
Chapter 1169 Adultery

Chapter 1169 Adultery
In the afternoon, Orihiko wanted to have a talk with His Royal Highness King Yong, but he learned that His Royal Highness Yong had gone to inspect the refugees, so he had to go back to the mansion dispirited.

As soon as I entered the mansion, I heard the housekeeper severely reprimanding a maid, "If you dare to spread rumors and talk nonsense, I will cut off your tongue and goug your eyes, remember?"

Orihiko's butler has been with him for thirty years, and he is one of his most trusted people. He has always had a gentle temper. Orihiko has never seen him get so angry. What's wrong?
"Old Wang, what's going on?" Orihiko couldn't help but feel a little strange.

"Ah! The master is back."

Steward Wang quickly waved his hand, signaling the maid to leave quickly.

Orihiko could see clearly, and was even more puzzled in his heart. He stepped forward and asked, "What rumors are there in the mansion?"

"There are no rumors, the master is too worried."

Orihiko's face sank, "Just now you got so angry, at least it's the first time in ten years! Old Wang, you have been with me for thirty years, do you have something to hide from me?"

"Hey! It's just some very dirty rumors, which are hard to hear, so I don't want to tell the master."

Orihiko's face became more and more gloomy, and he was extremely dissatisfied: "Am I a three-year-old child? I still need you to choose for me. Did you betray me and then deliberately conceal it, didn't you?"

"The master thinks too much, how could I betray the master, it's really ridiculous, that's why I."

Orihiko became furious, drew out his sword and gritted his teeth, "If you don't say anything, I'll kill you!"

"I say! I say! There are rumors in the mansion that Du Shun is having an affair with his wife."

"Fart! They are brother and sister, how is it possible?"

"That's why I said it was absurd, and I was so angry that I just reprimanded the maid just now."

Orihiko put away his sword and just took two steps when he suddenly felt that something was wrong. This kind of thing seemed ridiculous to him, didn't the servant think it was ridiculous?
He thought for a while and said, "Bring the maid from just now to my study outside. Be careful and don't let others see it."

Although Orihiko didn't believe in such absurd rumors, he always felt a little strange. There must be something happening?

Not long after, Steward Wang hurried to the outer study with his maid, Chunshui. The maid was so frightened that she knelt down.

Orihiko said lightly: "You don't have to be afraid, I won't punish you, but I want to know, where did you hear those rumors? You'd better tell the truth."

Chun Shui tremblingly said: "Master, the servants in the house are secretly talking about this matter, and many people know about it."

"Then why this rumor, what happened?"

Chun Shui hesitated, Orihiko shouted angrily, "Say!"

"I said, every time Lieutenant Du came to visit Madam, Madam drove all the maids to the outer house, leaving only A-Ping at the door of the inner house to watch. These days, every time the master left at noon, he came running, Aunt Li found out yesterday."

"Found what?"

"It was discovered that Lieutenant Du's belt was tied backwards. When he came, it was clearly straight, but why was it reversed when he left? Everyone began to suspect, and the news spread."

Orihiko's eyes widened, "No way! They are brother and sister!"

Chun Shui stammered: "Everyone suspects them. Are they not real brothers and sisters?"

"Who said that, and where did this rumor come from?"

"It's Madam's father. Once he came to ask for money. Madam thought he was always asking for money, so she didn't give it to him. In a rage, he yelled at Madam at the door, saying Madam was a white-eyed wolf who had raised her for twenty years. I raised her, so I shouldn't have picked her up at the beginning, let her be taken away by wild dogs, the groom and a few servants heard it, and advised him not to talk nonsense, so he left resentfully, someone mentioned this again yesterday , everyone began to suspect."

Orihiko began to have an inexplicable fear in his heart. He suppressed the anxiety in his heart, lowered his head and thought for a while, took out a silver ingot from his bosom, about twenty taels, and handed it to Chunshui, "This is for you!"

Chun Shui hurriedly waved his hands in fright, "Master, I don't...don't!"

Orihiko suddenly became irritable, took her hand, and forced the silver into her hand, "Hold it and listen to me!"

Holding the silver, Chun Shui said timidly, "Sir, please tell me!"

Orihiko said a few words to her, and Chunshui nodded repeatedly, "Little servant remembers it!"

Only then did Orihiko get up, and went back to the official office depressed and distressed.

In the evening, Orihiko told his concubine Du Shi that he might go to Shuozhou for two days and asked her to take good care of the child at home.

Du Shi secretly rejoiced, these days she and Du Shun had a hot adulterous relationship, she only wished there was no chance, now that her husband is going to Shuozhou, isn't the chance coming?

