
Chapter 1187 Operations Research

Chapter 1187 Operations Research
Li Cheng walked into the big tent, and there was a sand table in the middle of the big tent. This is the sand table that Xiangguo Zhang Jun saw in Chen Qing's tent, and imitated it after returning to Lin'an. As a result, Zhang Jun was defeated. Promoted in the Jinbing army.

Jin Bing's ability to learn and imitate is very strong, which is why Chen Qing is cautious about using Tie Huo Lei. If you use it too many times, Tie Huo Lei will definitely fail to explode and become a squib, which will be picked up by Jin Bing Imitation, the trouble will be big.

That's why Chen Qing decided to use Tie Huolei as a strategic weapon, and using it at critical moments would be a sure thing.

Wanyan Wushu walked to the sand table and handed the wooden pole to Li Cheng, "I want to know the situation of the Song Army, you should be very clear about it!"

"The humble job is clearer!"

Li Cheng took the wooden pole and pointed to Chuzhou and said, "Previously, the [-] troops of the Song Army were deployed in Suzhou, Pizhou and Chuzhou, but since ten days ago, their [-] troops have gathered on the front line of Chuzhou. Obviously, They want to seize Haizhou, but Beizhi thinks that this is actually a plan of the other side to divert the tiger away from the mountain, and their army will slowly go north to lure the main force of Beizhi out, and then they will attack Haizhou from the sea."

Wanyan Wushu nodded, "You're right, this is what I'm most worried about."

He glanced at Fan Gong, the military adviser next to him, and asked, "What does the military adviser think?"

Fan Gongxuan said slowly: "I have repeatedly emphasized before that Haizhou must be the outbreak point of the war, and the three parties must contend for it. Chen Qing has worked so hard on sea ships, he must find a northern port for Based on the foundation, the Song army also began to rebuild the water army, and they would also attack from the sea.

With the base of the navy, their navy can go north at any time to attack the coastal states on Shandong Road and even Hebei Road. Haizhou is the most suitable place. "

Wanyan Wushu sighed: "Now it seems that the military division really has the foresight. Our decision to send heavy troops to Tunhai Prefecture is very wise."

Li Cheng said again: "Actually, I'm not worried about the Song Army, but I'm worried about the Western Army. I know that their target is also Haizhou, but I can't see any of their movements, and I can't see their tactical deployment. disturbed."

Wanyan Wushu said: "I have received information from Jingzhao and Dengzhou that the Western Army has already prepared for a large-scale battle. I can't take care of it anymore, I just give you an explanation, try to defend Haizhou, but you can't let the enemy go north to Yizhou in order to defend Haizhou, you have to take the overall situation into consideration, understand what I mean?"

Li Cheng nodded silently, "I understand!"

Li Cheng didn't stay overnight in Jinan Mansion, and rushed back to Haizhou that night.

At this time, the Song army was also actively preparing for the battle. The emperor Zhao Gou finally adopted Xu Xiantu's encroachment method, and decided to encroach on the north step by step.

And the news that Jingzhao began to prepare for the war also spread to Lin'an. Zhao Gou realized that Chen Qing also wanted to seize Shandong Road this year.

Zhao Gou was not worried, and even looked forward to it. He was looking forward to the scene where the fisherman would benefit from the battle between the crane and the clam. territory.

In the imperial study room, Zhao Gou was also checking the sand table with confidence. He pointed to the red flag planted in Chuzhou and said: "The one hundred thousand troops have stayed in Chuzhou for too long, and it has been more than a month. Morale, immediately pass on my word of mouth that the [-] troops are going to attack, we must take the Haizhou as soon as possible, and take the initiative in our own hands. Once Chen Qing's army and the main force of the Jin army fight fiercely, we can take the opportunity to go north by sea."

Xu Xiantu suggested from the side: "I recommend two attacks, one hundred thousand troops to attack Qushan County, and another navy to capture Donghai Island and Donghai County at the same time."

Zhao Gou nodded, "I can accept this plan!"

He turned back to Qin Hui and asked, "How is the transportation of food supplies?"

