
Chapter 1166 Inspection

Chapter 1166 Inspection
Everyone's status is different, and the angle and focus of looking at the problem are naturally different. Yao Mei looked up from the bottom up, and what she saw was Du Shunli using power to harm the people and force them into prostitution, while Chen Qing looked down from the top, and what she saw was It was Orihiko who used his wife's family to control the county government and emptied the government government. In the final analysis, it was the fault of the desire for power.

It could be seen that Yao Mei was very tired, Chen Qing comforted her a few words, promised to make decisions for her, and asked the soldiers to take her down to rest.

He immediately came to the side tent, just in time to meet the famous doctor Wang Fuchun coming out from it, Chen Qing asked: "How is his condition?"

Wang Fuchun hurriedly saluted and said: "Reporting to Your Highness, this child is very strong. An ordinary person would have died long ago, but he actually held on."

"Can it be cured?"

"It shouldn't be a big problem. It's actually just a flesh injury. Cut off the carrion, then apply medicine to bandage it, and change the medicine every three days. After about half a month of treatment, he will recover."

"But he was running a fever and had to bring it down."

"I rubbed his body with medicine, and now his body temperature has dropped. I gave him another medicine and got a good night's sleep. He should be back to normal tomorrow. He looks serious, but it's actually not a big problem."

"Thank you, Doctor Wang!"

"Where! Where! It is my honor to be able to serve His Majesty."

Chen Qing asked his soldiers to take the doctor out, and he went into the tent to look at Yao Song, and saw that he was sleeping soundly, so he went back to the tent to rest.

In the morning of the next day, Chen Qing asked the soldiers to arrange a carriage, let Yao Song lie on the carriage, cover him with a bedding, and let his sister Yao Mei take care of him. The famous doctor Wang Fuchun brought a lot of medicine.

The team continued to march northward in a mighty way. There was a small town called Anping Town, twenty miles away from Datong City. There was an inn in the town. Chen Qing arranged the Yao brothers and sisters to live in the inn, and left Two bodyguards guarded them.

The team continued to march towards Datong City. In the afternoon, the team arrived in Datong City. The governor Zhe Yanzhi, the governor Shi Zhaojun, the deputy governor Yan Jun, and a group of civil and military officials including the prefect Yelu Qiyan and the general judge Liu Dingguang. Go out of the city to welcome the arrival of Yong Wang Chen Qing.

Everyone saluted together, "See His Royal Highness King Yong!"

Chen Qing smiled and nodded, "Datong Mansion is our northern gate. The conditions are harsh and the climate is cold. Everyone can work hard to guard the gate. Thank you for your hard work!"

The lord's words moved everyone, and Orihiko bowed and said: "In the cold winter and the snowy moon, Your Highness is not afraid of the wind and cold, and came all the way to visit us. It is our honor and it also puts a heavier burden on our shoulders. Your Highness has worked hard all the way. City rest!"

The crowd surrounded Chen Qing and entered Datong City like stars holding the moon, and three thousand cavalry were stationed in the specially prepared barracks.

Orihiko immediately sent hundreds of sheep and hundreds of jars of wine. The sergeant killed the sheep and roasted the meat, drank heavily, and passed the night happily.

In the early morning of the next day, Zhe Yanzhi, Yan Jun and Yelu Qiyan accompanied Chen Qing to the city wall to inspect the defense of Datong City. This is actually the reason why Chen Qing came to Datong for inspection. The pressure from the grassland nomads has already appeared, and the pressure will increase in the future. Datong, the military status of Datong will be more prominent.

Datong City is the Xijing of the Liao Kingdom. It was rebuilt according to the specifications of the capital city. The city is tall and majestic. It is built with large bluestones and is extremely strong. There are two gates in the north and the south, as well as the urn city. Only [-] troops are enough to defend Datong City as solid as gold. .

"How was the part of the city wall that we attacked and destroyed when we attacked Datong City?"'

Orihiko said with a smile: "Your Highness, I remembered wrongly. What we blew up was not the city wall, but the auxiliary gate of the West City. With the city wall being strong, it is really not easy for the iron fire thunder to blow it down!"

Chen Qing said with a smile: "That's right! There are too many cities attacked, so I'm confused. If you say it's strong, then let's talk about its shortcomings. I'm here to understand the shortcomings and then solve the problem."

