
Chapter 1180 Military Inquiry

Chapter 1180 Military Inquiry
Qin Hui hurried into the imperial study room, bowed and saluted, "See Your Majesty!"

Zhao Gou knocked on the imperial case, a little dissatisfied: "Why haven't the taxes and grain production of Huzhou been sent yet? Today is the middle of the first month, when will it be sent?"

Qin Hui hurriedly reported: "Last year, the county officials in Huzhou changed. They need to familiarize themselves with the situation. I reminded you last time. It is estimated that there will be a report in the next two days. But please rest assured, the weather in Huzhou was good last year, and the harvest should be better than the previous year. Happy last year."

Zhao Gou's face softened a little, and he said to Qin Hui: "Tomorrow Liu Dutong will give a report on his duties, Qin Xiangguo should also participate!"

"Does Your Majesty need to ask my humble minister?"

Zhao Gou shook his head, "Tomorrow is the Privy Council's report, and the head of the Privy Council will ask questions. Qin Xiangguo just listen and understand."

Qin Hui felt as uncomfortable as swallowing a fly. Of course he would participate in tomorrow's job report. It was not a good thing for the official to remind him at this time. In fact, he was told in advance not to talk too much, and there was no room for him to ask questions.

Uncomfortable in his heart, Qin Hui still respectfully said: "My minister obeys the order!"

Zhao Gou remembered something, and said again: "In addition, the captured Mr. Wan, I want to use him to exchange benefits. How about exchanging Haizhou?"

"Your Majesty, you can give it a try! Send Wei Liangchen, the Minister of Rituals, to Jinan Mansion to negotiate with Wanyan Wushu. The minister thought that the Wanyan Digu we captured was a nobleman of the Jin Kingdom, and Wanyan Wushu should agree to exchange. In addition, Wei Chen suggested to prepare another backup plan, if the other party refuses to cede the land, then it would be good to exchange [-] war horses."

"War horses can!"

Zhao Gou said happily: "I heard that the Western Army is planting pastures by the river to raise sheep and cattle to develop animal husbandry. We have more rivers, so we can use the riverbanks to plant pastures, so we don't need to use cultivated land to plant grass and raise horses." .”

"Wei Chen understands, and will arrange it as soon as possible!"

Qin Hui bowed and retreated, Zhao Gou was in a good mood, and wrote down the four characters of "Victory without End".

In the morning of the next day, Liu Kai, the former commander of the military capital, gave his duty report in the side hall of Ziwei Hall.

More than [-] senior officials attended the work report meeting.

This report is slightly different from the previous reports of other generals. This time, the emperor Zhao Gou proposed it on his own initiative. He was eager to learn about the situation of Jinbing on Shandong Road because of his expanding ambitions for the Northern Expedition.

The debriefing was presided over by the Privy Council, and Xu Xiantu asked questions as the prefect. Of course, the questions he wanted to ask were military affairs that the emperor was very concerned about.

Emperor Zhao Gou entered the hall and sat down, and everyone saluted together, "See Your Majesty!"

Zhao Gou waved his hand and smiled at Liu Qi: "Today's debriefing is mainly to ask about some military information, so Liu Dutong needn't be too nervous."

Liu Kai bowed and said, "The humble official will try his best to answer!"

Zhao Gou nodded and said to Xu Xiantu, "Let's get started!"

Xu Xiantu coughed and said slowly: "This time, the [-] troops you wiped out were all Jurchen cavalry. This is the content of your military newspaper, but a minister wrote that the ones you wiped out were not the real Jurchen cavalry. Is this rumor true? reality?"

The person who wrote the letter was Liu Ziyu. When everyone was celebrating the victory, he wrote a letter pointing out that encircling and annihilating [-] Jurchen cavalry with [-] troops is not something to boast about.

But why is this Jurchen army not that Jurchen army?Liu Ziyu was vague and did not say the reason.

But Liu Kai knew it well, and he also thought of a good answer to this question.

