
Chapter 1183

Chapter 1183
Yao Mei's room is located in the main courtyard, which is the courtyard of the princess. It covers an area of ​​three acres and has dozens of rooms. Chen Qing's inner study is also here, but in the side courtyard, there is enough space for him to plant. Corn and pumpkins, Yao Mei's room is of course a single room, and it is relatively simple at present, with a bed, a table and chairs, and a cabinet, but there are not many things that belong to her.

She brought very little luggage from Datong Mansion, just a small box, which contained a few changed clothes, a set of Four Treasures of the Study given to her by her uncle, some toiletries, and a small pot of soil from her hometown. No more, she didn't even have a penny, and all her belongings were left to her parents.

There was a new set of quilts, pillows, and a package on the bed, which was a gift from the princess.

Yao Mei was staring at the contents in a daze. Inside were three sets of brand new satin skirts, and a very thick cotton skirt, which she had never seen before. There was also a set of exquisite gold jewelry, hairpins, hairpins, pearl flowers , bracelets, necklaces, and anklets are many times more beautiful than the previous set of gold jewelry.

At this time, footsteps came from behind her, and Yao Mei turned her head, only to see a very young woman appearing behind her, looking at her with a smile on her face.

Yao Mei remembered that she was one of the twin concubines of His Royal Highness King Yong.

She hurried forward to salute, "See Madam!"

Yu Ying stepped forward and took her hand and said with a smile, "You can call me Sister Ah Ying, and Chun Xi also calls me that."

Yao Mei hesitated, "Madam said, I want to call Fourth Madam."

Yu Ying said softly: "That was in public, you don't need to be so polite in private, we used to be the same as you, we were officials' personal maids, A-Lian and I were only thirteen years old at that time, seeing you now, I It reminds me of my old self.”

Yao Mei's heart was thumping, being a maid is really the only way to become a concubine!
Yu Ying felt her hands were cold, touched her skirt again, it was very flimsy, frowned and said: "It's such a cold day, you wear so little, isn't it cold?"

"It's a little cold!"

Yu Ying saw the cotton skirt on the bed, quickly picked it up and said, "Madam gave you the cotton skirt, put it on quickly, put it on quickly!"

Yao Mei put on a cotton skirt, a cotton coat, and a pair of close-fitting cotton trousers. Although they were a little bulky, they were indeed much warmer.

It was only then that Yu Ying realized that she didn't have a mirror. Looking around again, she found that she lacked too many things, such as copper basins, cups, kettles, tea stoves, toilets, shoes, and too few clothes. No.

"Hey! This Mrs. Wu is not prepared for what she does!"

As soon as the words were finished, Aunt Wu came over with a few healthy women carrying two big boxes, which were placed at the door.

Aunt Wu smiled and said, "Miss Xiaomei, these are all yours, take your time to clean them up, and we won't come in."

"Thank you ma'am!"

Yao Mei walked out quickly, and saw two large boxes full of various daily necessities, besides there was a brazier, a box of charcoal, tongs and flints.

Yu Ying stepped forward to take a look. There was a copper mirror, a copper basin, water cups, toilets, towels, etc., everything was available.

But there are no clothes, no shoes, no makeup, Yu Ying smiled and said: "I will bring you something later, you need some other things."

Yao Mei pulled her and asked in a low voice: "Sister Ah Ying, what should I do if I want to go to the toilet?"

"There is a clean bucket here, it's still new, it's convenient for you to put it behind the screen, and put it by the door early tomorrow morning, there will be a servant girl to take it away, scrub it clean and send it back."

"Could it be a mistake?"

"No, they all counted them, and they never made a mistake."

Yu Ying smiled and said: "Okay, it's convenient for you to close the door first! I'm leaving, and I'll ask the maid to bring you something later."

"Thank you, sister Ying!"

Yu Ying smiled and left, Yao Mei hastily closed the door, and ran to the corner behind the screen with the toilet in hand.

