
Chapter 1175 Clues

Chapter 1175 Clues
In the big tent, Yan Jun reported to Chen Qing about the capture of the enemy's spies.

"His Royal Highness, there are three spies in total. They are leading horses and carrying some goods. They claim to be lost businessmen. They got lost with the caravan. At this time, the humble officials have no doubts. After all, they can't come from the north. It's snowing , I let them enter the city and told them to go to the county office to register. The next day, I sent my men to the county office to inquire about their registration, but found that they hadn't registered. shop, the humble staff became suspicious, and began to search for them in the city together with the county government and the government government."

"Have you caught it?"

Yan Jun was a little ashamed and said: "Report to Your Highness, only catch one of them."

Chen Qing frowned, "Catch one person, the other two should be caught, what's going on?"

"Reporting to Your Highness, this person was caught as a guide. He separated from the two of them as soon as he entered the city. He was reluctant to spend money and stayed in the Temple of the City God for two nights. He was about to leave, but was caught by our soldiers."

"And then? How do you know they are spies?" Chen Qing asked again.

"The humble officer interrogated him. The guide said that the two of them did not come from the west, but came from Yanshan Mountain. They talked in Jurchen all the way. The guide could understand a little bit, as if they were talking about the number of troops and equipment. What's more, when they arrived at the border of Datong Prefecture, they switched to Chinese to talk, and the content of the conversation became the price, the profit, etc., so the humble judge judged that these two people are spies from the Kingdom of Jin."

"Wait a minute!"

Chen Qing suddenly realized, "What you said happened seven days ago. I just fell ill. You sent someone to report that you had caught three spies, right?"

"It was seven days ago, but I didn't mean to catch three spies, but to find three spies. Maybe I didn't make it clear. The soldiers passed the wrong message."

Chen Qing walked a few steps with his hands behind his back, then turned around and said, "It's been seven days, but they haven't been found yet, or have they left Datong City?"

"Reporting to Your Highness, the gates of the city are strictly controlled, and everyone who leaves the city will be strictly identified. They must still be in the city, and the low-ranking officials and the county government are still investigating."

"How do you check, and from which direction do you check?"

"From three directions, one is the inns in the whole city, the second is the nearest rental house, and the third is the shop. The goods brought by the other party are medicinal materials. We strictly checked the pharmacy and medical center, but we have never found their whereabouts."

Chen Qing nodded, "The direction of your investigation is correct. You have basically found all three possible directions. If you still find nothing, then there is only one possibility. They have an intelligence base in the city, and the two of them are hiding in the intelligence base. Have you considered this possibility?"

"The humble office and the county government have been considered, but I have no idea how to find the stronghold."

Chen Qing smiled faintly, "You have overlooked a very important clue."

Yan Jun was taken aback for a moment, then quickly bowed and said, "Your Highness, please advise!"

Chen Qing said slowly: "You have forgotten Li Bailing!"

Yan Jun slapped his head, he actually forgot about Li Bailing, Li Bailing is a spy of the golden man, he is still locked in the government prison, he is so confused!Ignore the important clues that are readily available.

"The humble official is confused, please allow the humble official to investigate."

Chen Qing nodded, "I'll go with you. I've been out for a long time."

In the back hall of the government office, Li Bailing was brought to court. He was locked in the dungeon all the time, fearing every day that he would be poisoned to death with a glass of poisoned wine. After being locked up for more than [-] days, he lost a lot of weight.

At this time, he was suddenly brought up to the court, which frightened him out of his wits, thinking that he would be executed after the sentence was pronounced, so he couldn't even walk, and was directly dragged into the inner hall by several soldiers.

Entering the lobby, he recognized the person sitting in the hall at a glance. It turned out to be Yong Wang Chen Qing. Let me die!"

Li Bailing met Chen Qing, but this was the first time Chen Qing saw Li Bailing. He was well-groomed. Although he had lost a lot of weight, one could imagine that he was still handsome and imposing before, otherwise his quality would not be as good. Use him as an aide.

"Are you Han?" Chen Qing asked slowly.

"The villain is a Han Chinese in Yanshan Prefecture. He has been Han Chinese for generations. His grandfather Li Kun also participated in the struggle against the Liao Dynasty and returned to the Song Dynasty. He was caught and executed by the Liao State."

Chen Qing snorted, "Your grandfather is a hero, but you are a spy. Do you have the face to face your ancestors?"

Li Bailing lowered his head in shame, he originally wanted to use his grandfather to mitigate the crime, but he didn't expect King Yong's words to hit his vitals, he was a little at a loss.

Chen Qing glanced at him, and asked again: "Are you the chief bookkeeper in Yi County?"

"Reporting to Your Highness, the villain was once a Jinshi of the Liao Kingdom, but because he was a Han Chinese and because of his grandfather's involvement, he was never appointed as an official. He could only teach at home. After the fall of the Liao Kingdom, the villain was appointed by the Jin Kingdom and became the Lord of Yi County. Bo, I have been working for more than ten years, and I have never had a chance to be promoted. My daughter also married a rascal, Du Shun. He Lisa found me and asked me to come to Datong Mansion to lurk and collect information about Datong Mansion, not military information, but mainly population, grain harvest, officials’ status, etc. Then someone introduced me to Orihiko as an aide.”

"Who introduced you to serve as Orihiko's staff?" Chen Qing suddenly discovered the key point.

"It's a senior official from Qin!"

Chen Qing turned his head and looked at Yelu Qiyan, Yelu Qiyan said: "This man is called Qin Huairen, a well-known businessman in Datong Prefecture, with a big business, specializing in fur and medicinal materials."


Yan Jun exclaimed, "Your Highness, isn't it right for you to do the medicinal material business?"

Chen Qing glared at him fiercely, Yan Jun quickly lowered his head because he was so impatient.

Li Bailing was an old man in the officialdom, so he immediately saw an opportunity.

He hurriedly kowtowed and begged: "Your Highness, I am willing to explain everything, I just ask His Highness to spare my life, I still have a wife and daughter, what will they do if I die!"

Chen Qing said coldly: "Are you negotiating terms with me?"

"The villain dare not, what Your Highness wants to know, I will explain everything!"

"Is this Qin Huairen also a spy of the Kingdom of Jin?"

"Reporting to Your Highness, I don't know if he is. Wanyan and Lisa arranged for me to come to him. After living in his mansion for two months, he introduced me to Zhe Yanzhi. I talked with him all the time. Three times, but never about the Kingdom of Jin."

"Then what are you talking about?"

"Talking about the Western Army, about His Highness, about Jing Zhao, he is very familiar with His Highness and Jing Zhao's situation, and he even knows how many children His Highness has."

Chen Qing asked again: "Do you think he is a spy?"

"I didn't feel it at the time, but looking back now, he seems to know too much, which doesn't match his status as a businessman."

Chen Qing nodded, and asked him again: "Is there any information point about the Kingdom of Jin in Datong City?"

Li Bailing thought for a while and said, "There should be! The villains know that there is a stronghold, but they don't know where it is? They never contact me or pay attention to me."

"To be more specific, how do you know there is a stronghold?"

"About last month, the villain collected a batch of information on the population, farmland, wells, roads, officials, etc. of Datong Prefecture, and then a man found me, showed me the spy silver medal, and asked for the information I collected. After leaving, I asked him how to send the information to Yanshan Mansion. He said that he would send someone to send it. The spy of the government is probably the leader of the spy."

Chen Qing was immediately interested, and asked again: "What does this person look like? Where does he live?"

(End of this chapter)

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