
Chapter 1176 Arrest

Chapter 1176 Arrest
Li Bailing confessed honestly: "I really don't know where I live. He came in a bullock cart and left in a bullock cart. He is about [-] years old, of medium build, very strong, and a Jurchen. Or a Khitan man, there is a scar above his left eye, which is shocking, he said that his surname is Jin, and his name is Jin Tong, and I realized later that this is a fake name, which means Jin Guo Datong."

Chen Qing asked a few more questions, and after making sure there was nothing to ask, he said to him: "If we cracked down on the intelligence base of the Kingdom of Jin, then I will count it as your meritorious service and atonement. I don't have to kill you, but let you and your wife and daughter go away. If you still have something to hide, then you will have no way out, you have to figure it out for yourself, if you missed something, tell me quickly."

Li Bailing kowtowed and said: "The villain has said it all, or it is my relationship with the Du family. Du Shun's father and I are classmates and friends. The child has been engaged since childhood. Later, their family went to Yingzhou. Three years ago, Du Shun My father found me again and asked me to fulfill the marriage that I had made before. I saw that Du Shun was good-looking, tall and burly, and my daughter liked him too, so I agreed. I didn't expect to find out after we got married that this Du Shun was a A rascal, a piece of mud that can't support the wall, I regret that there is nothing I can do. In order to find him an errand, I introduced the daughter of the Du family to Orihiko. Unexpectedly, she gave birth to a son, and the Du family suddenly turned around , I was also reused by Orihiko, and then I recommended Du Shun as the county lieutenant."

"I see, take him down and change him to a better cell."

Li Bailing was about to cry, and his voice was choked up, "Thank you Your Highness for not killing me, the villain is like an ox."

"Alright! Alright!"

Chen Qing waved his hand impatiently, "You don't know whether you are dead or alive, take it down!"

The soldiers took Li Bailing down, and Chen Qing asked Yelu Qiyan, "What does the magistrate Yelu think?"

"Humble job thinks we can start with Qin Huairen!"

"How much money does he have?" Chen Qing asked slowly.

"He is one of the three richest merchants in Datong Prefecture. I don't even know how much wealth he has."

"Do you estimate that there will be [-] guan?"

Yelu Qiyan suddenly understood that His Highness wanted to use this Qin Huairen to fill the huge hole of compensating the people for their losses!
Since the fall of Datong Mansion, the Kingdom of Jin has never been reconciled. The strategic location of Datong Mansion is extremely important. To the south, you can reach the Hedong, and to the east, you can enter the Hebei Plain through the Taihang Feihuxing. Since the Han Dynasty, Datong Mansion has been the bridgehead for northern nomads to enter the Central Plains. During the Northern Wei Dynasty, Datong Mansion was the capital of Xianbei people.

In the era of the Liao Kingdom, Datong Mansion was the Xijing of the Liao Kingdom and the hub for the Liao Kingdom to control Xixia. The Liao Kingdom attached great importance to the Datong Mansion. The disastrous defeat of the Sichuan-Shanxi Economic Strategy dragged down the defense of Datong Mansion, so that they retreated hastily, losing Hedong Road and Datong City one after another.

In order to regain Datong Mansion, Jin Guo first made a layout within Datong, and the deployment of intelligence agencies was the top priority.

Secondly, the Kingdom of Jin reached an agreement with the Ministry of Kelei and the Ministry of Tataer to support the two tribes to go south to attack Datong Mansion. The two parties agreed that the State of Jin would support weapons and siege weapons. The land and cities of the Ta'er Department belonged to the Kingdom of Jin.

Qin Huairen is a very important pawn in the intelligence deployment of the Kingdom of Jin. He is one of the three most powerful merchants in Datong Prefecture. His origin is closely related to the Kingdom of Jin. There are many nobles of the Jin Kingdom, and Jin Bing also needs merchants to cash in various wealth and materials for them. Of course, there are many merchants who follow Jin Bing to make money in the country, and Qin Huairen is one of them.

Jin Bing sold a large number of expensive materials to him at extremely low prices, and even gave him many materials that could not be taken away. Qin Huairen thus accumulated an incalculable wealth.

But there are gains and losses. Qin Huairen obtained a huge amount of wealth from the Jin people, and at the same time tied his own destiny firmly with the Kingdom of Jin.

Jin Guo lost Datong Mansion and retreated in a panic. Qin Huairen also wanted to follow Jin Guodong to retreat, but Wan Yanhe Lisa did not allow him to withdraw, ordered him to stay in Datong Mansion as an internal response, but agreed that his wealth could be withdrawn to Yanshan Mansion.

