
Chapter 1173

Chapter 1173

Chen Qing got a cold in the night and unexpectedly fell ill. His whole body was scorching hot. It is estimated that the high fever reached forty degrees.

The military doctor gave Chen Qing some medicine, and then carefully instructed Yao Mei: "The key is for your highness to lower his body temperature. I prepared a bucket of medicinal soup. You take off your highness's clothes and pants, and wipe him with a warm towel dipped in the medicinal soup." The body needs to be wiped every quarter of an hour, be careful not to lift the quilt, and put your hand into the quilt to wipe it, understand?"

Yao Mei blushed slightly, and asked embarrassedly, "Do you have to take off all your clothes?"

Doctor Ni said solemnly: "Of course you have to take it off. This is not a joke. Your Highness will have a high fever and something will happen. If you don't want to do it, I will let the soldiers do it."

"I didn't say I don't want to, I just... just want to ask more clearly." Yao Mei said weakly.

The military doctor continued to explain: "While wiping his body, you also need to put a cool towel on his forehead. It is also a slightly warm towel, not a cold towel. You have to change it when it gets cold. Do you understand?"

"I understand!"

Doctor Ni repeatedly explained a few more words, and then went back to make medicine. He can't make medicine in the big tent, His Highness needs to rest.

Yao Mei's heart was beating violently, she reached into the quilt with trembling hands to take off Chen Qing's underwear, and then wiped his body with a warm towel dipped in medicinal soup, when she accidentally touched a place that shouldn't be touched , trembling all over, her pretty face was flushed, but she couldn't avoid it, so she could only muster up the courage to carefully wipe off His Highness's sensitive parts, and then continued to wipe his legs.

Chen Qing fell into a drowsy sleep. He felt a delicate and gentle hand touching his body, like Yu Lian touching him, which made him very comfortable. Unknowingly, his body instinctively responded.

At this time, Yao Mei changed the towel and was about to wipe his back, "Ah!" She accidentally touched His Highness's sensitive part again, and found that it was completely different from before. She let out a low exclamation, and her whole body went limp with fright.

Living in a refugee camp, women often get together to chat, basically talking about men and women, very explicit, she hid in the big tent, and secretly overheard, although those words are too obscene, it is unbearable, but She still understands a lot.

She knew what she touched just now, terribly!How could His Highness do it? Does he want to.
Yao Mei was thinking wildly, at this moment, she heard His Highness shouting in a low voice, "Alian, don't stop, keep going!"

"Bah! Obscenity, I'm treating you to cool down, as ordered by Doctor Ni."

Yao Mei pursed her lips, muttered in a low voice, and said to herself strangely: "Who is A-Lian? Could it be his concubine."

"Alian, keep going, don't stop" Chen Qing moaned in a low voice.

"I see, this person is really annoying!"

Yao Mei changed another warm and wet towel, and continued to wipe Chen Qing's body. At this moment, she was gradually no longer as nervous and shy as before, and wiped his whole body skillfully, but she was still a little nervous when wiping the sensitive parts , but she still satisfied Chen Qing's unreasonable demands during his illness and gave him a massage.

In the afternoon, Chen Qing's body temperature finally dropped, and he fell into a deep sleep.

Yao Mei wiped his body dozens of times, she was really exhausted, so she sat beside his bed and took a nap.

After an unknown amount of time, she suddenly felt someone gently touching her face. Yao Mei opened her eyes and found that His Highness had woken up and was touching her face. Only then did she realize that she had fallen asleep next to His Highness, which scared her Sit up quickly.

Yao Mei touched Chen Qing's forehead, and said pleasantly, "Your Highness, your body temperature has dropped!"

"I know, thank you for your hard work."

Yao Mei blushed pretty, and said coquettishly: "Of course I worked hard, I wiped Your Highness's body dozens of times!"

Chen Qing nodded gratefully, "Thank you!"

"Thank you, I'll pour a cup of hot water for Your Highness."

Yao Mei was praised and turned to leave happily.

"Wait a minute, you bring the bowl over here."

Yao Mei was startled, but she immediately came to her senses and quickly brought the bowl over. She stood aside, seeing that His Highness was struggling a bit, so she mustered up her courage and said, "Your Highness, let me help you!"

Chen Qing knew that it was inevitable for her to serve him, so he nodded, "It's really embarrassing for you."