Qin Hui bowed and said: "Reporting to Your Majesty, we have recruited two thousand thousand-stone cargo ships to supply food and grass materials to Chuzhou through the canal, and specially sent [-] troops to protect the food and grass materials. I can guarantee that nothing will go wrong."

"That's good. We must learn the lessons of the Yangzhou fire, pay attention to the prevention of every detail, and don't be careless."

"Wei Chen understands!"

Zhao Gou rubbed his hands lightly. At this moment, his ambition was so high that he felt how perfect and impeccable his plan was. He wished he could conquer the north with an army of [-].

But even if he can't lead the battle himself, he can still strategize and win thousands of miles away, pay attention to the situation of the battle all the time, and report his opinions to the previous army commander.

On the Jiangnan Canal in Chuzhou, cargo ships loaded with food and supplies lined up one after the other in two rows, densely packed, stretching for tens of miles without seeing the end.

The huge transport fleet is slowly heading north, and the official road next to it is full of soldiers guarding, and there are also soldiers on board. The Song Army has fully learned the lesson of the Yangzhou fire, and the guards are extremely tight. No one is allowed to approach the fleet for any reason. , or shoot to kill.

In order to prevent the fire from burning the boats, the boats are connected with hemp ropes. Once a fire breaks out, the hemp ropes will be cut immediately so that other ships will not be affected.

At this time, there was a ringing bell in the distance, "Dang! Dang! Dang!" Someone shouted, "The gold medal is handed over quickly, get out of the way!"

Several riders galloped on the official road, and the rush to deliver gold medals was usually to send official documents. Even if they were killed by horses, they deserved it.

Several riders rushed past like a gust of wind, and continued to rush to the Song Army camp twenty miles away.

The camp of the Song Army is located on the south bank of the Huaihe River. In fact, the Lianshui Army on the north bank of the Huaihe River is also the territory of the Song Dynasty. Its area is equivalent to two or three counties. Entering the Lianshui Army, the Song Army will not garrison in the Lianshui Army. This is a tacit understanding between the two parties, and it is actually an oral agreement.

But now this tacit understanding is gone. The Song Army will attack north at any time. The reason why it did not garrison the Lianshui Army is mainly because the Song Army does not want to be in a situation where it will fight to the death. Once it fails, the entire army will be wiped out.

General Liu Qizheng, Yang Yizhong, and Wang Jian inspected the pontoon bridge by the Huaihe River. In front of them was a yellow river, as wide as the sea. This is the situation after the Yellow River seized the Huaihe River. It is the Huaihe River, but it can also be called the Yellow River. , the river surface was three times wider, and the current was so fast that it was not easy to cross the Yellow River.

It took Song Jun ten days to build a pontoon bridge on the river, and laid hundreds of deep piles to protect the pontoon bridge.

There are [-] troops on the north bank to protect the pontoon bridge. Judging from the current situation, the Jin soldiers did not enter the Lianshui army.

"I always feel a little weird!"

Liu Kai said to the two: "If the Jin soldiers want to stop us from marching north, then burning the pontoon bridge is the best way, but there is no movement from the other side, it's very strange!"

Wang Jian said with a smile: "It should be impossible to defend against! If the golden soldiers prevent us from crossing the river from Chuzhou, then we can turn to Suzhou to cross the Huaihe River. It is much easier there, and the golden soldiers are beyond their reach. They should know, so they don't stop us. Make a fuss on the river."

Yang Yizhong nodded, "What Wang Dutong said makes sense, it should be for this reason!"

At this time, a few riders rushed over, and the leading messenger rider got off his horse and asked loudly, "Is Liu Dutong here?"

"I'm here!" Liu Qi stepped forward.

"Emperor's oral order!"

The rider handed Liu Kai a sealed oral order, and Liu Kai quickly opened it and read it.

Yang Yizhong and Wang Jian came over and asked, "What did the officials say?"

Liu Kai smiled wryly and said, "The officials thought we were too slow in marching troops, and asked us to go north immediately to capture Haizhou!"

Yang Yizhong and Wang Jian looked at each other with worry in their eyes. It's not a good sign for the government to intervene in the military like this!

Now that the emperor had issued an order, the three of them dared not disobey, so Liu Kai immediately ordered, "One hundred thousand troops cross the north immediately!"

(End of this chapter)

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