
Chapter 1184 Recommendations

Chapter 1184 Recommendations
In the morning of the next day, Chen Qing held the last military-state meeting that Zhao Kai participated in. The content of the meeting confirmed two points. First, he agreed to Zhao Kai’s resignation from the positions of counselor and chief supervisor of the financial department, and resigned as the elder of the cabinet. Chen Qing immediately sealed Zhao Kai. He was named Cai Guogong, and his title was allowed to decrease for three generations.

The succession of titles in the Tang Dynasty adopted a descending method. For example, if the grandfather was the Duke of the state, the father's generation would be reduced to the county prince, and his own generation would be reduced to the county prince. .

However, the Song Dynasty abolished the inheritance of titles, and the titles were only for the person himself, and his descendants could not inherit them.

Chen Qing is basically based on the laws of the Song Dynasty, but there are also some fine-tuning, such as title inheritance, if Chen Qing’s approval is obtained, then the succession can be reduced, but no more than three generations, this is a kind of institutional flexibility, but this The power is in the hands of Chen Qing, and the power to confer titles is also in the hands of Chen Qing.

The Internal Affairs Hall is only responsible for conferring honorary officers, and there is a hidden hierarchy in it, ordinary commoners-gentry-nobles.

Of course, ordinary civilians are divided into poor, middle-class, wealthy, and wealthy. This is mainly measured by money. If ordinary people want to be promoted to nobles, there are only three ways. First, serve in the army and make meritorious service; , build bridges and roads, do charity, and run education.

Chen Qing said to the crowd again: "I'm considering transferring Lu Qingshan to the Internal Affairs Hall as a counselor, do you have any opinions?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, Jiang Yanxian asked: "Your Highness considers Lu Qingshan instead of Zhang Xiao, is it more out of consideration for revoking Sichuan Road Shangshu Xingtai?"

Chen Qing smiled and said: "I don't consider Zhang Xiao because Zhang Xiao still needs to continue to sit on Henan Road, especially this year there will be wars, and he can't leave the Central Plains. Of course, it is also directly related to the cancellation of Sichuan Road Shangshu Xingtai. As you all know, the establishment of Sichuan Road Shangshuxingtai is the result of our struggle with the imperial court for decentralization of power. Now that we have completely controlled Sichuan Road, Shangshuxingtai has completed its mission and will return to normal. The Ministry of Internal Affairs will directly manage Sichuan road."

Everyone is very much in favor of this point, although in name the Shangshuxingtai is an extension of the Internal Affairs Hall, but if there is a strong long history, it will actually emptied the Internal Affairs Hall, and Lu Qingshan is a strong long history, he sits in the Shangshuxing In Taiwan, the internal affairs hall's control over Sichuan Road is getting weaker and weaker, and most things are reported to the internal affairs hall after they are implemented.

Of course, the Internal Affairs Hall is dissatisfied, so everyone has been persuading Chen Qing to cancel the Shangshu Xingtai, but Chen Qing is very steady, he can't just cancel it, he must wait for a suitable opportunity, this time Zhao Kai retired, and Lu Qingshan entered the Internal Affairs Hall It is the best opportunity.

Everyone was discussing excitedly, and Zhou Kuan couldn't help but ask, "How does the Deputy Chief Shi Jiang Xin arrange it?"

Chen Qing smiled slightly and said, "I'm considering appointing him as the prefect of Chengdu. It just so happens that the prefect of Chengdu has been vacant for half a year. He is the most suitable to take up the post."

Zhao Kai pondered for a while and said: "Lu Qingshan is better at government affairs, is it appropriate for him to take over the Finance and Taxation Department?"

"We will discuss this issue later. Today we have to discuss more important matters. Next, we will discuss the second military affairs."

The second content of the military affairs is to discuss the second phase of the Central Plains strategic plan.

"As you all know, when we decided to attack the Central Plains the year before last, we divided it into two phases, with the New Yellow River as the boundary. In the first phase, we recovered the west of the New Yellow River. We achieved this goal. Last year and the year before last, we spent a year and a half Consolidate the occupied area, now the time is ripe and all preparations have been completed, then, the next step is for us to start our Eastern Expedition.”

Guan Shigu asked: "Your Highness decided to attack Shandong Road, did you consider the impact of the nomadic army's attack on Datong Mansion?"

