
Chapter 1165 Blocking the Street

Chapter 1165 Blocking the Street
The conflict between Yelu Qiyan and Zhe Yanzhi finally broke out, and the two quarreled embarrassingly.

Usually they hardly speak when they meet, at most they just nod their heads and say hello, but this time they completely tore apart their faces.

The fuse was the [-] soldiers led by Yelv Qiyan. Without his own consent, the other party actually led soldiers to arrest people, even though they were Yan Jun's guards and were not under the jurisdiction of Ori Yanzhi.

But the fact of leading the army to arrest people was enough to make Orihiko burn with anger.

"What evidence do you have for spitting blood? Do you think it's possible that the majestic magistrate would do such a thing? Or do you want to take this opportunity to bring down magistrate Du?"

As expected of being a soldier, Orihiko had a loud voice, and his angry roar made the lobby buzz.

Yelu Qiyan also went all out, and said loudly: "We all speak with evidence. These dozens of confessions all admit that Du Xianwei is the person behind the crime, and even the brothel procuress. Her confession also proves that the mastermind who forced her into prostitution is Du Xianwei. .”

Orihiko laughed loudly, "It's really ridiculous. The confessions of a group of scoundrels and old bustards, these rubbish are in your hands. Don't you have the final say on what you want them to confess?"

"Could there be false confessions?"

"Prefect Yelu, are you naive or am I naive? You hand this group of people over to me, and within half an hour, I promise that they will unanimously identify you as the one behind the scenes of prostitution!"


Yelu Qiyan was furious, he stared at Zhe Yanzhi and said: "You are the majestic governor of Datong Mansion, the commander of the Western Army, you clearly know it is true, why are you so rascal?"

Zhe Yanzhi became angry from embarrassment, and he said coldly: "The important person who handles the case has all the evidence and materials. It is wishful thinking to overthrow the county magistrate with a single confession. Prefect Yelu, you have motives. You want to overthrow the county magistrate Du and regain the county. It is precisely because you have such a motive that I don't believe you, you want to testify against County Captain Du and show evidence!"

Yelu Qiyan threw a stack of receipts on the table, "This is the signed receipt of the seven girls who sold it, proving that they have received the money from the brothel. The signer is Jiang Qing, Du Shun's aide, what qualifications does Jiang Qing have to receive it?" Qian, this clearly represents Du Shun."

Orihiko still shook his head, "If it was Du Shun's signature, I would accept it, but Jiang Qing can only represent himself, not the county lieutenant."

"Since the governor said so, why not call Jiang Qing here, and let's confront him face to face!"


Zhe Yanzhi ordered his soldiers: "Go to the county government and bring Jiang Qing to me!"

The air was extremely tense, the two looked at each other coldly, and neither of them spoke.

The county government office was right next to the governor's mansion, and after a while, the soldiers came back to report, "To the governor, Chiang's staff did not come to the county government office today."

"Did you go to his house to look for it?"

"Go, his family said, he went to the county government early in the morning, but the county government didn't come, and Jiang's staff disappeared."

Zhe Yanzhi narrowed his eyes and said to Yelu Qiyan: "I have a suggestion for the prefect of Yelu, you go and catch Jiang Qing first and ask for a confession, without a confession, you can't testify against anyone!"

Yelu Qiyan put away the receipt, and said coldly: "Just cover it up, one day, you will fall into his hands."

After speaking, Yelu Qiyan turned around and walked away.

Zhe Yanzhi stared at Yelv Qiyan as he walked away, his eyes spewed fire with hatred, he drew out his sword and slammed it on the table fiercely.

Chen Qing's [-] cavalry had arrived in Shanyang County, Shuozhou, surrounded by ice and snow, and the official road was very difficult, so they had to walk slowly to the city.

Cheng Zhu, the magistrate of Shuozhou, the judge of Wu Xuan, Sima Yangdong, and a group of officials from Shanyang County, the magistrate and the county magistrate, came to greet him outside the city.

Chen Qing said a few words to appease everyone, and said with a smile to Zhizhou Cheng Zhu: "I heard that Shuozhou Huyang Soup is very famous. It is spicy and thick, and it is very good at warding off the cold. Can you prepare three thousand bowls of Huyang Soup for my subordinates to drive away the cold? Pay as you go!"

