
Chapter 1186

Chapter 1186
Concubine Lu Xiu is not in a good mood these days, her husband has been home for less than two months and is about to go out again.

Although she understands the hardships of conquering the world, but understanding is understanding, it does not mean that she will feel better when she understands.


Yao Mei put a cup of tea in front of Lu Xiu's table, Lu Xiu nodded, took a stack of words written by her and said: "Although you have made progress these few days, I can see that your handwriting is a bit absent-minded. I was so serious before, but this is no good.”

In order to make Yao Mei into her confidant team, Lu Xiu personally acted as her reading teacher and let her study with her daughter.

Yao Mei lowered her head, and said for a while: "Madam is right, I heard that the master is going to go to war, so I was a little absent-minded!"

"No wonder!"

Lu Xiu nodded and said: "Generally, the prince will not bring his family members with him when he goes out to war, and neither will his maids, because women are not allowed in the military camp during wartime, but they are allowed to patrol in normal times, so you should not think about going out with the prince."

"I see!"

Yao Mei felt a little disappointed, her expression was gloomy, Lu Xiu smiled and said: "The prince often goes out to war, we are used to it, he is not here, you just use this time to read and write, you can also learn to paint, you have to calm down, don't be half-hearted! "

Yao Mei nodded, and Lu Xiu handed her the manuscript, "I'm not satisfied with your words, I have to rewrite them, write them seriously, don't be half-hearted."

"Little servant remembers!"

Yao Mei took the manuscript and bowed to leave, but Lu Xiu stopped her again, "You can write again at night, the prince will be back soon, you go to make tea!"


Yao Mei left in a hurry, Lu Xiu sighed, her husband went out to fight, disturbing the whole family!

Not long after, Chen Qing returned to the mansion, and went directly to the study as usual.

He has been very busy recently, especially since he is going to go to the Shandong Road in person, and there are countless things waiting for him to deal with, especially since he is going to lead the army in person, there are more military affairs.

Chen Qing was sorting out documents in his room when his wife Lu Xiu came in with a cup of tea.

"My lady came just in time, I have something to tell you."

Lu Xiu put the tea on the table and said with a smile: "It's so messy, let Qiao Yun tidy it up for you!"


Chen Qing smiled wryly and said, "It's already a mess!"

Lu Xiu smiled sweetly, walked to the door and said to Yao Mei, "Go and invite the second lady!"

Yao Mei walked quickly, Chen Qing said with a smile: "Madam seems to like her a lot!"

Lu Xiu gave her husband a white look, "With her here, I don't have to worry about some people sneaking here to eat wild food and break my rules."

Chen Qing laughed twice, changed the topic and said: "This little lady is very smart, it seems that Xue'er and Bing'er also like her very much."

"Of course, we go to feed the deer and find little squirrels together every day. Which child doesn't like it, but I really like her intelligence. As long as I say it once, she will fully understand many things, which saves me a lot of trouble." Strength, my husband, why don't you give her to me, and I'll give you Chunxi?"

"You can arrange it by your side if you like, and it's more convenient for two personal maids."

Lu Xiu curled her lips, "Just say you don't like Chunxi! I still want Chunxi to be your concubine. It seems that she has no hope."

"I have so many soldiers, let her find one she likes."

"Where is Xiaomei, are you going to let her choose a soldier she likes?"

"She's still young, it's too early to talk about this kind of thing."

The husband and wife made insinuations, and the other talked about him. Chen Qing was always inferior to women in scheming. Lu Xiu used Chun Xi to compare Chen Qing's true attitude. Chun Xi was only half a year older than Yao Mei.

At this time, Zhao Qiaoyun came in a hurry, looked at the messy paperwork on the table and said with a smile: "I knew I was going to catch the strong man."

"It's hard work for those who can!"

Chen Qing pointed to the hundreds of documents on the table, and said with a smile, "All of these are left to you."

"When will the officer leave?"

"Depart from the mansion early in the morning the day after tomorrow."

Zhao Qiaoyun nodded, "I will try to sort it out tomorrow!"

