed."

Liu Dajiang took some money and gave it to the other party, "Thank you very much!"

"It's okay! If you still need it, you can come to me at any time, and I will inquire again."

"Okay! I won't be polite when I need to trouble you."

The person who inquired about the news left, Liu Dajiang was at a loss, how could the other party insist that it was his brother-in-law who killed the murderer?Obviously it wasn't my brother-in-law who killed her, so what does the other party mean?
There is also a glimmer of hope in Liu Dajiang's heart, as long as the other party is proved to be at fault, the brother-in-law may not necessarily die.

When he walked back to the tent, Yao Song asked anxiously, "Uncle, what do you say?"

"It's strange, those hooligans insisted that your father killed the man."

"Nonsense! Father is in their hands, how to kill?"

"It's just weird, I can't figure out why?"

At this moment, someone outside asked darkly: "Excuse me, is this Liu Dajiang's tent?"

(End of this chapter)

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