She fully agreed, and took good care of her husband at night.

In the morning of the next day, Orihiko left with his own soldiers on horseback, and Du quickly asked his confidant maid Xiaoping to inform Du Shun to come, and at the same time drove all the maids to the outer house as usual, saying that there was a secret to discuss with his brother .

She used this excuse too much, and she was a little numb to herself.

Half an hour later, Du Shun came running impatiently, and the two immediately hugged each other. The confidant maid Xiaoping stood guard at the gate of the inner house as usual.

At this time, in another room, the maid Chunshui sneaked out of a big box, and Orihiko arranged for her to hide in it before dawn.

Chun Shui ran to the bedroom window to eavesdrop for a while, then blushed, and hurried to the small door of the back house.

Orihiko gave her the key, opened the back door, and Orihiko stood outside the door with a gloomy face. Just now he saw Du Shun slipping into his mansion with his own eyes, and he finally believed it.

"Master, they are here!"

Orihiko gritted his steel teeth, drew out his sword and rushed into the inner house without saying a word, the maid Chunshui was too frightened to follow him.

Orihikozhi walked to the door, and when he heard the murmur in the room, he was furious, "Bang!" kicked the door open, and rushed in.

In the room, a pair of wild mandarin ducks were messing around, and Orihiko rushed in, scaring the two of them to scream.

Du Shun jumped up and fled out the window. Orihiko stepped forward and stabbed him in the back with a sword. Du Shun screamed and fell to the ground.

Orihiko pressed his long sword against his throat, filled his chest with murderous intent, narrowed his eyes and said: "You beast, you are actually making trouble with your own sister, you deserve to die!"

Du Shun knew it was inevitable, at this moment he calmed down, and said with a sneer: "We are not real brothers and sisters, we have always been in love with each other, if you hadn't forced her to marry, she would have been my wife, you took my woman away, what else do you have?" face said!"

"Go underground and be a couple!"

As soon as Zhe Yanzhi gave away the long sword, it ended in Du Shun's life.

Orihiko walked into the inner room with a bloody long sword in hand. Du Shi had already put on her underwear. She knelt on the ground and begged: "For the sake of serving the master, please forgive me this time! I dare not do it again. "

Orihiko gritted his teeth and said: "When I married you, I found out that you were not a virgin, and I endured it, but I didn't expect it to be"

He raised his sword and stabbed fiercely at Mrs. Du, suddenly the child on the crib burst into tears.

Orihiko was startled, his eyes turned red immediately, he raised his sword and walked towards the cradle, saying in extreme pain: "This scoundrel must not be my son, but your bastard!"

The concubine was so frightened that she hugged his leg and shouted: "Master, he is your son, he is your son, you will regret it for the rest of your life if you kill him."

"Isn't he Du Shun's offspring? I'm sixty years old, and I can still have a son?"

"My lord, Du Shun is infertile. He told me that he can't have children. My lord, I didn't touch Du Shun when I was pregnant."

Orihiko turned his head and said with a trembling voice, "What you said is true?"

"Everything I said is true. The master went to Baohetang to ask Dr. Luo. He knew about Du Shun's situation."

Orihiko remembered that Du Shun had been married for a few years and that he had no children. His heart was shaken again, and he hugged his son distressedly. The child cried loudly in his arms, and a kind of emotional communication unique to father and son lingered in his heart again. .

Zhe Yanzhi couldn't help but burst into tears, "Dang lang! ’ Throwing the sword, holding his son and crying bitterly, "My son!"

After a long time, he looked at the concubine kneeling on the ground, and asked for a while, "What's your real name?"

The concubine bowed her head and said: "My family name is Yang, she is an orphan adopted by the Du family, and she plans to pass on the family line of the Du family when she grows up."

"Then why are you willing to follow me instead of Dushun?"

"His parents thought that Du Shun was fooling around outside all day, so they wanted to find a good marriage for him. Seeing that the slave's parents were pretty, they wanted to sell him for a price."

Orihiko saw that his son was still crying, so he handed the child to the concubine, who quickly pulled up her little clothes to nurse, and the child stopped crying immediately.

Orihiko saw it in his eyes, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart, the child can't live without mother!I wanted to make her the continuation, but forget it now, let her raise her son!

After all, Orihiko is over sixty years old, and he doesn't take matters of men and women so seriously anymore. In his heart, his son is more important than anything else, even more important than his own dignity. Although the concubine steals the man, there is a reason for it.

"You go to another room! I have to tidy up here."

(End of this chapter)

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