Orihiko smiled at Yan Jun: "General Yan, let's talk! You have been studying the defense of Datong recently, so you should understand something."

Yan Jun leaned forward and said, "The defense of Datong City is good in all aspects. After a hundred years of construction, it is already very complete. If we must point out the weaknesses, I think the moat is not wide enough. If the moat is wider, it will be more conducive to our concentrated shooting. Moreover, the enemy's large-scale siege weapons, such as nest vehicles, large ladders, etc., can't get through, they can only rely on siege ladders, and kerosene is enough to deal with siege ladders."

Yan Jun's thinking was right, Chen Qing looked at the moat under the city, it was indeed not wide enough, and it was a little inconsistent with the tall and majestic city wall.

Chen Qing turned around and asked Yelu Qiyan, "May I ask Lord Yelu, how many people have escaped from Yingzhou?"

Yelu Qiyan quickly said: "Reporting to Your Highness, there are about [-] people."

"Is no one going back?"

Yelu Qiyan shook his head, "The city of Ying County has been completely burned down, and the city walls have collapsed in many places, and the people are worried about their safety, so they are unwilling to go back."

"How many young adults can be organized among the refugees?"

Yelu Qiyan thought for a while and said, "About ten thousand people!"

"If I let them dig the moat, do you think it will work?"

"Reporting to Your Highness, it's a bit difficult!"

Orihiko next to him sarcastically said: "The prefect of Yelu has always cherished the power of the people, and he is afraid that the refugees will suffer a little bit. Of course there are difficulties in his eyes!"

Yelu Qiyan glared at Zhe Yanzhi, and quickly explained: "His Royal Highness, the difficulty mentioned by the humble officials does not mean that they are unwilling to work, but because the humble officials do not have so much money and food in their hands, and the little food in the hands of the humble officials was brought from Taiyuan Prefecture. , has been supported for several months.”

"Zhe Dudu, how much food is left in the military treasury?"

Orihiko bowed and said, "About [-] shi, can support [-] troops for about half a year."

Chen Qing nodded, "Let's do this! I will allocate [-] shi of grain from the army treasury to the government office. After the spring, I will arrange to send [-] shi of grain from Taiyuan Mansion and Lingxia Road each, and [-] shi from the civilian treasury and the military treasury. , as well as sheep and various other supplies.”

Yelu Qiyan was really moved, there was no food, the refugee camp was difficult to maintain, all kinds of chaos happened one after another, unexpectedly His Royal Highness came and solved the food problem.

Yelu Qiyan choked with sobs and said: "Thank you for your concern, I will definitely arrange for civilian husbands to dig the moat."

Orihiko felt very uncomfortable and unwilling, he wanted to find ten thousand reasons to refuse, but he still dared not refuse, not to mention that King Yong used digging a moat as an excuse, which was related to the defense plan, so he couldn't refuse.

"The humble job will arrange for the distribution of food!" Since he couldn't refuse, Orihiko readily agreed.

Chen Qing then inspected the warehouse, the city gate and the city wall. He suddenly found a large open space between the houses and the city wall, with a width of [-] paces. Although he knew it was necessary for defense, it was usually around [-] paces. , [-] steps is too wide, how many houses will be demolished?

Chen Qing frowned and asked: "Zhe Dudu, why did you demolish the [-]-step open space?"

Orihiko quickly explained: "Reporting to Your Highness, the low position is based on two considerations. One is the need to defend the city. Defending the city is not only a matter on the top of the city, but also requires the cooperation of large weapons below the city, such as heavy trebuchets, the city If the head cannot be put down, it must be placed under the city and thrown from under the city to the outside of the city."

"If it's a heavy trebuchet, a hundred steps is enough."

"Your Highness, I have another idea. That is to build another wall, called the inner city wall. If the enemy breaks through the city wall, we can retreat to the inner city wall and continue to defend."

Chen Qing didn't take the idea of ​​the inner city wall seriously. If the tall and strong outer city wall couldn't be defended, how could the mere inner city wall be able to hold it?
Chen Qing only smiled and did not continue to comment.

Yelu Qiyan's heart was pounding with nervousness, and he could tell that His Royal Highness King Yong did not agree with the demolition of the [-]-step dwelling.

(End of this chapter)

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