At this time, Chen Qing took out another exquisite sandalwood box and put it on the table, opened its lid, and inside were twenty-four tiger talismans and command arrows. Each tiger talisman was matched with two command arrows. The small tiger talisman and four large golden tiger talismans,
Chen Qing said to Lu Xiu: "After I go out, there will be [-] troops in the Guanzhong area, [-] other prefecture soldiers, and [-] troops stationed in Jingzhao City are directly subordinate to my Huben Guard. The [-] people have no leader. They are divided into four armies, which belong to four commanders, and their regular work and rest arrangements are in charge of the military department, and the [-] people are divided into [-] battalions. For example, if there is any abnormality or emergency, you must use tiger charms to mobilize them."

Lu Xiu smiled and said: "I understand, twenty small silver tiger talismans represent twenty battalions, and four large gold tiger talismans represent four armies."

"That's right, but first you have to know how to use it. If someone steals it, it doesn't make sense if you don't know how to use it. Who do Xuanwu, Suzaku, Qinglong, and Baihu represent? And who are the commanders of the twenty battalions? Who belongs to the commander, if there is no indication on it, you can’t combine it. For example, if you want to mobilize a battalion, it’s useless to just take a small tiger talisman, and you have to take it together with the big tiger talisman of its boss. You're helpless too."

"Sounds so complicated!"

Chen Qing handed a booklet to Lu Xiu and said with a smile: "All kinds of detailed orders are in it. You keep it close to you, and you also need to keep the tiger amulet."

Lu Xiu put it away. She knew that this was actually the power of the son. When the son was young, the princess would act on his behalf.

"Where are the [-] state soldiers?"

"The state soldiers are the commander of the military department. You generally don't need to ask about the execution of the orders of the internal affairs hall, but you must sign and stamp your approval to mobilize more than [-] state soldiers to Jingzhao."

"I see, it's still the same as before."

"Yes! It hasn't changed. In fact, the state soldiers are nothing to worry about. The key is the [-] tigers and guards. They defend Jingzhao, which is the most important thing. When I am here, I am the coach. When I am not, the son is the coach. The princess will exercise power on her behalf." .”

Lu Xiu thought for a while and said, "What if the Tiger Talisman is really stolen?"

"It doesn't matter if it is really stolen. The princess can go to the military camp to declare the Tiger Talisman invalid urgently, and then activate the princess' hand letter, with the stamps of the princess and the son on it, the Tiger Talisman will be useless. It can only be used in emergencies."

"I see, I put it away, no one can steal it."

Just as Chen Qing told his wife to prepare for the battle, Wanyan Wushu was also preparing for the battle as far away as Jinan Prefecture.

He has also been quite troubled in the past few months. He failed in threshing grain and grass. Almost all the [-] troops were wiped out. He can accept the defeat of Wanyan Alubu. normal.

But Wanyan Digunai's defeat of Wanyan Wushu was unacceptable. I don't know why he was so stupid, he wanted to use [-] cavalry to plunder Yangzhou. In the end, the army was wiped out and he himself was taken as a prisoner of war.

Wanyan Wushu was very passive, but Digu was a Jurchen nobleman, and he couldn't ignore it. He had to negotiate with the envoys of the Song Dynasty. Gunai.

But Wanyan Wushu also knew the intention of the Song Dynasty, they wanted to seize Haizhou.

Wanyan Wushu really despised the stupidity of the Song Dynasty, and actually exposed their strategic intentions during the negotiations.

"My lord, Li Dutong is here!"

I saw a man galloping towards him on horseback, and got off his horse in front of him. It was Li Cheng who was in charge of the capital. He came from Haizhou after receiving the urgent order from Wanyan Wushu.

"See the prince for a humble position!"

Wanyan Wushu valued Li Cheng very much, and regarded him as his right-hand man. He smiled and said, "Li Dutong has worked hard on the journey, let's go! Let's go to the commander's tent to discuss in detail."

[Tomorrow will continue three more]

(End of this chapter)

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