Yao Mei knelt down and helped him with a flushed face. Fortunately, she wiped Chen Qing's body dozens of times.

"Okay, thank you."

Chen Qing lay down, "Amei, go and rest! I'm not in the way."

"No! I still want to feed you medicine. Doctor Ni ordered you to drink medicine as soon as your highness's temperature drops."

At this time, Ni Chongyuan, a military doctor, walked into the tent and asked with concern, "How is your Highness doing?"

Yao Mei smiled and said, "It's not hot anymore!"

Ni Chongyuan was a little surprised, "So fast?"

He stepped forward to touch Chen Qing's forehead, then checked his pulse, and smiled happily: "Miss Yao is doing very well, otherwise she wouldn't cool down so quickly, it's all right now."

Chen Qing glanced at Yao Mei gratefully, and then asked, "Why does Doctor Ni think I'm suddenly sick?"

Ni Chongyuan stroked his beard and said, "I remember His Highness was injured by an arrow on his leg, right?"

Chen Qing nodded, "It was more than ten years ago. Jianyan was in Linyou County for four years."

"Actually, that's the root of the disease. That arrow should have hurt the tendons. Although it was cured, it left the root of the disease. If I'm not wrong, Your Highness is the arrow in winter, right?"

"It is indeed winter!"

"This is the root cause of the disease. I usually don't feel it, but in winter, His Highness's legs will ache."

"You're right. Every winter when it starts to snow, my legs hurt a little. My family uses a towel to warm me up. This time I came to Datong, I was a little negligent."

Ni Chongyuan nodded, "I'm sick this time because Datong is too cold. The underlying disease on His Highness's leg has flared up. With inflammation, the body will have a fever. Miss Yao should wipe more of His Highness's leg injury. It worked, so His Highness quickly recovered from the fever."

Neither of them noticed that Yao Mei in the back blushed like a persimmon, and only she knew why the wounded leg was wiped more often.

The so-called sickness comes like a mountain and goes away like a silk thread. This time Chen Qing lay in bed for five days.

However, when Chen Qing was in the worst condition, he only had a high fever for a day and a night, and it did not worsen. This is certainly related to Chen Qing's own strong body, but more importantly, it is Yao Mei's contribution. She used physical cooling methods to give Chen Qing After wiping his body dozens of times, his body temperature dropped abruptly.

For five days in a row, Yao Meiyi took care of Chen Qing, making Chen Qing's condition better day by day.

During this period, officials and generals of Datong Mansion came to visit King Yong one after another, and some big merchants also sent the best medicine and tonic.

Even Yao Mei, who served Chen Qing, became the secret target of the officials. They asked her how she was, and Yelu Qiyan also told Yao Mei that she would take good care of His Highness King Yong, and he would take good care of her family.

This morning, Yao Mei helped Chen Qing out of the big tent to enjoy the warm sunshine.

After lying on the bed for five days, Chen Qing felt weak all over his body and had no strength in his feet. It was cold and windy outside the tent, but the sun was shining brightly, and the sky was as blue as washing. Some dazzling.

A gust of cold wind blew, Chen Qing shivered, Yao Mei hurriedly said: "It's too windy outside, let's go back!"

Chen Qing nodded, "Go back!"

Yao Mei helped him back slowly, Chen Qing lay down on the bed, Yao Mei said softly: "Doctor Ni asked me to apply hot compresses to His Highness's wound, is it the scar on his thigh?"

"It's there, why don't you let the soldiers come!"

"Brother Ang said, Your Highness doesn't like the hot compresses for you by the soldiers, and it's always been the little lady who did the hot compresses for you."

Chen Qing smiled wryly and said, "He's right, I don't like men applying heat to me."

"That's fine, I'll warm up your Highness."

Chen Qing looked at her for a moment, then said: "Okay! Take off my pants for me."

Yao Mei was taken aback, and she realized that it was not necessary to take off her pants for the hot compress. No wonder he refused to let the soldiers take care of him.

"Okay! Your Highness lie down, I will cover you with a quilt!"

Yao Mei took off his trousers for him, covered Chen Qing with a quilt, and applied a hot towel to the scar. Her soft hands gently massaged his thighs, and Chen Qing squinted his eyes in comfort.

At this time, Chen Qing gave Yao Mei a wink, Yao Mei actually understood, her pretty face flushed, and her hands slowly changed direction.

(End of this chapter)

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