
Chapter 1164 Er Shun

Chapter 1164 Er Shun
Sixty ears are smooth, Zhe Yanzhi's ears are really soft for more than a year, he obeyed his concubine Du Shi's words, especially his concubine gave him a son, which made him have a son in his later years, and finally continued his life. His heart is full of gratitude to Du Clan, so as long as he doesn't ask Du Clan to sacrifice his city and surrender to the Kingdom of Jin or the nomads, he will obey and resolutely comply with all kinds of requests from Clan Du.

Gradually, there were various ridicules in Datong City, such as where is the strongest wind in Datong City?It's not the outlet of the prairie, but the bedside of the governor's bedroom; another example is that King Yong's appointment as the governor has long been expected, and it is the homonym of Dudu.

At noon, Orihiko returned to the mansion as usual, and picked up his half-year-old son to play with him. At this time, he accidentally found his concubine sitting aside and secretly wiping tears. He couldn't help but startled, "What's wrong with you? What's the matter?" Tears?"

"It's nothing, there was a strong gust of wind just now, and I was blinded by the wind and sand."

"Nonsense, do you think I'm a fool? Can't you see that you are sad?"

"I was just a little scared just now!"

"Tell me, what are you afraid of?"

Du held the child in his arms and cried: "Of course I hope the master will live a long life, but what should I do with the child?"

This is a very serious and realistic question. Orihiko is already in his sixties, how many years can he live?It is very rare for him to live to be seventy years old. It would be great for him to live to be seventy years old, but Orihiko has his own body, and it is a luxury for him to live to seventy years old, but even if he can live to seventy years old, There are only eight years left.

His son is only eight years old, and his concubine is only twenty-seven or eight years old.

He smiled wryly and said: "No matter what, I will definitely leave you a large sum of money and a mansion in Jingzhao. You can live comfortably."

"Who does the master think our orphans and widows can rely on?"

Of course, Zhe Yanzhi didn't want Mrs. Du to remarry again. If he remarried, his son would take the stepfather's surname, so he didn't do it. He thought for a while and said, "You can rely on your father and brother. I treat them well. They should be able to take care of you." Hello."

This is what Du Shi wanted, she sighed and said: "If the master is good for my elder brother, then don't let him be an official."


"There are a lot of discussions in the city, saying that my elder brother has no fame and can't read a basket, but he can become a county lieutenant because of his nepotism. Not only can he not help the master, but he will also damage the master's reputation."

Zhe Yanzhi waved his hand, and said noncommittally: "You need brothers to fight a tiger, and you need father and son soldiers to go into battle. Everyone knows that relatives are reliable, and if there are relatives available, of course relatives must be used. Although Du Shun is not from a professional class, he is better than those The nerd is much more capable, and he took control of the county government office only half a year after he took office, if he hadn't helped me control the county government office, how could I have dealt with that Khitan thief in the government office?"

"But there are a lot of rumors against him out there. I'm afraid that it's easy to hide from the open, but hard to defend from the dark. My brother has a straight temper, and he was framed by conspiracy and tricks!"

"Don't worry, with me here, who dares to touch him? I know it in my heart. Someone dreams of bringing Du Shun down and regaining control of the county government. How can I let him succeed!"

Although Du Shi is only twenty years old, she has a deep scheming heart. She sprinkled a handful of rice first to make Orihiko realize that the only way to protect his son is to rely on his elder brother. When Orihiko realized this, she then distributed One set, and Orihiko got into the set, so he had to protect Du Shun with all his life.

Zhe Yanzhi stayed at home for less than half an hour before returning to the barracks. As soon as Zhe Yanzhi left, Du ran over by the way. Mrs. Du sent all the maids away. She and her brother wanted to talk about confidential matters, and let her A confidant maid stood guard at the gate of the courtyard.

Without any outsiders, the two of them just flirted with each other in the room, having a good time, they are not real siblings, Mrs. Du is just an adopted daughter, her actual surname is Yang, she hooked up with Du Shun a long time ago, adoptive father and adoptive mother Of course, I also know that she is just pretending to be deaf and dumb. She was originally adopted to carry on the Du family's family.

But this matter is quite confidential, even Du Shun's wife, Li Shi, didn't know about it, so she really thought they were brother and sister.

But the little concubine Du Shi didn't know who the biological father of the child was, whether it was Orihiko or the eldest brother Du Shun. Counting time, both of them were possible, and both of them were similar in stature and appearance. Zhang square face.

