
Chapter 1181 Assessment

Chapter 1181 Assessment
Liu Kai saw the emperor's hesitation, and said anxiously: "Your Majesty, there are more than [-] Jin soldiers on Shandong Road, [-] signing troops, [-] Jurchen Donghu troops, [-] Jurchen Tiefutu, and the humble official said at least [-] have already It is the limit, even [-] troops are not enough, I am afraid that [-] troops will be needed in the end, Your Majesty, I am not exaggerating!"

The emperor Zhao Gou didn't speak for a long time, [-] troops, [-] troops, his total of [-] troops is less than [-] troops, if he can take the Shandong Road, it's fine, if he can't, or even the whole army is wiped out, then his court can still be preserved live?The risk is too great.

Although Zhao Gou was impulsive, he was not stupid. He knew what was more important than what was more important. For the sake of looking good, destroying his own country would not be worth the candle.

At this time, Xu Xiantu said next to him: "Your Majesty, what Liu Dutong said about an army of [-] to [-] is actually referring to a full-scale attack. It is indeed inappropriate for the army to press up together and confront the Jin soldiers, but the minister thinks it is feasible to do it every step of the way, so I use ten. Wan Dajun, first seize Haizhou, Xuzhou, and the eastern part of Pizhou, and then look at the situation after it stabilizes. If the situation is unfavorable, take a defensive position, or even retreat. If there is a fierce battle between the Jin army and the Western army, we can completely fight each other , the fisherman reaps the benefits, expands northward silently, and still only uses one hundred thousand troops, I believe that if we adopt a prudent and prudent encroachment strategy, even if we can't take down the entire Shandong Road, we can at least take [-]% of it."

Zhao Gou looked at Liu Kai again, and Liu Kai nodded, "If it's a cannibalization strategy and you don't want to seize the whole of Shandong, then a hundred thousand troops is about the same. The Western Army took advantage of the opportunity to enter, and Wanyan Wushu is also a slap in the face!"

Zhao Gou also calmed down at this time, without the previous impulse, he pondered for a moment and said: "Let me think about it carefully!"

In Changfeng Teahouse, Hu Yun saw Wang Mu again, and Hu Yun said with a smile: "I have something to do today, please make up your mind as an aide!"

"Speak! I'm listening."

"A few days ago, I received a pigeon letter from Taiyuan from His Highness, asking me to pay close attention to the trend of the imperial court's Northern Expedition. I also said when the imperial court will start the Northern Expedition again. As a result, Liu Kai held a work report meeting this morning, talking about the Northern Expedition. , Your Highness has the foresight."

Wang Mu smiled slightly and said, "Your Highness must think differently from us, but why are you in trouble?"

Hu Yun sighed and said, "I don't know what the intention of His Highness in sending me the pigeon letter is to let me sabotage the Northern Expedition of the Song Army, or to tell him the progress of the Northern Expedition of the Song Army at any time, so I came to ask you for advice."

"What did the pigeon letter say?"

"Be sure to be vigilant about the imperial court's Northern Expedition! This is the sentence, which uses vigilance instead of concern, so I am a little confused. After all, vigilance has the meaning of intervention!"

Wang Mu thought for a while and said, "Your Highness is very measured. He won't let you do things that you can't do. I think it's too difficult for you to stop the Northern Expedition of the Song Army. Your Highness won't think so."

Hu Yun smiled wryly and said, "If I go to Xu Xiantu and ask him to persuade the emperor to give up the Northern Expedition, he can still do it. It's actually not very difficult."

Wang Mu pondered for a moment and said: "If you are asked to find Xu Xiantu, His Highness will definitely say that a volume of pigeon letters can contain more than [-] characters, and His Highness can definitely say a few more words, and won't use words that you don't understand. I think what he means by vigilance is to let you use resources to collect accurate information, and attention means to understand the general situation from legal channels, so the vigilance requirements are more detailed, allowing you to do things, but not to stop, it should be to collect intelligence .”

Hu Yun nodded, "I'm a fan of the authorities, and I really didn't think about the problem from the perspective of collecting intelligence. I know what to do."

Wang Mu smiled again: "In addition, I want to remind you that Han Shizhong built military ships in Zhenjiang Mansion and trained the navy. According to the news from the newspaper, they also have [-] large merchant ships of Wanshi. If the Song army attacks Haizhou , will definitely go to sea, you have to consider the possibility of sending troops by water when you inquire about intelligence."

"I understand, try not to use Xu Xiantu's line this time, and see if we can get information from other channels."

