
Chapter 1177 Information

Chapter 1177 Information
Compared with Jin Guo's intelligence spies, Chen Qing was more concerned about checking Qin Huairen's property. After all, he promised to pay [-] households to demolish houses and pay [-] guan for each household. [-] guan is not much, but the total amount is huge. As many as [-] guan.

He was worried that there would be no source for this huge amount of money, and thought that Qin Huairen would send it to his door.

Datong Mansion's second-largest family in terms of wealth and strength started their business by making money from the country's difficulties. Isn't this the solution God gave him?

Qin Huairen's wives, concubines and children were taken to the guest room and locked up. Hundreds of soldiers searched the mansion. All kinds of money piled up in the large courtyard of the central hall. hill.

Dozens of officials were sorting and registering, and the lids of the large boxes were opened. Chen Qing stepped forward to investigate, and all kinds of jewelry, jade, jewelry, gold and silver, silk, satin, porcelain, calligraphy and paintings were piled up in each large box.

At this time, there was another burst of cheers in the inner house, and the soldiers found another pit of copper coins, and a whole five pits of copper coins were found.

"How many records are there?" Chen Qing asked Yelu Qiyan.

Yeluqi smiled and said: "According to their records, there are [-] to [-] guan in a cellar of copper coins. After calculation, the copper coins alone are close to [-] guan, and the silver record is [-] taels, and the gold record is [-] guan. Two, four thousand hectares of land, twelve shops, seven houses, and tens of thousands of coins in the shops."

"Is there any money in the cabinet?" Chen Qing asked with a smile.

Yelu Qiyan shook his head, "This man is a rich man, he hides all his wealth at home and never puts it in a cabinet."

Chen Qing thought for a while and said: "The copper coins are all used to compensate the demolition households. I estimate that there will be a gap of tens of thousands of guan. The treasury of King Yong's Mansion, the land, houses, and shops will go to the government and county government, and the grain and livestock will also go to the government and county government."

"Will there be any objections from the Internal Affairs Hall?"

Chen Qing smiled slightly: "Don't worry, there is a clear division between the government treasury and the temple treasury. In fact, they are both the same thing. They are both the state treasury, but the approval authority is different."

"Understood, what about Qin Huairen's family?"

"Their own belongings will not be confiscated, and then they will be given a small house, a shop and [-] acres of land, and everything else will be confiscated."

"Follow the order!"

Yelu Qiyan took another box from the small table next to him, "This is for Your Highness."

Chen Qing opened it, and inside was a three-piece set of jewellery, a Danfeng nobile, a gold bracelet and a gold chain, with a sapphire hanging on the chain, the workmanship was quite exquisite.

Chen Qing smiled and said, "You want me to give it to Xiaomei?"

Yelu Qiyan hurriedly bowed and said, "I don't dare to make decisions for Your Highness."

"Didn't you decide for me?"

Although these gold jewelry are exquisite, they may be regarded as high-end jewelry in Datong Prefecture, but Chen Qing's wives and concubines really look down on them. Their jewelry and collections are all top-notch treasures.

Chen Qing handed the wooden box to the soldiers and accepted it.

After solving the source of the [-] yuan of compensation money, Chen Qing felt relieved, and rode back to the barracks. When he came to his big tent, he saw Xiaomei talking to the commander of the soldiers in front of the tent.
Chen Qing got off his horse and asked with a smile, "What are you talking about?"

Xiaomei was a little embarrassed and said, "I asked Brother Wu, should he return to Jingzhao directly after the year, or go elsewhere? Brother Wu said he was going to Lingzhou, but now he doesn't know."

Chen Qing shook his head and said, "I won't go to Lingzhou for the time being, I'll go back to Jingzhao directly."

Wu Duo next to him asked: "Your Highness, are you sure you won't go to Lingzhou?"

"It's not that I don't want to go, but I can't go. The snow in Lingzhou is much thicker than here, and the road is completely blocked. The snow will not start to melt until March next year. Do we have to wait two months in Datong?"

"Humble and dull!"

Chen Qing waved his hand, "Don't worry about these small things, tomorrow is New Year's Eve, and tomorrow night I will spend New Year's Eve with the Datong army. Don't forget to bring the brothers there together, and tell the brothers not to put on airs, and to mingle with the frontier soldiers."

"Remember the humble job!"

Yao Mei asked urgently: "Your Highness, do I want to go tomorrow?"