This is a muddled account, and Mrs. Du doesn't want to settle the account clearly, even if it is Zhe Yanzhi's son!Her benefits are more.

After Yunshou and the rain rested, the two put on their clothes, Du Shi poked Du Shun's forehead with his fingers, and said coquettishly, "I come here all day to steal, if you have the ability, take me home to have fun."

"That can't be done. The vinegar bottle at home will fall when touched, crying, making noise and hanging himself. I'm really afraid of her."

"She doesn't even lay an egg, what are you afraid she will do, this one will kick her legs in the future, don't you want Wan Guan's wealth?"

"Don't worry! When that day comes, I will definitely divorce her, and then we will go to Bashu to live in seclusion, change our names and surnames, no one will know us, and we will be rich for the rest of our lives."

Speaking of this, Du Shun glanced at the sleeping child on the small bed, frowned and said, "You said this child is mine, but I feel more like that old guy."

"He's only half a year old. Can you tell who he looks like? Besides, you're only thirty years old. That old guy is sixty-two years old. Who do you think he is?"

Du Shun curled his lips and did not say a word. Logically, it should be his child, but he also has an unspeakable secret. He has been married for three years, but his wife's stomach still hasn't moved. hurt.

But he never dared to say this hidden worry, so he knew very well that this child might not be his own.

"Let's talk about business! Did you tell him?"

"I told him, don't worry, as long as I open my mouth, he will definitely agree. He assured me that with him, no one can touch your hair."

Du Shun breathed a sigh of relief. He just got the news that Yelu Qiyan had borrowed [-] soldiers, and the gangsters who were arresting him all over the city had already arrested more than a dozen people. He knew that these people were vicious towards the refugees. But when they were in front of the soldiers, they all turned into soft-footed shrimps. Not to mention torture, even if they yelled and cursed a few times, these guys would be scared to death, and they would explain everything cleanly.

That's why Du Shun was very worried. Now that he had Zhe Yan's guarantee, Du Shun was not afraid that Yelu Qiyan would make trouble for him.

Yelu Qiyan led a large group of soldiers into the Baihualou brothel. He interrogated the scoundrels who acted as hunters. The person behind the scenes was indeed the county captain Du Shun. They had already sold seven girls to Baihualou. Too few, and asked them to sell more people, and Yao Dalang's murder happened at this pass.

Yelu Qiyan was angry and hated that the dignified county magistrate actually did such a wicked thing of forcing girls into prostitution. For the time being, he didn't care about looking for Du Shun, but rushed to Baihualou to rescue the forced girls.

The soldiers punched and kicked for a while, making the old bustard cry and howl, she repeatedly kowtowed and begged for mercy, "My lord, please spare my life!"

Yelu Qiyan grabbed her by the hair and slapped her more than a dozen times, causing her to vomit blood. Yelu Qiyan gritted his teeth and said, "How dare you force someone into prostitution under my rule, I will kill you!"

The old bustard vomited blood and mumbled, "They...they haven't picked up any customers yet!"

"What you said is true?"

"The villain dare not lie. They just came in, and they have to be raised for a while before they can pick up guests until their skin is slippery. This is the rule, otherwise the guests will be dissatisfied."

"Where are they?"

"They all live in the west building!"

Yelu Qiyan said to the soldiers: "Go to the west building and bring them all out!"

A group of soldiers rushed to the west building, Yelu Qiyan asked the old bustard again: "Who is the money for buying them?"

"It's for Mr. Jiang."

"Jiang Qing, county magistrate?"

"It's him!"

"Do you have his receipt?"

"Yes, there are all seven receipts."

Although the receipt was not signed by Du Shun himself, Jiang Qing was Du Shun's aide, and he signed it on behalf of Du Shun.

Yelu Qiyan ordered the soldiers to take the bustard down to make a statement. At this time, all seven young ladies were found and brought out. They were all beautiful, but weeping.

The commander whispered to Yelu Qiyan: "I have asked them, and it is true that they haven't started receiving guests yet."

Yelu Qiyan nodded and said: "Take them into the bullock cart and return them directly to their parents, and explain clearly to their parents that their daughter is lucky to be rescued in time, but no matter what the reason is, if they dare to sell their daughter next time , I will never spare them!"

(End of this chapter)

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