
Chapter 1168 Wizard

Chapter 1168 Wizard
Chen Qing walked around the refugee camp. The management was good. The roads were tidy and not as muddy and dirty as he imagined. It won't be muddy.

The latrines were also arranged away from the living area, and every household used stoves and briquettes.

"Where did the briquettes come from?" Chen Qing asked curiously, pointing to the briquettes.

"It was supported by Taiyuan Prefecture. It supported [-] stoves and more than [-] catties of briquettes. Now the two families share one stove."

"Have you told them? You can't use the stove in the big tent, it will be poisoned."

"I have said it all, and I have said it repeatedly, so far, there has been no poisoning."

Chen Qing nodded, "Very good, besides, I would like to have a discussion with some old people and listen to their ideas, please ask the prefect of Yelu to arrange it!"

"The humble job will arrange it!"

Not long after, five or six old men came to the big tent, and one of them was Liu Dajiang, a middle-aged man. Yelu Qiyan felt that he was quite insightful, so he arranged to sit and talk with him, but reminded him not to talk at this time The matter of the case will backfire.

"Everyone, please sit down!"

Chen Qing called everyone to sit down, and said with a smile: "Everyone is invited to have a casual chat, talk about the daily life, and talk about the current difficulties. Everyone can speak freely without restraint."

An old man raised his hand and said, "Your Highness, the youngest old man is surnamed Chang. He is an old farmer. What I care about most is spring plowing. I heard that the government will arrange for us to go to Taiyuan Mansion. I suggest that we can start early. Before spring plowing Arriving in Taiyuan, there is land to cultivate, and I don't want to delay the farming time."

"That's a good suggestion!"

Chen Qing happily said to Yelu who was beside him, "The prefect of Yelu can consider this suggestion."

"Remember, I will discuss it with the Taiyuan government immediately."

At this time, another old man said: "May I ask your Highness, the government arranged for us to go to Taiyuan, should we continue to live in the big tent, or do we have a house to live in?"

This is also the topic that the refugees are most concerned about, and it was asked by the old man.

Chen Qing smiled and said: "There will be a misunderstanding here. Everyone may think that if you go to Taiyuan Prefecture, you will be resettled in Yangqu County, Taiyuan Prefecture. In fact, this is not the case. There are no extra vacant houses or extra land in Yangqu County. Not many, I arranged for everyone to go to Taiyuan Prefecture. In fact, they are resettled in other counties below Taiyuan Prefecture, such as Qingyuan, Jiaocheng, Yuci, Taigu, etc. There is land to resettle you, and there are also a lot of empty houses. The counties live and work in peace and contentment."

All the old people were talking together, Chen Qing looked at the middle-aged man, seeing him hesitate to speak several times, he smiled and said: "What's the name of this gentleman?"

The middle-aged man quickly bowed and said, "Xiaomin Liu Dajiang!"

Chen Qing said with a smile: "This name is very grand, what do you want to say?"

"Xiaomin's suggestion may be a bit abrupt."

"But it doesn't matter!"

"Does Your Highness know that about a hundred miles north of Datong City, there are two large lakes. The lake in the northwest is called Ang'a Xiashui, and the lake [-] miles to the northeast is called Baishui Lake."

Chen Qing nodded, "I know these two lakes, you continue to talk!"

Liu Dajiang continued: "If the grassland nomadic army wants to attack Datong Mansion, there will definitely be a sheep-raising tribe beside these two lakes. This sheep-raising tribe is actually the enemy's logistics supply. The nomadic army is just like us. The soldiers and horses have not moved, and the food and grass go first. If the Western Army can kill the sheep-raising tribes by the two lakes, then the nomadic cavalry's southward raids will not happen."

Chen Qing was very surprised, and asked with a smile: "What if I kill two sheep-raising tribes, but the other party sends a new tribe?"

"Generally not. Launching wars and logistical supplies are related to the interests of all tribes. They negotiated and discussed in winter. If they want to send new supplies, then everyone has to sit down and renegotiate. Various offers and profit distribution It’s different again, after a few months of quarreling, by the time everyone recompromises, it may already be autumn, and the fighting time will be very short.”

Chen Qing nodded again and again, "It makes sense, how does Mr. Liu know these things?"

"Xiaomin stayed in the grassland for more than ten years when he was young, and participated in the wars between their tribes, so he knows some characteristics of their warfare."

"very good!"

Chen Qing praised sincerely that what he needs most is someone who understands the warfare of grassland tribes.

Chen Qing smiled again at the old man next to him: "If you have any suggestions, you might as well speak out frankly."

Liu Dajiang is a very intelligent person. He was taken captive to the grassland at the age of twenty and lived in the grassland for fifteen years. He married a wife and had children in the grassland. After his wife and children died of illness, he returned to Yingzhou and lived in the grassland. He has a legendary experience. Liu Dajiang made full use of his experience in the grassland and successfully gained the attention of King Yong.

After the symposium, Liu Dajiang finally found an opportunity to tell Chen Qing about the grievances of his brother-in-law Yao Dalang.

Liu Qing smiled slightly: "So, you are Yao Song and Yao Mei's uncle?"

Liu Dajiang was both surprised and delighted, "Has Your Highness seen them?"

"Your niece is very courageous. She hid her brother behind her back and filed a complaint. I accepted her pleading paper."


Liu Dajiang was really surprised, he asked urgently: "Excuse me, Your Highness, where are they now?"

"They are in the inn in Anping Town. Yao Song is seriously injured and needs to be healed. You can go and see them."

"Xiaomin wants to visit their brothers and sisters, please allow your Highness!"

Chen Qing nodded, "You go! After you come back, you can go to General Du Tongyan, the deputy commander. He needs a guide under his command. I think you are a good fit!"

Liu Dajiang was very moved in his heart, knelt down and kowtowed: "Thank you for your kindness!"

Chen Qing ordered his soldiers to take twenty taels of silver to him, and lent him a horse. Liu Dajiang rode to Anping Town.

The arrival of King Yong, Zhe Yanzhi was actually a bit guilty, mainly because his son did not report to the military department according to the regulations. Of course, he was worried that his son would be sent to live in Jingzhao. Although he will not now, but after two or three years old ?
Moreover, his aide Li Bailing also advised him, if the military department doesn't ask, then pretend to be confused, don't know about this rule, and wait until you ask, there is no need to take the initiative to report to the military department.

Li Bailing's persuasion made Zhe Yanzhi deeply believe that the officialdom is like this, many times the rules are the rules, and the implementation is the implementation. If you don't talk about breaking it, you may not follow the rules.

But now that King Yong is here, should he say it or not?

Li Bailing persuaded him again: "If His Royal Highness King Yong asked about the family situation, the governor would naturally tell him that he had given birth to a son. If he didn't ask, why should the governor be so troublesome?"

Li Bailing was tall and fat, with thick eyebrows and deep eyes, and a big nose. From his appearance, he was well-groomed and imposing. Orihiko also used Li Bailing as his staff because of his appearance.

But Li Bailing introduced his in-law's daughter to him as a concubine, and gave birth to him a fat son. Orihiko took Li Bailing with admiration and appointed him as his chief aide.

He almost obeyed Li Bailing's persuasion, but Li Bailing's persuasion today made Orihiko hesitate a bit.

(End of this chapter)

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