When Chen Qing arrived in Jingzhao, he wanted to handle the transfer of property with Zhao Kai, and he wanted to spend [-] yuan to supplement the Datong government office.

Chen Qing asked Wu Duo to lead his own soldiers to take Yao Mei back to the mansion first.

Yao Mei is really nervous, what if the princess doesn't like her?Will he send himself back to Datong Mansion?

Wu Duo saw Yao Mei's nervousness, so he smiled and comforted him: "Miss Xiaomei, don't be nervous, the prince has already written to the princess, the princess is kind-hearted and gentle, she will not make things difficult for you!"

Wu Duo's consolation reassured Yao Mei a little, and after a short while, the carriage arrived at the palace, and Aunt Wen waited here with two women. Wu Duo introduced to Yao Mei, "This is Aunt Wen, the steward of the inner palace."

Yao Mei hurriedly saluted obediently, Aunt Wen smiled and said: "Princess Wang asked me to bring Miss Yao in, please follow me!"

Yao Mei carried her small bag and followed Aunt Wen into the inner house in a buggy. When she entered the garden, she was amazed. She had never seen such a large garden. There was a mountain and a lake. There are small islands and attics, and there are large grasslands and woods in the distance.

Aunt Wen saw Yao Mei's eyes filled with amazement, so she smiled and said: "This was originally the emperor's palace, with an area of ​​about [-] acres. The lake water took up [-] acres, but there were not many houses, only about [-] acres. After the spring, everyone will move to the island to live, the main consideration is safety, the Fengqi Pavilion on the island is very large, there are surrounding buildings and yards, and there are two to three hundred rooms alone."

Yao Mei nodded slightly, at this time her beautiful eyes lit up, and there was a doe with several fawns on the snow beside her.

Aunt Wen laughed and said: "They are the treasures of the little princess. They live in the woods. No one in the house cares about them, so they come here."

"There is snow on the ground, can they find no fodder?"

Aunt Wen smiled slightly and said, "Someone feeds them specially, so I don't need them to look for food."

At this time, the carriage stopped in front of a large building complex, surrounded by walls, like a single house, estimated to have as many as several hundred rooms.

Yao Mei got out of the carriage, followed Mrs. Wen into the door, and went all the way to the back hall. When she walked up the hall, she saw a noble lady sitting in the middle, surrounded by a large group of maids and servants, and several young women sitting on both sides. All of them are full of jewels, probably the other concubines of King Yong.

Aunt Wen smiled and said, "Princess, she is here!"

It turned out that the one sitting in the middle was the concubine, Yao Mei hurriedly stepped forward to give a blessing, "Xiaomei sees the concubine!"

Lu Xiu looked Yao Mei up and down, and nodded secretly, saying that Datong Mansion produces beauties, and it really deserves its reputation. This little girl is very beautiful, especially with big eyes, black and white.

When Lu Xiu received her husband's letter, she was very surprised. She knew that her husband would never look for women outside. This was the first time, which showed that this little lady had something special in order to be favored by her husband.

Lu Xiu didn't hate Yao Mei, on the contrary, she was very grateful to Yao Mei in her heart. Her husband fell ill in Datong Mansion, if it wasn't for the little lady who devoted herself to serving her for five days and five nights, her husband would not have recovered so quickly.

But the palace has its rules, Yao Mei is not an ordinary maid, but her husband's personal maid, so she has to meet the conditions of personal maid.

Lu Xiu waved and smiled, "Miss Xiaomei, come here!"

Yao Mei stepped forward timidly, Lu Xiu pointed to a middle-aged woman beside her and said with a smile: "This is Dr. Liu from our house, let her check your pulse, don't be nervous, this is the doctor from our house Everyone has to go through the rules."

Dr. Liu looked Yao Mei up and down carefully, especially her eyebrows and eyes, and pointed at the small table beside him expressionlessly, "Put your right arm on the table!"

Yao Mei obediently put her right arm on the table. Doctor Liu took her pulse, made a careful diagnosis, and nodded to Princess Lu Xiu. Zhao Qiaoyun and others beside her understood what Doctor Liu meant, "It's a virgin!" '

Lu Xiu suddenly smiled. She was able to stay close to her husband for more than a month, and came back in a carriage all the way. She can still maintain her virginity. She is a qualified personal maid.

Lu Xiu told her maid: "Chunxi, take Xiaomei to her room, settle down first, and meet me in my room later."

Yao Mei also heaved a long sigh of relief, she knew that she had passed the princess assessment.

(End of this chapter)

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