
Chapter 1170

Chapter 1170
In the morning, Chen Qing was about to go out to inspect the warehouse, when suddenly a soldier came to report, Zhe Yanzhi came to plead guilty.

Chen Qing was startled, what's the matter with pleading guilty?

He walked out of the hall quickly, only to see Orihiko kneeling outside the hall with his upper body bare and a few thorns on his back.

"Captain Zhe, what's going on? Get up quickly!"

Zhe Yanzhi said with tears in his eyes: "The humble official got a son in his later years, and was afraid of losing the child, so he concealed it from the governor. Unexpectedly, it almost caused a catastrophe. The humble official is sorry for His Highness's trust!"

Chen Qing nodded, "I have seen and accepted your apology, now you put on your clothes, we will go to the hall and talk about it."

He winked at the soldiers, and the two soldiers stepped forward to help Orihiko, took off the thorns, took off his coat and put it on him.

Orihiko wiped away his tears, followed Chen Qing to the lobby, Chen Qing waved his hands and said with a smile, "Please sit down, if you have anything to do, sit down and talk slowly."

Orihiko sat down silently, the soldiers came in to serve tea, Chen Qing glanced at him, and said calmly: "What is it that makes the governor so excited?"

Orihiko sighed and said: "The humble officer concealed the military department, and also concealed His Highness, and the humble officer gave birth to a son."

Chen Qing laughed, "This is a good thing! Congratulations to the governor for having a son in his later years. The governor must treat guests, and there is no way to escape."

Orihiko said with a face full of shame: "The humble job is a frontier foreign vassal, shouldn't it be reported to the military department?"

Chen Qing smiled and said: "Of course you have to report to the military department. This is a rule. Even if you don't report it, the military department will come to ask you. It's just that the governor may have misunderstood the timing of the report."

"Didn't you understand the humble job?"

Chen Qing continued: "The military department stipulates that when your son is twelve years old, he must go to Jingzhao to study, and he can be accompanied by his mother. According to the arrangement for my son to go to Jingzhao, the military department will not intervene until he is twelve years old, and the military department stipulates that the filing time should be at least two years in advance, that is to say, the child should be filed when he is ten years old at the earliest. If you file now, the military department I won't even pay attention to you."

Chen Qing gave Orihiko a face, although the military department stipulated this, it does not mean that Orihiko can hide it, especially for himself, he should tell himself in time, instead of other officials secretly suing.

After all, Orihikozhi was sixty years old, and he was well-versed in the world. Of course, he understood that Chen Qing was saving face for himself, and rules were rules, but he had to do things right to show his loyalty, and he didn't do it right.

"Thank you Your Highness for your tolerance, I am ashamed of my humble position!"

"I won't mention this. It's better for you to say it yourself than for me to ask you, but what happened today that made you lose your composure?"

Orihiko hesitated for a moment, glanced at the guards on both sides, Chen Qing waved his hands and told the guards to go down.

Orihiko sighed, and told Chen Qing in detail what happened from yesterday to today.

He finally said dejectedly: "It's too embarrassing, I implore Your Highness to save some face for the humble position, don't say it."

Chen Qing heard it inconceivable, there are such strange things in the world, but the woman's surname is Yang, not Du, it really makes people feel better, the question is, is that child a quality?
It is not uncommon to have children at the age of [-], but such cases are rare, especially at present, the possibility of Du Shun's birth is even greater.

Orihiko knew what Chen Qing was thinking?He sighed and said, "My concubine told me that Du Shun was infertile, and Du Shun had no children after several years of marriage. I went to Baohetang to ask the famous doctor Luo Zhifu, and he told me that Du Shun was because of sexual indulgence when he was young. Du Shun has been treating with him because of too much, but it has no effect so far, besides..."

Orihiko said slowly again: "Besides, when I picked up the child, I could feel that he is my son. This feeling is very strange, as if it is the blood connection between father and son, so I am sure that he is my son .”

Chen Qing nodded, "Then what do you plan to do with his mother?"

Orihiko smiled bitterly and said, "At first I wanted to kill her, but when she hugged my leg and begged me not to kill the child, I realized that no other woman could love me as much as she does." My son, if I unfortunately die of illness ten years later, my son is only ten years old, will other women raise him as their own flesh and blood? As for other aspects, she is just my concubine, not my wife, I I don't really care."

Chen Qing nodded. Although he couldn't accept this kind of cheating, Orihiko could bear it as the person involved, so what does it have to do with him?
But Chen Qing changed his mind again, this is a good thing!I was still thinking about how to persuade Orihiko not to interfere in government affairs. This incident happened at a critical moment, which disintegrated Orihiko's ability to interfere in government affairs from within, but it was not enough. thought.

Chen Qing thought for a while and said: "It is reasonable that this is your housework, I should not interfere, but I have also conducted some visits in the past two days, and learned that this Du Shun used to be a rascal, and he can't even read the thousand-character script." , worked as a thug in a brothel for five years, his character is low, and he did all kinds of evil, but he was recommended by you as the county captain of Datong. In addition, your aide Li Bailing was the head of Yi County in Yanshan Prefecture three years ago. Come to your side, and become your confidant, you may never have thought that he would be a spy of the Kingdom of Jin."

Orihiko's face turned pale, and his lips trembled, "Li Bailing is a spy of Jin Kingdom? No way!"

Chen Qing said indifferently: "There is no word 'Jin country spy' written on his face, and he himself will not confess to you that he is a Jin country spy. Since you use him as the chief aide, have you investigated it? What about him?"

Orihiko was speechless, Li Bailing just told him that he was from Yingzhou, failed the imperial examination, and then made a living as a teacher, so he believed it. He really didn't send anyone to verify his resume, just because he introduced I gave birth to a son to my concubine, and I promoted him to be my chief staff member out of gratitude.

Orihiko bowed his head in shame, if Li Bailing was really an official of Yanshan Mansion, he would be in big trouble.

"What did he do by your side? I guess I either persuaded you to hide it from the court, or encouraged you to confront the local government, making you fall into a kind of intrigue all day long. I'm not wrong, am I right?"

Orihiko nodded, "Your Highness is right, I only see clearly now."

Chen Qing stared at him for a while and said: "Zhe Dudu, you will still be a full-time military officer in the future! Not only the safety of Datong Mansion, but also the safety of the entire Hebei Road. Safety is your scope of authority. In terms of government affairs, there are local officials and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Responsible, do you understand what I mean?"

Orihiko nodded, "I understand!"

Of course he understood that it was King Yong who explicitly forbade him from interfering in government affairs, he sighed, after struggling for so long, he finally found out that he was deceived by traitors, which really frustrated him.

Chen Qing smiled again and said: "Since you are your own son, you should spend more time with him. The specific military affairs can be handed over to your subordinates. To train young people, let them take on the role of the leader as soon as possible, so you can retire and get an honor. Higher vocational, take care of your body at home, try to live longer, and raise your son to grow up, this is your last important task, am I right?"

Orihiko nodded, "Xiaozhi understands what His Highness means. General Yan is indeed very good, smart and capable, and generous. I must train him as soon as possible, and let him take on the role of guarding the north gate as soon as possible."

Both parties explained everything, Chen Qing would not give Zhe Yanzhi any more time, after all he was old, and he sent Yan Jun to Datong Mansion as a lieutenant, just to take over Zhe Yanzhi's squad.

Orihiko also understood, since he still has two or three years left, why bother to fight for some government power?
(End of this chapter)

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