
Chapter 1162

Chapter 1162
Liu Dajiang walked out of the tent, and saw a middle-aged man standing outside the tent. He was thin, with dark eyes and a few scorched whiskers. He looked like a treacherous man.

"I'm Liu Dajiang, what can you do with me?"

The man's vagina: "Yao Dalang is your brother-in-law!"


"You are in charge of the Yao family's affairs at present?"

"Forget it! What's the matter with you?"

The man looked around and said in a low voice, "Let's take a step to talk."

Liu Dajiang pointed to the nearby tent, "There is no one in the tent over there, go over there and talk."

The middle-aged man walked into the big tent, and said with a dry smile: "My surname is Jiang, and I am an aide of Lieutenant Du. I am here for Yao Dalang's case."

"Please continue!" Liu Dajiang said calmly.

"You also know that Yao Dalang murdered someone. The witnesses and material evidence are all available. He himself confessed and was charged. The county has passed the trial and will be sent to the government office for conviction. Once the government office is convicted of death, he will be sent to Jingzhao's criminal law for approval by the prosecutor's office. , Approval is passed, and tomorrow's autumn will be followed by an interrogation. In fact, the rest is all formality. The key is the preliminary decision of the county government. Once the county government decides it is a case of intentional homicide, then the subsequent trial will be a formality."

"What exactly is Mr. Jiang trying to say?"

"That's right. My county lieutenant Du looked into the case and found that Yao Dalang was actually taking the blame for his son. My county lieutenant sympathized with his heart, and was willing to help him. He was convicted of manslaughter. First of all, there are also faults, so Yao Dalang will not be sentenced to death, do you understand what I mean?"

Liu Dajiang knew it well, he sneered and said: "I understand what you mean, if I guessed correctly, were those two bastards changing their words also ordered by your county lieutenant?"

"Insisting is not a good use of the word, it has a derogatory connotation, but you are a vulgar person, so I don't care about it. This time I am here to discuss with you how to reduce Yao Dalang's crime, or even acquit him."

"Just tell me! How much does it cost?"

Jiang's staff shook his head, "It's not about money. My county lieutenant doesn't like your little money. My county lieutenant is [-] years old this year. You also know that his background is very strong. He is the governor of Zhedu. My county lieutenant has taken a fancy to Yao Dalang." daughter, wants to marry her as a concubine, and the two families are married, of course he will try his best to rescue Yao Dalang, how about it, everyone is happy with the result!"

Liu Dajiang said coldly: "I'm afraid your county lieutenant has never even seen what my niece looks like, so why are you interested?"

"Although I haven't seen it before, I can still admire it!"

Liu Dajiang has also traveled all over the world to see some of the world, and he understands the shamelessness and filth under the glamorous appearance. He vaguely guessed that this Du Xianwei is the person behind those scoundrels. Selling it to a brothel, as for Yao Dalang, he was sentenced to death in the end and gave his subordinates an explanation.

Now he is only using this case to force the Yao family to compromise. Only then did Liu Dajiang understand why those gangsters changed their words. It turned out that they were using the Yao Dalang case to oppress the Yao family and send their daughter to the fire pit.

Liu Dajiang knew that he couldn't turn his face for the time being, so he said vaguely: "This is something to discuss, and it is impossible to answer immediately!"

"Well, my county lieutenant will suppress the case. There is only three days at most. After three days, he will be sent to the government office. There is nothing we can do."

After finishing speaking, Jiang's staff bowed their hands and left.

Liu Dajiang returned to the big tent worried, Yao Song asked: "Uncle, who is there?"

"It was sent by the county lieutenant, saying that there is a way to save your father, and the condition is that the county lieutenant will accept your younger sister as a concubine."

"Accept my sister as a concubine, has the county lieutenant seen my sister?"

"That's the problem. No one has seen it before, so you want to take a concubine? I'm afraid that taking a concubine is just an excuse, or it will be sold to a brothel."

Yao Song jumped up and said angrily: "This county captain must be the backstage of the hunter, the one behind the scenes, and he is the one who wants to kill our family."

Liu Dajiang saw that although his nephew was reckless, he was very clear-headed, and it was actually consistent with his guess.

He nodded and said: "Amei definitely can't give it to them. Your father still has time to save him. I was thinking that the county government must belong to them. Why don't we appeal to the government government?"

"Will it work?" Yao Song looked at his uncle expectantly.

"I don't know, but that person reminded me just now that if the other party is also at fault, it is not intentional homicide, but manslaughter, and the crime will be lessened, and the death penalty will not be imposed."