Liu Kai said calmly: "Report to Your Majesty, to Xu Xianggong, to all ministers, after the new emperor ascended the throne, the Kingdom of Jin has carried out many reforms. One of the reforms is to expand the scope of the Jurchens. The Bohai people, Shiwei people, Mohe people, Goryeo people, Khitan people, Xi people and other Donghu people who lived in the Kingdom of Jin were collectively called Jurchens.

In fact, after more than ten years of long-term war with our Song Dynasty, there are not many real Jurchens, with a population of less than one million. The Ten Thousand Jurchen Army is located on Yanshan Road, Hebei Road, and Shandong Road. The [-] Jurchen Army is the real Jurchen Army, and the other [-] Jurchen Army is the Donghu Army, but it is also called the Jurchen Army.

At present, most of the Jurchen troops on Shandong Road and Hebei Road are Donghu troops. Of the [-] Jurchen troops in Wanyan Wushu's hands, only [-] are real Jurchen troops, and the other [-] are Donghu troops.

The real [-] Jurchen cavalry are directly led by Wanyan Wushu, they focus on defense and will not attack at will, so the [-] Jurchen cavalry we wiped out are one of the [-] Donghu troops. "

Liu Kai’s data comes from Wanyan Dinaigu’s confession, which is confidential. Except for the emperor, the prime minister, senior officials of the Privy Council and a few generals, no one else knows. Liu Kai’s speaking today has made everyone gain insight. It turns out that the Jurchen army is also divided into two categories.

Xu Xiantu glanced at Emperor Zhao Gou, and Zhao Gou waved his hand to indicate approval. He knew the answers, but he wanted to know the military situation that he didn't know.

Xu Xiantu smiled and said: "I've settled this question, and my second question is the current situation of the troops of all parties in the south of Shandong Road? General Liu should know!"

Zhao Gou's spirit lifted, this was the question he wanted to know.

Liu Kai thought for a while and said: "At present, there are a large number of garrisons in the three parties. We have [-] troops deployed in Suzhou, Chuzhou and Pizhou. Among them, Pizhou is divided into two by the New Yellow River. The western Pizhou is controlled by us, and the eastern Pizhou belongs to the Kingdom of Jin. , while the west of Xuzhou above Pizhou is controlled by the Western Army, and Pengcheng County is the Yellow River Water Army Station of the Western Army. [-] signed troops were stationed in Haizhou and the eastern part of Xuzhou, under the command of Li Cheng, the governor of the capital."

"The Western Army only has [-] troops?" Zhao Gou couldn't help asking.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the Western Army has more than [-] troops. This is just a naval army. As far as I know, the Western Army's garrison on Henan Road has about [-] troops, which is roughly the same as ours."

"If I want to attack Shandong Road in the north, where should I start?"

Liu Qi was a little embarrassed. This is an important military secret. How could it be revealed on such an occasion? There are too many people and it will be spread.

He had no choice but to say vaguely: "Reporting to Your Majesty, there are too many clues that need to be dealt with, and it is difficult for me to explain it in one word!"

Zhao Gou also realized that he couldn't say it here, but he was eager to know, so he waved his hand impatiently, "This is the end of the job report, retreat!"

In the imperial study room, Liu Kai bowed and said: "If your majesty wants to march north, I suggest that you not rush, take it step by step, and first seize the eastern part of Haizhou, Pizhou and Xuzhou. We have a foothold and use Haizhou as our foundation. , take the sea route to supplement logistics, food and grass materials, and after stabilizing the logistics foundation, continue to expand northward, capture three or four states, and then consolidate and carry out encroaching northward expansion."

"Then how many troops should I send?" Zhao Gou asked again.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, if His Majesty wants to seize Shandong Road, he must cast at least [-] troops."

"Three hundred thousand troops!"

Zhao Gou was stunned for a while, how could it be possible to cast so many troops?
(End of this chapter)

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