Chen Qing said with a smile: "Tomorrow, you will spend New Year's Eve with your family, and there will not be many opportunities in the future. I may get drunk. You come to take care of me early the day after tomorrow."

Yao Mei nodded, "I remember that too."

When Chen Qing walked into the big tent, he remembered something, and handed the box to Yao Mei, "For you?"

"For me?"

Yao Mei took the box in surprise and opened it, and was stunned. Inside were three pieces of glittering gold jewellery, treasures she had never seen before.

"Your Highness! I can't ask for it, it's too expensive."

Chen Qing smiled and said: "You are King Yong's personal servant girl, will the most powerful King Yong in the world give you some copper jewelry?"

"I never thought I'd have gold jewelry."

"Accept it! Work hard, and the princess will reward you in the future."

Yao Mei hesitated and said, "Your Highness, I...can I give it to my mother, her only silver hairpin was sold by me and my brother in Shanyang County, she has never seen gold jewelry in her whole life."

Chen Qing secretly praised Yao Mei for her filial piety, and said with a smile: "The thing is already yours, and it is your business if you want to give it to anyone, and it is not a peerless treasure. I usually don't ask."

"Thank you, Your Highness!"

Chen Qing sat down and said with a smile: "Just saying thank you is not sincere, you have to express your gratitude with actions!"

Yao Mei flushed with shame, turned around and ran out of the tent, Chen Qing shouted from behind: "I'm thirsty, hurry up and make tea!"

"Understood!" Yao Mei agreed crisply outside the tent, her voice seemed to be mixed with honey.

In the afternoon, Yan Jun hurried to the barracks, and he wanted to report an extremely important piece of information to Chen Qing.

"We found a secret from the information we snatched from the stove. In Daihai, about [-] miles away to the northwest, the Jurchen is called Ang'a, and there is a small tribe of the Tata tribe, with about a hundred people. , raised hundreds of thousands of sheep, came with the army this autumn, but did not return, most likely to provide logistical supplies for the nomadic army invading south."

Chen Qing suddenly remembered the suggestion Liu Dajiang had given himself, and it seemed that this was the case, so he immediately asked, "Has your guide, Liu Dajiang, come?"

"Didn't follow!"

Chen Qing immediately ordered: "You send someone to find him now, he knows about it."

Yan Jun hurried out of the account, and sent his soldiers and entourage back to the barracks to find Liu Dajiang.

Not long after, Liu Dajiang rushed over and met his niece Yao Mei at the door of the tent. He asked in a low voice, "Are you going home to worship tomorrow New Year's Eve?"

Yao Mei nodded, "Your Highness asked me to go home for New Year's Eve!"

"I see, I'll go back and tell your parents to prepare."

At this time, the soldiers shouted: "Liu Canjun, Your Highness will let you in!"

Liu Dajiang hurried into the big tent, bowed and saluted, "Humble Liu Dajiang, see Your Highness!"

Chen Qing said to Yan Jun: "General Yan, tell Liu Canjun the important information just now!"

. . . . . . . .

After listening to Yan Jun's introduction, Liu Dajiang nodded and said: "This is the logistics tribe I told His Highness. Generally speaking, there will never be ordinary herdsmen on the route of the army going south. Their cattle and sheep will be forcibly conscripted by the army. Therefore, ordinary tribes will leave far away to ensure safety. Ang'a's launching into the water is the only way for the nomadic army to go south. There are grazing tribes there. There is only one possibility. They are the logistics tribe of the army, but the logistics tribe of the Tata department alone must Not enough, I guess there is another tribe in Baishuibo, it should be the logistics tribe of the Kelei Ministry."

As expected of a guide, he really has experience, Chen Qing asked again: "At this time, can the army go to A'ang to enter the water?"

Liu Dajiang thought for a while and said: "I went to Baishuibo at this time last year, but last year it snowed heavily, and it was very difficult for me to ride a horse. This year's snow is obviously not as heavy as last year. I think it is feasible, but we have to make a quick decision. Avoid encountering heavy snow in the first month."

"Does it snow every year during the first lunar month?"

"Almost, around the middle of every year, there will be a heavy snowfall, so Datong has always had the custom of watching lanterns in the snow to celebrate Shangyuan, which refers to the heavy snowfall in the first month."

Chen Qing nodded, and said to Yan Jun: "We must pull out these two supply points, send [-] troops, take a day off on the first day of the first lunar month, and send troops on the second day of the first lunar month. According to Liu Canjun's statement, we will fight quickly. !"

"Humble post obeys orders!"

(End of this chapter)

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