Cheng Zhu hurriedly said: "Just a few bowls of Huyang soup"

He originally wanted to say what money he had to pay, but the judge Wu Xuan stabbed him in the back, he reacted very quickly, and quickly changed his words, "The state government can afford it, and there is no need for your Highness to pay additional money."

Chen Qing smiled slightly: "Then I will trouble everyone!"

Cheng Zhu said to the county magistrate Li Xiuyuan: "Magistrate Li, this matter is entrusted to you. Organize more than a dozen restaurants to make soup, hurry up, and the state government will bear the necessary expenses!"

"The humble job will be arranged immediately!"

Several officials from the county government went to arrange Huyang Tang. Chen Qing led his army into the city, and was greeted by countless people on both sides. They saw King Yong's banner and knew that King Yong was coming, and they were very enthusiastic. "

At this moment, two people ran out suddenly, a man and a woman, both young, the woman knelt down and shouted: "His Royal Highness, we have been wronged!"

Beads of sweat dripped from Zhizhou Cheng Zhu's forehead. At this critical moment, someone actually blocked the way and shouted for grievances. He quickly ordered the archers, "Drag them down!"

Archers stepped forward to drag them, and the woman shouted angrily, "His Royal Highness, we are your people, and our grievances are higher than mountains. Do you just ignore the lives of your own people?"

Chen Qing's heart was shocked, this sentence was too powerful, he waved his hand, stopped the archer, and said to the soldiers: "Go up and have a look!"

Several personal soldiers stepped forward to check, and came back to report after a while, "His Royal Highness, the man has a knife wound on his back, which has deteriorated, his whole body is hot, and he is about to faint. He must be treated immediately, otherwise he will not survive."

Chen Qing nodded, "Take them to the barracks and treat his injuries first!"

At this time, an archer whispered to Cheng Zhu: "Zhizhou, they sued the county government before, it seems that they are suing Datong Mansion, and it has nothing to do with us."

Cheng Zhu breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly said, "Your Highness, there is a famous wound doctor in this city. He is very famous. I can arrange for him to treat wounds."

"Yes! Hurry up and send someone to invite you."

Needless to say, the men and women who filed the complaint were the Yao brothers and sisters. They fled to Shuozhou and hid for a while. Then the two brothers and sisters went to the county government to file a complaint, but the county government refused to accept it. At this time, Yao Song's back injury worsened , They have no money for medical treatment.

Yao Mei was helpless, and just when she was desperate, someone shouted outside, "His Royal Highness is here."

She was heartbroken, and immediately blocked her brother behind her back to file a complaint. Although Yao Mei was only fifteen years old and was usually silent, at critical moments, she was more courageous than anyone else.

There is a large military camp in Shanyang County, which is the place for the training of the township soldiers. It happened to be stationed for [-] cavalry. Zhizhou Cheng Zhu came with the famous doctor Wang Fuchun, and immediately treated Yao Song's wounds.

At this time, the county magistrate took the merchants to pick up dozens of large buckets of hot Huyang soup. Yuhou tested the poison and immediately distributed the soup to the soldiers to keep out the cold.

In the big tent, Chen Qing drank a bowl of Huyang soup, which tasted very similar to the Hu spicy soup of later generations. It tasted very strong, with a lot of pepper added. enjoyable.

Chen Qing smiled and looked at the little girl opposite who was drinking soup from a small bowl. The little lady was about fifteen or sixteen years old. Although she was a little thin, her skin was astonishingly white and greasy. She looked around with big black and white eyes, and she was extremely beautiful.

Chen Qing sighed softly, Gu Yun, beauty is a disaster, a woman is too beautiful, she will be scrambled by countless powerful people, and the family around her will also be affected.

Yao Mei felt a little embarrassed by Chen Qing, put the bowl on the table, and whispered: "Thank you, Your Highness, I'm done drinking."

Chen Qing nodded and smiled and asked, "What's your name, where are you from?"

"The little girl's name is Yao Mei, from Yingxian County, Yingzhou."

"Who is that injured man to you?"

"He is my elder brother, he was hacked by the villain."

"Is it your brother?" Chen Qing asked again.

Yao Mei nodded, "His name is Yao Song, we are brothers and sisters."

Chen Qing smiled and asked again: "So you want to sue the officials in Yingzhou?"

Yao Mei gritted her teeth and said, "No! I want to sue Du Shun, Lieutenant of Datong County, for framing innocent people, forcing them into prostitution, and doing all kinds of evil things!"

[Sorry for today, two updates! 】

(End of this chapter)

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