
Chapter 1171 Reconciliation

Chapter 1171 Reconciliation
Under Chen Qing's auspices, Zhe Yanzhi apologized to Yelu Qiyan, and Yelu Qiyan also apologized to Zhe Yanzhi, and the two finally shook hands and made peace.

When Li Bailing heard that Du Shun had been killed, he was so frightened that he fled overnight, but before he left the city, he was arrested by Chen Qing's personal soldiers who were monitoring him. , The purpose is to create chaos in Datong City, and cooperate with the nomadic army to attack Datong City.

Chen Qing immediately rectified the officialdom, dismissed the posts of Datong county magistrate and county magistrate, appointed Shanyang county magistrate Ding Kuang as Datong county magistrate, and appointed Ying county magistrate and county magistrate as Datong county magistrate and county magistrate respectively. Lowering one level is actually a level adjustment. After all, Datong County is a government office, and its status is different.

Zhe Yanzhi immediately set up three tables of wine in the mansion, and entertained local officials such as Chen Qing and Yelv Qiyan.

After drinking a few glasses of wine in the bustle, Orihiko ordered the concubine to carry the child out, and everyone gathered around, the concubine was full of smiles, as if what happened a few days ago had nothing to do with her.

Chen Qing still kept his promise and did not reveal the family ugliness of Orihiko. Everyone thought that Du Shun was a spy of the Kingdom of Jin. He was found and executed by Orihiko. Chun Shui explained to everyone that the madam drove the maid out of the inner house so that Du Shun could sneak into the master's study and steal important information.

This time Dushun was discovered by Chunshui when he was stealing information. Chunshui ran to tell the master, and the master came back and caught Dushun and killed him.

In this way, although many people are still dubious, they all choose to believe in the end. If they don't believe it, they will be immediately fired by the housekeeper if they chew their tongues.

Chen Qing smiled and looked at the little baby in front of him. Although he had never met Du Shun before, the child's eyebrows and eyes had a bit of heroism, especially the blood. This child looked a little like a party member The bloodline is really Orihiko's son.

"Your Highness, how is my son?" Orihiko looked at Chen Qing nervously.

Chen Qing nodded with a smile, "As expected of the son of Zhe Dudu, he must be a brave general and a pillar of the country when he grows up."

Zhe Yanzhi heaved a sigh of relief, and he handed over his old background to King Yong. After he came back, he was really worried that King Yong would not admit that the child was his own son, which would seriously affect the future of the child. Now that King Yong himself admitted, it was true Let him put down the big stone in his heart.

Chen Qing took out another unicorn jade pei and handed it to Orihiko with a smile, "This is for the child, I wish him a healthy growth."

Orihiko accepted Yu Pei, clapped his hands together in gratitude, "Thank you, Your Highness, for the reward!"

Everyone also took out the congratulations one after another and put them on the plate, almost all of them were gold and silver trinkets.

The child was carried back, and the maids brought good wine, and the wine table became lively again. Orihiko filled Chen Qing's glass of wine, and asked in a low voice, "Your Highness feels the child."

Chen Qing smiled slightly: "Don't worry! That's right."

Orihiko raised his spirits, and quickly asked, "How did your Highness see it?"

Chen Qing dipped his finger in the wine and wrote two words on the table, 'Dangxiang'.

Orihiko slapped his forehead hard, he is really a fan of the authorities!I am a member of the party, and the child has the blood of a member of the party in his eyebrows, but I didn't see the most important point.

Immediately he was full of energy, picked up the wine cup and said loudly: "Thank you all for coming to Gouzi's Thanksgiving Banquet. Here I want to apologize to Your Highness. I have improperly employed people and failed His Highness's expectations. Secondly, I also want to apologize to the prefect of Yelu. should interfere with his authority."

Chen Qing said with a smile: "It's not enough to apologize to the two people with a glass of wine, but a big bowl is used instead. Three bowls of wine will be fined."

"Okay! I'll just drink three bowls of wine!"

Orihikozhi drank three bowls of wine in a row, and everyone toasted him one after another. After a while, Orihikozhi got drunk and was carried into the house by his family to rest.

In the early morning of the next day, the government office began to re-trial Yao Dalang's murder case. The magistrate Yelu Qiyan personally presided over the trial. He did not let it go, but tried the matter clearly.

In fact, this case was simple. It was a murder case triggered by debt collection. In addition to the three rogues as witnesses, two witnesses were also found. They were refugees and witnessed everything from a distance.

Yelu Qiyan quickly clarified the matter. According to the confession of the three rascals, after they got Yao Dalang half drunk, they borrowed [-] wen to pay for the drink, and then asked him to write a [-] wen IOUs for money, and pledged with fingerprints.

The trick is in the three hundred coins. They deliberately left out the word "wen". I only borrowed three hundred guan, so the IOU looks very convincing, and it has indeed been tampered with.

The rogue beat Yao Dalang to vomit blood, Yao Song was eager to protect his father, and had a conflict with the leader of the rogue. The rogue cut Yao Song first.

There are three main points here, the cause of the murder, the motive of the murder, and who will do it first.

Yelu Qiyan first made the first verdict. Yao Dalang was acquitted and released, and took [-] pennies from the confiscation of Du Shun's family property as Yao Dalang's treatment money. Although he is dead, all compensations required in this case are paid from his family property.

Yao Dalang is not grateful for his acquittal, he is more worried about his son's sentence.

The family of the deceased Cao Er was waiting on the sidelines. At this time, the judicial officer quietly called Cao Er’s brother Cao Quan aside, and said in a low voice, “You have to make a choice, one is to be punished by crime, and the other is to be punished by money. , either convict Yao Song and you won’t get compensation, or convict Yao Song not to be held accountable for manslaughter and you take money as compensation, you can’t have both, so you have to choose.”

Cao Quan thought for a while and said, "If Yao Song pleads guilty, will Yao Song be sentenced to death?"

"Impossible. Your elder brother was at fault first. He beat up other people's father and then stabbed him first. Yao Song just protected himself too much. It is manslaughter. He will be exiled for a maximum of three hundred miles and exiled to the army for one year."

"What about the compensation?" Cao Quan asked again.

"I'll give you three hundred guan as funeral money."

Cao Quan went back to discuss with his family for a while, and came back: "We have decided, we want compensation!"

The two parties reached an agreement, and Yelv Qiyan made a judgment.

Not long after, the judge stood up and read aloud: "The murderer Yao Song was seventeen years old. Because his father was framed, he was beaten and injured innocently by the framed person. Out of anger, Yao Song wanted to protect his father, and the deceased Cao There was a fierce conflict between the two, and Cao Er raised his knife to slash him first, so he drew his knife to protect himself, and stabbed the vital point, causing Cao Er to die on the spot. The government believes that although Yao Song killed the man, there was a reason for the incident, and it was a self-protection homicide. Because of his desire to save his father, the government decided not to pursue his crimes.

The deceased, Cao Er, was ordered to frame Yao Dalang. Although he was not the mastermind, he was the person in charge. He led the crowd to press for debts and beat Yao Dalang. He killed Yao Song first, and he was [-]% responsible for his own death.

The mastermind, Du Shun, as a county lieutenant, colluded with rascals to do things against nature and forced good people to become prostitutes, and he was heavily responsible for Cao Er's death. The government decided to allocate [-] guan money from his family property as Cao Er's funeral money, compensation To the Cao family, the judgment will come into effect, and you will withdraw from court! "

(End of this chapter)

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