
Chapter 1172 Maid

Chapter 1172 Maid
Both the military and the government reached a consensus, and the government immediately posted a notice saying that due to the need to defend the city, the houses of [-] households within [-] steps of the city wall were demolished, which caused heavy losses to the common people. First, the government still recognizes the homeowner's real estate rights; second, the government will give each family [-] yuan to rebuild the compensation for the loss of the common people.

This is the first time in history, although fifty guan is not enough to make up for all losses, but it is an attitude of the government after all, and [-] households, each with [-] guan, will cost [-] guan. This money will definitely not be approved by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and Chen Qing does not want the treasury to bear the money.

Then there is only one way, after the war is over, use the war dividends to pay. Of course, the treasury can advance the payment first, and compensate the displaced people first.

At noon, after Chen Qing inspected the warehouse, he returned to the barracks and walked into the big tent, but he was stunned. His big tent was neatly tidied up, the bedding was also packed and folded when he got up, and the residual tea in the tea cup was also washed. After cleaning, the guards usually don't clean up his bed tents, he does it himself.

In a blink of an eye, he saw a slender figure flashing past the inner tent, "Who is it?" Chen Qing walked over, but unexpectedly saw a pretty girl hiding behind the curtain, with a nervous expression on her face.

"It's you!"

Chen Qing immediately recognized her as Yao Mei, the girl who was blocking the street in Shanyang County to file a complaint. She hadn't seen her for a few days, but her face became much ruddy, and she looked more pure and beautiful, with a pair of big black and white eyes that were particularly attractive.

"What are you doing here?" Chen Qingxiao asked.

Yao Mei plopped down on her knees, and said with tears in her eyes, "Your Highness saved my father and brother's lives, and I can't repay you. The little girl is willing to repay His Highness's great kindness with her own body!"

Chen Qing couldn't help laughing, as long as he wanted to, many women would like to agree with him.

Chen Qing sat down on the bed and asked with a smile, "How old are you?"

Yao Mei bit her lip and whispered, "After the new year, you will be sixteen."

"Not yet sixteen, too young, not yet the age to make a promise with your body, let's talk about a promise with your body when you are eighteen years old!"

"I'm not young, I can prove it to you."

After finishing speaking, she started to unbutton her jacket. Chen Qing was startled, and she took it seriously when she was joking.

"Don't fool around!"

After Chen Qing left a word, he walked out of the big tent. Yao Mei stood there in a daze, at a loss for what to do.

Walking out of the big tent, Chen Qing shouted loudly: "Wu Duo!"

Wu Duo is his deputy commander of the army, responsible for his personal safety, only to see a tall general rushing over in a panic, "Please give orders, Your Highness!"

"What's the matter with the woman in my account?"

Wu Duo scratched his head and said: "It was brought by the prefect of Yelu. Your highness will stay in Datong mansion until the Chinese New Year before leaving. The prefect of Yelu asked her to take care of your highness. We all know Miss Yao. She is a nice person. We also feel that your highness There should be a maid by my side, who can comb His Highness's hair, wash his feet, etc., and take care of His Highness's daily life, and the princess also explained in the same way, let us find a maid for His Highness in the local area."

It took me a long time to think too much, she just came to be a maid, no!How can you promise yourself to be a handmaid?
Chen Qing thought for a while, then walked back to the big tent, but saw Yao Mei squatting in the corner wiping tears!

"Come here, I have something to ask you."

Chen Qing sat down on the chair. After a long while, Yao Mei came back slowly and stood in front of Chen Qing with her head bowed.

"You come to my place to do something, does your family know?"

Yao Mei nodded, "They all agree."

"What do you agree with? Tell me clearly, do you agree with you to be a maid and serve me in daily life, or to come and promise me?"

"It's just my own idea to agree with me to be a maid."

Chen Qing glanced at her and said: "Let me tell you clearly, I need a maid here to take care of my daily life, clean up my room, comb my hair, wash clothes and so on, but it is not a promise of body, if you If you want to stay, you can only be a maid, understand?"

Yao Mei nodded silently, Chen Qing smiled and said: "My identity is here, if you want to make a promise with your body, you must agree with the princess, this is the rule of the palace."

