
Chapter 1163

Chapter 1163
Three days later, Liu Dajiang submitted a petition to the government office,

The prefect Yelu Qiyan has a good reputation among the people, he cares about the sufferings of the people, takes care of the widows, the old and the weak, and is an upright official.

On many issues of principle, he and Orihiko disagreed. For example, he opposed harming the interests of the people for the sake of defense, but Orihiko believed that defense was the most important thing, and the interests of the people must give way to defense.

Specifically, the demolition of houses along the city wall involves the vital interests of nearly [-] households. Yelu Qiyan only agreed to demolish houses within a hundred steps, while Orihiko believed that within a hundred steps was far from enough, and he insisted on demolishing three hundred houses. step.

The two were at a stalemate over this, but because Orihiko controlled the county government, he finally cooperated with the county government to demolish all the houses within [-] paces, emptying the government office, the people cried, and Yelu Qiyan was so angry that his teeth itched. There is no way.

There is also the matter of refugees in Yingzhou this time. It is reasonable that the military and the county government should cooperate to resettle the refugees. It's because of Zhe Yanzhi's face, regardless of Zhe Yan's quality, the county government will not do his best. Yelu Qiyan had to run back and forth to collect food supplies. Fortunately, Niu Gao sent troops to send a batch of food tents in time, and finally solved the problem. Survival of refugees.

These are just a few examples. In fact, the conflict between Yelu Qiyan and Zhe Yanzhi exists all the time. The root cause is that Zhe Yanzhi wants to control the military and government, but Yelu Qiyan does not cooperate, which leads to deep conflicts between the two sides.

Yelu Qiyan read Liu Dajiang's statement and frowned. The county captain Du Shun actually abducted a refugee girl and forced her into prostitution. She had already succeeded in seven cases. The eighth case was unsuccessful because she was killed, but she accidentally killed someone in order to fight. father was sentenced to death.

He ordered his entourage: "Go and bring this Liu Dajiang, I will ask him personally."

The entourage went out, and not long after, the entourage brought Liu Dajiang up, and Liu Dajiang knelt down and kowtowed, "Xiaomin pays homage to the Lord Fu!"

"Are you Liu Dajiang who wrote this statement?"

"Xiaomin is right!"

"Let me ask you, what is your relationship with Yao Dalang in the statement?"

"Yao Dalang is the villain's brother-in-law."

"I read in your statement that the man was not killed by Yao Dalang. What happened? Please tell me what happened in detail."

Liu Dajiang tricked Yao into drinking and owed [-] guan for no reason. When the other party came to ask for the debt, he beat Yao Dalang. Cut my nephew's shoulder and back, if he didn't wear a lot of clothes in winter, he would be completely useless after this knife."

Yelu Qiyan frowned and said: "There are four people in total, one was killed, and there were three more. These three should have witnessed the killing of the leader. Since it can be proved that Yao Song killed the murder, why did the county government arrest Yao Dalang?"

"That's the problem. The county government judged the case clearly, and Xiaomin also found it strange. Later, Jiang Qing, the county lieutenant's aide, found the villain, and the villain knew that things were not easy."

"Jiang Qing?"

Of course Yelu Qiyan knew about this person, a staff member of the county government, full of bad taste.

"What did he tell you?"

"He said it could work. Yao Dalang would not be sentenced to death, and he could even be released. The condition he offered was that the daughter of the Yao family should be a concubine for the county magistrate."

Yelu Qiyan sneered, this is a different way to sell this woman as a prostitute!
"And then? Did you agree?"

"How can a villain trust them? They are demons who eat people and don't spit out bones. I asked Yao Song to take his sister and flee to Daizhou overnight. I'm afraid they will jump over the wall to arrest people."

Yelu Qiyan nodded, this Liu Dajiang was quite clear-headed and was not fooled.

"You stated in your statement that the county captain Du Shun was their mastermind behind the scenes. What evidence do you have?"

"I want to report to the Lord, although there is no direct evidence for Xiaomin, this incident can be investigated. It has happened seven times. The refugee camp calls them hunters and hates them. The Lord can arrest these hunters." , torture them behind the scenes, and then arrest the bustard and ask them who they gave the money to, won’t you know the truth?”

Yelu Qiyan said slowly: "If there is such a thing as prostitution, of course I will take care of it. You go back first, and I will investigate it thoroughly."

"Thank you, Lord Fu, for upholding justice, Xiaomin resigns!"

Liu Dajiang left, and Yelu Qiyan paced back and forth in the lobby with his hands behind his back. As soon as Liu Dajiang said, Yelu Qiyan immediately realized that this was an opportunity to bring down Du Shun. From Liu Dajiang's explanation, Yelu Qiyan also It is certain that Du Shun is behind this incident.

But the point is that there is no evidence. Liu Dajiang's suggestion to arrest the hunter and the bustard is also a way.

With these people's confessions, Zhe Yanzhi dared not defend his shortcomings, otherwise he would directly issue an ultimatum to His Royal Highness King Yong. As long as Du Shun was overthrown, Zhe Yanzhi would not be able to use the county government to evade himself.

But now there is still a problem, that is, the government government has no government officials and archers, only some civil servants, and the specific work is done by the county government, so the government government must go through the county government to arrest people.

Yelu Qiyan hesitated for a moment, the only way was to go to Yan Jun and ask him to lend him some soldiers.

Yan Jun is really a bit difficult to deal with, borrowing troops is not impossible, but Yelu Qiyan should borrow troops from Zhe Yanzhi, obviously Zhe Yanzhi refuses to lend troops to him, but if he borrows soldiers himself, wouldn't he offend Zhe Yanzhi Quality?
Of course Yan Jun knew about the conflict between Yelu Qiyan and Zhe Yanzhi, and was a little worried that Zhe Yanzhi trusted the Du family too much, but he didn't want to participate in the struggle between Yelv Qiyan and Zhe Yanzhi.

Yelu Qiyan saw Yan Jun's hesitation, and he simply said frankly: "I borrowed troops only to protect the refugees and the people from harm, and I wanted to catch the people behind the cruelty of the refugees. I didn't know that when General Yan went north, King Yong How did His Highness explain to General Yan that if General Yan wants to protect himself wisely and is unwilling to defend the reputation of King Yong, then I will not force him, I will find a way to organize refugees to protect themselves, and I will leave!"

Yan Jun was slightly shocked. He was obviously hit by Yelu Qiyan's words. He came to protect the interests of King Yong, not to be a good old man. He was afraid of offending others, which was not what King Yong expected of him.

Yelu Qiyan turned to leave, Yan Jun sighed and said: "Why is the Fujun so eager, I didn't say no, I just thought about a compromise?"

"Is there any compromise for General Yan?" Yelu Qiyan turned around and asked.

Yan Jun nodded, "It stands to reason that without the consent of the general, I, the deputy general, can never borrow troops out, but I have [-] guards, which are regarded as my direct soldiers, and I don't need the consent of the general to mobilize them. Lend it to you!"

Yeluqi Yan was overjoyed, and quickly apologized: "Just now I spoke too much, please don't blame General Yan!"

Yan Jun smiled wryly, "What you said just now woke me up. The most important thing is to protect King Yong's reputation. Everything else can be put aside."

He took out a silver command arrow and handed it to Yelu Qiyan, "With this command arrow, I can command my [-] guards. They have generals. The governor just tells them what to do, and they will definitely carry out the order."

"Thank you, General Yan, for your help!"

(End of this chapter)

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