
Chapter 1174 Xiaomei

Chapter 1174 Xiaomei
At night, Yao Mei fed Chen Qing medicine, helped him lie down, and gave him hot compresses and massages as usual. Chen Qing couldn't help but gently stroked her fragile face. Yao Mei rubbed her big hands with her face to muster up courage Said: "If Your Highness wants, I will sleep with you at night!"

Chen Qing smiled and shook his head, "It's very comfortable just like that."

"All right!"

Yao Mei gently caressed the master's scar and its vicinity, and she asked, "How many wives does Your Highness have?"

Chen Qing smiled slightly: "Didn't you ask my soldiers?"

Yao Mei was exposed, she lightly pinched Chen Qing's thigh, pursed her lips and said, "Bad guy!"

Chen Qing was moved by her charming face, and reached out to grab her little hand
Yao Mei blushed and served her master wholeheartedly.

Chen Qing liked this clever pretty girl more and more, he said softly: "Go back and tell your parents, you come back to Jingzhao with me, and be my personal maid."

Yao Mei stopped, her eyes widened, "Did your Highness not want to take me back?"

Chen Qing smiled awkwardly: "You are only fifteen years old, and your parents may not want you to go away."

"There are still four days until sixteen!" Yao Mei said angrily.

"The question is, are your parents willing?"

"Of course they are willing, four to five hundred dollars a month, where can they find such a high income?"

"Five pennies a month!"

Chen Qing smiled slightly and said: "The rule of our palace is that if you are my personal maid, you will be paid five guan a month, and there will be [-] guan in reward at the end of the year."

"What if you promise with your body?"

"If you promise with your body, you will become the hostess. According to the rules, that is another kind of treatment."

"Oh! So that's what happened."

It was only then that Yao Mei understood why His Highness did not agree to allow her to marry her with her body. It turned out that she would become his concubine with her body.

"I always listen to His Highness talking about rules, does Your Highness value rules?"

Chen Qing gave her a wink, told her not to stop, and patiently explained to her: "The rules are made by me. If I don't follow the rules myself, how can I ask others? For example, I don't allow my subordinates to raise other people." Housewives are not allowed to raise women outside, so I have to do it first, so I only have one wife and four concubines, and there are no other women outside."

"Why are you not allowed to raise women outside? This is someone else's private matter!"

"This is not a trivial matter. There are many problems involved. For example, with my financial resources, I can raise thousands of women without any problem, but I can't do this, because it means that thousands of men will have no wives. If all I have If subordinates or wealthy people follow my example, and each raises hundreds or dozens of women, how many men will have no wives? How will the population grow under my rule? How will taxes be paid?"

"I understand a little bit!"

Chen Qing continued: "So we have always had a rule that ordinary people can only be monogamous. If you want to marry a concubine, you must have the qualifications and contributions to get an honorary officer, and then you can marry a concubine. Marry as many as you want, the number of people is regulated, even if I am a prince, I can only marry up to twenty people, this is the rule I set up."

"I understand. Some people are not qualified to take concubines, so they keep other housewives outside, bypassing this rule."


Chen Qing praised: "That's why, I don't allow my subordinates to raise other housewives, and other rich people also don't allow it. Once found out, they will be imprisoned and exiled, and their property will be confiscated. I believe few people dare to try the law by themselves."

"Your Highness! Tomorrow I will tell my parents that I will go to Jingzhao with Your Highness."

Chen Qing thought for a while and said: "You go and talk about it first, and then I will ask the prefect to sign an agreement with them, allowing you to stay by my side for three years."

"Two years!"

Yao Mei bit her lip and said, "I will be eighteen years old in two years, Your Highness has promised."

"Then two years!"

Under the light, Chen Qing saw that her face was very pretty and charming, and she was really a little distracted, so she asked in a low voice, "What time is it now?"

"It's almost one more."

"You turned off the lights."

Yao Mei turned off the lights, and the big tent was pitch black. Chen Qing pulled her to lie beside him, and whispered something in her ear. Yao Mei covered her face in the quilt in embarrassment. Then shyly got into the quilt.

There are still three days until the new year, and the city of Datong is decorated with lanterns and festoons, and every household prepares sacrifices to welcome the new year.

In the east of the city there is a courtyard covering an area of ​​three mu. This is the new house of the Yao family. Yao Dalang, his wife Liu Shi, and his son Yao Song live here. In addition, his uncle Liu Dajiang lives alone with them.

This is an official house, a house arranged for them by the government, of course because of their daughter Yao Mei.

Yao Dalang entered the government office as a clerk. When he was young, he worked as a doctor of medicinal materials, and his handwriting was good. Yelu Qiyan thought highly of him, and made him the secretary of the storehouse, with three pennies a month. The government already has relatively high income.

His son, Yao Song, joined the township army and became the head of the capital. He supervised [-] people under his command, and he also earned three pennies a month.

Uncle Liu Dajiang worked as a guide under Yan Jun and served in the military. He was a civilian officer and earned four pennies a month.

Yao Dalang was in a bad mood, sitting at the table in a daze, he originally thought that his daughter would become King Yong's concubine, but today the prefect of Yelu told him that he would sign an agreement with him, and his daughter would be a maid in Yongwang's mansion.

How could Yao Dalang not be disappointed when he became a maid from a concubine? He knew very well in his heart that if his daughter could give birth to a son and a half for King Yong, she would become a concubine in the future.

Liu Dajiang persuaded from the side: "Xiaomei said it herself. The main reason is that she is relatively young, so King Yong didn't take her into the house. Besides, she is King Yong's personal maid, and it will be a matter of time before she becomes a concubine."

"How is she so young, she will be sixteen in two days, and girls will get married at the age of sixteen, okay, being young is just an excuse, King Yong will look down on Xiaomei."

"You're wrong, if King Yong doesn't like Xiaomei, he won't keep her at all. With Xiaomei's appearance, she can be called the most beautiful woman in Datong Mansion. Otherwise, how could the prefect of Yelu introduce her to His Highness King Yong? The prefect of Yelu personally told me that His Royal Highness Yong is very self-disciplined and generally does not touch women, so it is Xiaomei's blessing that His Royal Highness Yong favors her. I guess Yong Wang didn't accept her into the house, and the concubine may have to agree to it."

At this time, his wife Liu came over, and Yao Dalang hurriedly got up and asked, "How is it?"

Mrs. Liu sighed, "Xiaomei is still perfect, it seems that she is really just a maid."

Yao Dalang's last ray of hope was shattered, he sat down slumped, his daughter served the prince personally for more than [-] days, and he was still perfect, he really looked down on his daughter!

Yao Mei came out from the inner room and put an ingot of fifty taels of silver on the table, "This is from His Highness to you. It is a reward other than my wages. My daughter will visit you again before she leaves."

Liu Dajiang got up and walked in front of his niece, and said in a low voice: "Uncle will tell you something, you have to be diligent when you go to the palace, and you have to listen to the princess's words. You'd better be the princess' confidant, remember?"

"I remember!"

"Go! Your parents have me, and I will take good care of them."

Yao Mei bid farewell to her parents and went back to the barracks in a bullock cart
(End of this chapter)

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