Chen Qing came back in the afternoon, but he was stuck by his two daughters all the time. He didn't sit down on the chair he hadn't seen for a long time until after dinner. Yao Mei brought him in with a cup of tea. She just found out that this tea cup It was worth thousands of guan, and it was a fine product of the official kiln. She was so scared that she moved forward step by step carefully, and it took a long time to slowly put the tea cup on the table.

Chen Qing said with a smile: "Tomorrow you can use a plate and come in with the plate, so you won't spill it."

"I'm afraid of breaking the teacup. Chunxi said it's expensive."

Chen Qing smiled helplessly and said, "One of the expensive official kiln teacups was mischievously broken by two little girls. I dare not use them anymore. Now they are all ordinary teacups. Don't worry!"

"That's good, otherwise I'm really worried."

"How are you? Are you used to living here?"

"Reporting to Master, I have settled down. Madam is very kind to me. Sister Ah Ying took special care of me. She sent me a lot of dresses, shoes, and even a few sets of rouge. That's it."

"That's right. It feels a bit extravagant to eat."

Chen Qing smiled slightly, "This is a royal palace, not an ordinary family, but it is far from luxury. The real luxury is beyond your imagination."

"It's my short-sightedness!"

Chen Qing nodded and said: "You sit in the outer room, there is a table outside where you can practice calligraphy, and when I call you, I will ring the bell. If some ladies are looking for me, you don't have to stop, and if others are looking for me, you report to me, yes You don't have to stop the two little girls looking for me."

"I see!"

"In addition, when I go back to rest, you also go back to rest."

"Shouldn't I be on duty at night? Sister Ah Ying said that she used to sleep in the outer room."

"You don't need to be on duty at night, you just follow Madam's arrangement."

"I see!"

Yao Mei bowed her knees and saluted, and went outside.

Chen Qing paced back and forth in the room with his hands behind his hands. This afternoon, he talked with Zhao Kai for more than half an hour. Zhao Kai was old, already seventy-five years old, and could no longer assume the post of counselor, so he asked himself to resign.

Chen Qing is also embarrassed to keep him anymore. After all, at such an advanced age, others have already enjoyed the family happiness, but he is still working hard for himself.

The most important thing now is, who will succeed Zhao Kai?Zhao Kai's four sons were all promising. The eldest son, Zhao Changyou, served as a transshipment envoy on the Sichuan Road, taking over from his father. The other sons were all local officials.

Of course, Zhao Changyou's qualifications are still a little low, and it is impossible for him to be a counselor. In fact, Chen Qing thinks that the most suitable candidate is Zhou Kuan.

His ability in financial management is no less than that of Zhao Kai, but he is more suitable than Zhao Kai to serve as the official department. Chen Qingcai transferred Zhou Kuan to the official department.

Now Zhou Kuan can be transferred back to the Financial Secretary, but who will take over as the Superintendent of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, Chen Qing thought of two people, one is Henan Road appeasement envoy Zhang Xiao, and the other is Sichuan Road Shangshuxing Director Shi Lu Qingshan .

Of course, both of them have enough qualifications and similar abilities. The key is that Chen Qing has to think about it from a bigger perspective.

Transferring Lu Qingshan to the Ministry of Internal Affairs as a counselor, he took this opportunity to disband the Shangshuxingtai on Sichuan Road. He had already taken the opportunity of Zhang Xiaochun's resignation and returned to his hometown to recuperate, and completely emptied the Shangshuxingtai on Hedong Road. The next goal is to cancel the Shangshuxingtai. It is Sichuan Road.

It is the best opportunity to transfer Lu Qingshan back to Jingzhao. The deputy chief, Shi Jiangxin, can serve as the prefect of Chengdu. In this way, the two chief officials will be gone, and only some functional institutions will be left, which will directly serve as the departments of the Internal Affairs Hall. of expats.

Guan Shigu has a lot of old injuries and his health is not very good. At most, he will finish his work this year. At that time, let Zhang Xiao come to take over the stall of the Ministry of Military Affairs.

At this moment, Chen Qing made a decision to transfer Lu Qingshan to the Internal Affairs Hall as a counselor and take over the Department of Officials.

Take this opportunity to elevate the Shangshuxing Terrace on Sichuan Road, and abolish it when the time is right.

(End of this chapter)

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