Chen Qing said slowly: "This time I went to Datong Mansion to stay for more than a month, and basically solved all the hidden dangers. At present, Datong Mansion has more than [-] troops. As long as the defenders don't attack in a hurry, the nomadic army can't attack In Datong City, there is an old and steady Zhe Yanzhi sitting in the town, and there are nearly [-] barrels of kerosene in stock, so I am not worried about Datong Mansion."

"Your Highness, how many troops are you planning to send to attack Shandong Road?"

"It is estimated that [-] troops will be dispatched, mainly considering that Jinbing has [-] troops on Shandong Road, and more than [-] troops on Hebei Road. Now our total strength is around [-]. It looks like a lot, but the distribution is very different. San, there are [-] troops on Hedong Road, [-] troops in Datong Mansion, [-] troops in Lingxia, and that's [-] troops. Lu's [-] troops, in fact, the army I can use is only [-].

However, Jingzhao's safety must also be taken into consideration. One hundred thousand troops must be kept in Guanzhong, and there is still a gap of [-] troops. "

Guan Shigu said: "You can also transfer [-] state soldiers to Guanzhong for training as before."

Chen Qing nodded, "I think so too. Generally speaking, the people in Guanzhong live and work in peace and contentment, and there will be no problem. It is enough to train the state soldiers. Jingzhao City has [-] troops guarding it."

Immediately, everyone discussed the issues of money, food, supplies, and transportation, and basically finalized the plan for dispatching troops.

At lunch time, Chen Qing invited Zhou Kuan to drink tea at Qingfeng Teahouse alone.

"It's been almost ten years in Jingzhao, time flies!" Zhou Kuan said with emotion.

"To be precise, in the seventh year, the princess became pregnant in Ganquanbao and gave birth to a son in Chengji County, Qinzhou. Two years later, we captured Jingzhao. Now the son is nine years old, but it is indeed almost ten years since the era of Ganquanbao. gone."

"Time flies, in a blink of an eye, Zhao Kai retired, and we are old too."

Chen Qing smiled slightly, "Counselor Zhou is very healthy, and he can work for another ten years."

Zhou Kuan raised his rough eyebrows, "Your Highness invited me to drink tea, it's not to count time!"

Chen Qing nodded, and said frankly: "I want you to take it back to the Finance and Taxation Department."

Zhou Kuan thought for a while and said, "It's no problem for me to take back the Finance and Taxation Department, but Lu Qingshan is not suitable to manage the Department of Officials!"

"Why?" Chen Qing was puzzled.

"He has too sharp edges and corners, and it can even be said that the horns of his head are ferocious. He is in charge of the Ministry of Officials, and countless innocent officials will be beheaded by him."

Chen Qing said with a smile: "You said he has a ferocious head, but I think he is jealous. Isn't it a good thing for such a strict official to be in charge of the bureaucracy?"

Zhou Kuan shook his head, "Your Highness is very powerful, and you can't rub any sand in your eyes. At this time, you need a gentle and smooth chief official to ease His Highness's sharpness. If two fires are set ablaze, there will definitely be countless injustice cases, so that everyone will betray their relatives, and I believe His Highness does not want to see such a result."

"You're right!"

Chen Qing praised Zhou Kuan's way of balance, so he asked with a smile, "I want to hear your opinion!"

"The humble post suggests that Zhang Miao be transferred to be in charge of the Department of Officials, and Lu Qingshan will take over the Department of Supervision."

"What if Lu Qingshan is put in charge of the Secretary of Government Affairs? Do you think he is suitable?"

Zhou Kuan took a sip of tea, and said in a calm manner: "Bizhi worked with Lu Qingshan in Chengdu for a few months last year, and found that he is very serious and persistent in his work, even if it is a small thing, he will do it It was clear and unequivocal that if His Highness asked him to be in charge of government affairs, his subordinates would be very tired, and he himself would also be very tired. With his personality, I think he is more suitable for supervisory supervision, and it is impossible to hide anything from him. "

Chen Qing nodded, "I will consider your suggestion!"

Chen Qing finally adopted Zhou Kuan's suggestion. Zhang Miao was in charge of the Department of Officials, Lu Qingshan was transferred to the Internal Affairs Hall to be in charge of the Supervision Department, and Zhou Kuan took over as the Finance and Taxation Department.

Chen Qing immediately issued the Yongwang decree, appointing Lu Qingshan as the counselor of the internal affairs hall and the superintendent of the Supervision Department, and called Lu Qingshan to come to Jingzhao to perform his duties as soon as possible.

[Two chapters today! 】

(End of this chapter)

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