
Chapter 1167 Inquiry

Chapter 1167 Inquiry
After lunch, Chen Qing met Yan Jun alone. Everyone knew that Yan Jun had been the leader of Chen Qing's soldiers for many years and was the confidant of King Yong. It was understandable for King Yong to meet him alone.

"Sit down and talk!" Chen Qing pointed to a stool and laughed.

Yan Jun was a little embarrassed and said: "Let's just stand up and talk about the humble job! I'm used to it."

Chen Qing said with a smile: "I brought you a few letters from home, I'll give them to you later, don't worry! The family is very good, the princess often sends people to visit them."

Yan Jun was moved in his heart, bowed and said, "Thank you, Your Highness, for your kindness!"

"Tell me about the current situation!"

Chen Qing waved his hand and said: "I came to Datong Mansion this time to solve the problem. I want to know what is the problem in Datong City? It will affect the defense, or even become a hidden danger. Datong Mansion is the most important thing. If we lose Datong Mansion, we will If there is a huge crisis, the Eastern Expedition will become a luxury, and it is precisely because it is so important that I personally came to Datong to inspect it."

"The humble official understands, because Zhe Dudu and the prefect of Yelu are here this morning, so there are some things that are difficult for the humble official to say!"

"Is it because Orihiko and Yelv Qiyan have deep conflicts?"

"Yes! Their conflicts are indeed deep, and recently they have turned their faces publicly because of a case."

"Whose responsibility is it?" Chen Qing asked again.

Yan Jun shook his head, "I can't talk about whose responsibility it is, I think it's because some problems haven't been clarified, mainly because the power limit of Zhe Dudu is not clear."

"What do you mean, be more specific."

"Your Highness, I have talked with Zhe Dudu. He thinks that the concept of Dudu is military and political. Because Liangzhou Governor and Ganzhou Governor are like this, so he always intervenes in government affairs, but the prefect of Yelu is very resistant. He thinks that Zheyan The quality hand stretched too far, the two often had conflicts over some trivial matters, Zhe Dudu was very stubborn, he would not give up easily, and in the end he used his brother-in-law to control the Datong county government and emptied the Datong government government."

"Did you tell him that Datong Prefecture is different from Liangzhou? Liangzhou is a governor's state, and there is no prefecture, while Datong Prefecture is a normal administrative state, with military and government separated."

Yan Jun smiled wryly and said: "I said it in a humble position, but it doesn't make sense. Orihiko is very stubborn. He thinks that he used to be a privy secretary, and he served as the governor of Datong as a civil servant. He is in charge of both military and government affairs. Moreover, he has another identity." He is the Defense Envoy of Northeast Hebei Road, so he believes that government affairs are also a part of defense, and all government affairs should be done around defense, and defense is the sky!"

"Defense is heaven!"

Chen Qing agreed with this sentence very much, and he laughed again: "So they just have a conflict of ideas."

"Exactly! I can give you two examples. One is the issue of militias organized by young refugees. The prefect of Yelu agreed to form militias, but asked for a certain amount of food subsidies. Zhe Dudu thought that they had done their duty by giving food relief every day. Being a militia There is no need to give additional food subsidies to their obligations, and the two are at a stalemate for this.

The second example is the demolition of residential buildings along the city wall. The magistrate of Yelu insisted on demolishing them within a hundred steps. The governor of Zhedu wanted to build a second defensive wall and insisted on demolishing it within [-] steps. The governor's arrangement demolished all the houses within [-] steps, involving more than [-] households and tens of thousands of people.

At that time, tens of thousands of people went to the Dudu Mansion to cry and beg, but it was useless. Zhe Dudu's attitude was very tough. He could not lower the defense requirements for the benefit of some people, so the common people called Zhe Dudu Zhe Tiger, but Zhe Dudu said , Defense is the sky, he wants to protect the Datong Mansion, everything else is not important, you say that the dismissal of the governor is out of selfishness, that may not be true, but he is very stubborn, hard-hearted, humble, and to be honest, neither of them is wrong. "

Chen Qing nodded and asked again: "Just now you said that they publicly fell out because of a case. What case?"