People are in Datong, how can wealth go to Yanshan, isn't that just giving it to Jin Bing?Qin Huairen is also very aware of this truth, he simply hid down and deliberately made friends with the officials and generals of the Western Army, his hard work paid off, he climbed the big tree of Zhe Yanzhi.

Qin Huairen is about fifty years old, tall and thin, with a long face, paired with a pair of triangular eyes, and thin lips, he is not a good person from the appearance.

During this time, Qin Huairen was rather nervous because Li Bailing was arrested, he was Li Bailing's recommender, and he was afraid that Li Bailing would confess himself.

He also spent a lot of money to inquire about the news from the government office, and the news was that Li Bailing did not mention him, which made Qin Huairen heave a sigh of relief, and more than twenty days passed, no one came to him, and Qin Huairen gradually relaxed his vigilance .

In the afternoon, Qin Huairen came to Yunzhong Teahouse to drink tea as usual. Yunzhong Teahouse is the largest and most high-end teahouse in Datong Prefecture, and it is also the news distribution center of Datong Prefecture. Since Yunzhong Teahouse opened eight years ago, Qin Huairen He always comes to the teahouse to drink tea, no matter what happens, he has a special seat in the teahouse, the second floor is next to the window, but the back is a wall, so he feels safe,
Qin Huairen went up to the second floor and came to his seat, but unexpectedly found that his seat was taken by someone. Qin Huairen turned to look for the shopkeeper without saying a word. When he came to the first floor, he couldn't see the shopkeeper. He asked a waiter, "Where's your shopkeeper?"

The man pointed to a room next to him and said, "You can rest in the room!"

Qin Huairen felt annoyed, pushed open the door and walked in, only to see the shopkeeper sitting on a chair, looking at him strangely, Qin Huairen stepped forward and said angrily: "Who is sitting in my seat, go and see Look!"

He suddenly realized something was wrong, and when he turned around, the door was closed, and two burly men came from behind the door.

"Official Qin, my prefect is here to invite you!"

Yelu begged for Yan and was severely tortured, Qin Huairen couldn't stand the torture, and finally confessed.

Half an hour later, a thousand soldiers were mobilized and rushed to the Beihai fur shop in the north of the city. Yan Jun searched the medicine shops in the city, looking for two spies, but forgot that the other party was only carrying medicinal materials to cover his identity, and it might not be true. to sell.

Thousands of soldiers surrounded the Beihai fur shop. Dozens of soldiers with large shields kicked open the gate and rushed in.

This fur shop is Jin Guo's intelligence station in Datong Mansion. Li Bailing and Qin Huairen belong to the peripheral support. This fur shop covering an area of ​​about five acres is the real Jin Guo military intelligence station. It collects various military information about Datong. There are more than [-] intelligence spies.

The search and arrest of the intelligence station by the Western Army was met with fierce resistance from the Jinbing spies. The two sides fought fiercely in the shop and in the backyard. The dead, injured, and those who survived were all arrested.

Holding a big shield and a short spear, Yan Jun rushed into the firewood room in the yard, and saw a man yelled and swung a knife at him. Yan Jun blocked it with his shield, and with a glance, he saw the stove in the corner Li is burning documents, which should be important secrets.

He rolled over on the spot, and the short spear swept out, "Clang!" The stove was overturned, and a thick stack of documents was spilled on the ground.

The man was in a hurry, rushed forward and hacked more than a dozen knives, Yan Jun also resolved them one by one, and at the same time saw his appearance clearly, with a medium build, a full face, a typical Donghu appearance, and a shocking scar above his left eyebrow , is exactly the leader of the spies that Li Bailing told him.

At this time, two soldiers rushed in, covered the man with a large net, and dragged him back suddenly. The man lost his footing and fell to the ground.

Yan Jun rushed forward and kicked the knife in his hand, and hit him hard on the head with the shield, and the man fell into a coma immediately.

The soldiers tied him firmly behind his back, gagged his mouth with a rag, put a black bag over his head, and carried him out.

The outside of the fur shop was full of people watching the excitement. I saw Jinbing spies being tied up and carried out, with black bags covering their heads. There were about seventeen or eight people, and they were thrown into several carriages. , the carriage locked the gate, and drove away under the strict guard of the cavalry.

At the same time, Yelu Qiyan led dozens of officials and thousands of officials to search Qin Huairen's mansion and shop.

[I'm a little unwell today, I'm sorry everyone, there are only two updates! 】

(End of this chapter)

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