Yao Mei's pretty eyes lit up, and Chen Qing immediately killed her hope, "Don't think too much, even if I promise you to marry me with my body, it will be after you are eighteen years old. Girl, I'll give you a hundred cents a day."

"I don't want a reward, my father will scold me for being ignorant."

"Everyone around me is paid, you don't want to be special, my soldiers have military pay, and the maids and domestic servants in my house are paid, even my wives, concubines and children are paid every month. Money, and myself, each have a salary of one hundred and eighty guan, everyone has money to do things, why do you want to be special?"

"Okay! I just want a salary, but can I give you a little more?"

Chen Qing laughed loudly, "Then it's decided, one hundred and fifty Wen a day, no more, any more will break the rules."

The five pennies per month is the wages of Chen Qing's wife and concubine's personal maid. Yao Mei just came here, and she can't compare with them, so it is a little less.

But five hundred wen a month is definitely a high salary in Datong Mansion. Only the big shopkeeper of a restaurant can have such a high income.

"Hey! I'm going to serve your Highness a meal."

Yao Mei ran away happily, but in fact Yao Mei was also very conflicted. On the one hand, she was only fifteen years old, less than sixteen years old, and she was not ready to serve her bed with her body. On the other hand, she was grateful to King Yong for saving her Her father and brother were willing to give him their body, and two thoughts were fighting in her heart. Now that His Highness made it clear that she didn't need to make up for it, she secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

After eating, Yao Mei made tea for Chen Qing outside the tent again. After waiting for a long time, there was no movement. Chen Qing felt strange, got up and walked out of the big tent, only to see that she was putting salt, cheese and other seasonings into the tea.

"What are you doing?" Chen Qing asked in surprise.

Yao Mei blinked her big black and white eyes, "Sencha!"

Chen Qing came to his senses, and asked with a smile, "Do you put all kinds of seasonings and cheese in your Sencha here?"

"That's right! It usually takes half an hour for the milky fragrance to become rich. I'm afraid His Highness will be in a hurry, so I can only make it simple."

Isn't this just making milk tea?But Chen Qing doesn't like salt in milk tea, and sugar is almost the same.

Chen Qing smiled slightly and said, "Do you know how to fry tea in the Central Plains? You don't put anything, just water and tea."

Yao Mei blushed, "I will, my uncle taught me, I just forgot."

"It's okay, try the Datong milk tea you made first today, and remember it in the future, only water and tea."

"I understand!"

Chen Qing turned around and went back, Yao Mei secretly stuck out her tongue, making a joke out of the first tea made today.

Chen Qing came to Datong this time to inspect the defense situation, and on the other hand, to reward the army and boost morale. He did not go back until after celebrating with the soldiers in Datong Mansion, which meant that he had to stay in Datong Manor for more than [-] years. sky.

Ten days before the New Year, a heavy snow swept across the grassland again, and Datong Mansion was once again covered by heavy snow, turning into a snow-capped world.

It was not daylight, Chen Qing was woken up by Yao Mei, "Your Highness, wake up!"

"When is it?" Chen Qing only felt a splitting headache, not only the headache, but also the whole body ached.

"It's almost dawn, and the soldiers have something to report."

"Let him in, and you pour me some hot water."

Chen Qing struggled to sit up, Yao Mei quickly supported him, feeling His Highness's body was very hot, and touched his forehead, "Oh! His forehead is hot, His Highness is sick."

"Get ill?"

The illness in Chen Qing's memory was far away. He only remembered that he was shot in the thigh by an arrow from Wanyan Huonu, which made him feel uncomfortable for more than ten days, and he never got sick again.

He touched his forehead, it was a little hot, what's going on?Why did I suddenly get sick.

Yao Mei put a thick cotton coat on him and said, "I'll go get a doctor right away!"

"You let the soldiers come in first, and then you tell Wu Duo to go to the military doctor, you don't need to go."

Yao Mei agreed to go out, and not long after, the soldiers entered the account and reported, "His Royal Highness, General Yan has captured two enemy spies from the grassland."

"I see, let them interrogate first, and then report to me later."

"I obey the order!" The guards retreated.

He had a severe headache, and the arrow wound on his thigh was also in severe pain. Chen Qing couldn't bear it any longer, and lay down again. At this time, Yao Mei hurried into the big tent with the military doctor.

(End of this chapter)

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