Yan Jun sighed and said: "It's a murder case. Recently, a local ruffian lured a young refugee girl to a brothel. Usually, he made the girl's father bear a huge debt in a daze, and then forced the father to use his daughter to pay off the debt. I have already succeeded a lot, but in the latest case, an accident happened, the son fought with the ruffian to protect his father, and then the father killed the ruffian in desperation."

"And then?" Chen Qing asked quietly.

"Then Yelu Qiyan borrowed [-] guards from me to arrest these rogue hooligans and prostitutes who killed refugees, but the result of the interrogation turned out to be Du Shun, the county captain, who was behind the scenes, and this person was Orihiko's brother in law."

"Did Orihiko use this person to control the county government?" Chen Qing asked coldly.

"it's him!"

Yan Jun nodded and said: "It is also for this reason that Zhe Yanzhi does not recognize the interrogation reports. He thinks that Yelu Qiyan fabricated them on purpose in order to regain the county government."

"Deliberately fabricated?"

Chen Qing snorted, "Can the interrogation record be deliberately fabricated?"

"The key is that there is no physical evidence, and Orihiko is determined not to admit it, and there is nothing he can do about it."

"This is not a criminal case, it's accountability. Does the imperial court impeach officials with all the important evidence?"

In this case, Chen Qing obviously had a bias.

"Your Highness, there is a sentence that I don't know whether I should say it or not."

Chen Qing glared at him, "Now, what else should I say?"

"I know I was wrong, I just want to say that there is nothing wrong with the governor, but he was deceived by the people around him."

"Is that the county lieutenant Du Shun?"

"Not only him, but also Li Bailing, an aide. He is Du Shun's father-in-law. He is insidious and cunning. I heard from the lowly position that he was the one who conspired to control the county government in order to evade the government government. Also, Zhe Yanzhi did not report to the military department. The matter of giving birth to a son is probably also his persuasion, and more importantly, the identity of this person is in doubt."

Chen Qing frowned, "What do you mean by doubtful identity?"

"It was told by the prefect of Yelu that Li Bailing claimed to be from Yingzhou, but the prefect of Yelu repeatedly checked among the refugees in Yingzhou that no one knew this Li Bailing, and his daughter, Du Shun's wife, once said something wrong. She complained that Datong Mansion was too cold, much colder than Yanshan Mansion."

Chen Qing heard the clue, "What do you mean, Li Bailing is from Yanshan Mansion?"

"Your Highness, if Li Bailing is from Yanshan Mansion, where is his son-in-law Du Shun from? The attack on Datong Mansion appears to be a nomadic army, but behind it is the Kingdom of Jin!"

In the afternoon, Chen Qing, accompanied by Yelu Qiyan, inspected the temporary refugee camp for the people of Yingzhou. The refugee camp is in charge of the government office. It is located in the southwest of Datong City.

"Before I lived in the city, it was too crowded. Several families crowded into a tent, which was very inconvenient. Now it is winter, and it is impossible for nomadic cavalry to attack in winter. After the beginning of spring, I want them to transfer to Taiyuan Prefecture. Both Magistrate and Cao Zhifu agreed."

Chen Qing nodded and asked: "There is something I want to ask the prefect of Yelu. Yan Jun told me, do you suspect that Li Bailing's origin is unknown?"

Yelu Qiyan was silent for a moment: "Originally, I wanted to find a special time to report to His Highness. Since His Highness asked, I will tell the truth. I dare not say that Li Bailing is a spy of the Kingdom of Jin, but he did conceal his background. I have confirmed it." He came from Yanshan Mansion."

"How did you confirm it?"

"Du Shun's wife, that is, his daughter, has a personal maid called Lai Xi'er. This Lai Xi'er admitted the day before yesterday that they are from Yi County. Li Bailing was once the boss of Yi County."

"Have you placed someone in Du's house?" Chen Qing suddenly realized.

"The humble job did not install anyone, but bought a maid. This maid has a very good relationship with Lai Xi'er, and they talked about everything. They drank some wine the day before yesterday, and she asked a little bit. Ten said."

Pausing for a while, Yelu Qiyan said shamelessly: "The humble job originally wanted to find other excuses for Du Shun, but unexpectedly, by mistake, it found out Li Bailing's background."

Chen Qing nodded, this Yelu Qiyan really had a strategy, he couldn't fight against Zhe Yanzhi head-on, so he fought in a roundabout way, unexpectedly there was an unexpected harvest.

(End of this chapter)

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