"Then what should we do?"

Liu Dajiang thought for a while and said: "Those people will definitely not let Xiaomei go. You take Xiaomei and hide in the south first. I will appeal to the government office. If it doesn't work, we will go to Jingzhao City to appeal. There is always a reasonable person in this world." place."

Yao Song followed his uncle's advice, immediately took some silver jewelry and a few copper coins from his mother, and took his younger sister Yao Mei to leave the refugee camp overnight and head south.

The next morning, the people monitoring Yao's family in the refugee camp found that Yao Mei had disappeared, and immediately rushed to the county government to report.

The county lieutenant of Datong County is called Du Shun. His younger sister Du Jiaoniang married Zhe Yanzhi as his concubine. She was very competitive and soon became pregnant. This made Zhe Yanzhi, who had no heirs, overjoyed. It was his own, and he cared for the concubine in every possible way. Ten months later, the concubine gave birth to a healthy boy, and Orihiko was ecstatic, offering the mother and child as treasures.

One person attains the Tao, chickens and dogs ascend to heaven, the Du family gains both power and wealth, the Du family's parents live in the mansion, the elder brother Du Shun even becomes the county magistrate of Datong County, and the Du family's eldest uncle Li Bailing is quite intelligent and is used by Zhe Yanzhi as the chief aide.

Du Shun was about [-] years old. He was originally a helpless rascal in Datong City. Now, because of his younger sister, he became a dignified county lieutenant. It can be said that he is a villain. He is not only a county lieutenant, but because of his background background, the county magistrate and county magistrate are afraid of him and obey him. He became the de facto head of the county government.

Orihiko also knew this, and he followed suit, using Dushun to control the county government.

Although Zhe Yanzhi is the governor of Datong and the military envoy of the Northeast Route of Hebei Province, he is not a single-handedly overlord in Datong Mansion, and the Datong Mansion is not controlled by him, but is directly subordinate to the Internal Affairs Hall.

This is also Chen Qing's concept of checks and balances. No dictator is allowed anywhere. Zhe Yanzhi controls the army and can assist government affairs to a certain extent, but he cannot interfere with government affairs. Therefore, there is a prefect in Datong Prefecture, and the prefect is Yelv Qiyan.

It was Yelu Qiyan's informant that Chen Qing knew that Zhe Yanzhi had another son, and he did not report it according to the regulations. It is a good thing to have a son when he is old, and the child is still young. Of course, he does not need to send him to live in Jingzhao. Go to Jingzhao to study.

But according to the regulations, it must be reported to the Department of the Military Department, but Zhe Yanzhi didn't know how to think about it. He even concealed this matter, which made Chen Qing very upset. In the end, he sent his confidant Yan Jun to lead [-] cavalry to support Datong Mansion. Zhe Yanzhi's lieutenant general, but the [-] cavalry are still in Yan Jun's hands.

When Du Shun heard that the daughter of the Yao family had run away, he was furious and immediately ordered Dutou Zhang Qin to lead [-] archers to chase after the two brothers and sisters on horseback.

Although he has never met Yao Mei, he has indeed heard of it. This Yao Mei is less than sixteen years old. She is one in a million and extremely beautiful. It's not that he doesn't want to take her as a concubine, but he has a jealous wife in his family, so he dare not, His wife is his cousin Li Shi, the daughter of Li Bailing. She is very jealous and forbids her husband to take concubines. Her father, Li Bailing, is Orihiko's military adviser and number one staff member. Du Shun's sister is Li Bailing who arranged for Orihiko. as a concubine and bore him a son.

The wealth of the Du family was given by Li Bailing. Of course Du Shun didn't dare to provoke his wife. Since he couldn't be a concubine, he could train Yao Mei to be the chief oiran of Datong City and become Du Shun's cash cow.

Staff Jiang Qing suggested to Du Shun: "For Yao Dalang's case, it's best for the county lieutenant to say hello to his wife first, and let his wife give the governor a pillow, lest the Khitan thief come to question the governor."

The Khitan thief is the prefect Yelu Qiyan, because he and Zhe Yanzhi have a bad relationship, so they all call Yelu Qiyan a Khitan thief behind their backs.

Du Shun nodded, he understood what Jiang Qing meant, not just about the Yao Dalang case itself, but because he was afraid that the Khitan thief would investigate the matter of the hunter if he pulled out the carrot and brought out the mud.

(End of this chapter)

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