
Chapter 1196 Exchange

Chapter 1196 Exchange
Not long after Li Cheng's army entered Haizhou, they encountered a commander who fled in a panic with dozens of militia soldiers. .

Li Cheng was shocked. What he was most worried about happened, he dared not continue marching, and ordered to camp in Shuyang County. In fact, the army had no camp, and pursued the Song army without bringing tents.

However, Shuyang County is an empty city, and the people in the county have all been moved to Qushan County. When the army entered the county, tens of thousands of troops were able to rest in the houses.

The accommodation problem was solved, but food became a big problem again. They chased the Song army and only carried a small amount of dry food. Although they seized a large amount of food in the Song army camp, they pursued lightly and did not bring any food.

Not only was there a shortage of food, but at the same time, there were more than [-] captured Song soldiers who made Li Cheng's head big. Seeing that there was not much food, they were taken to Yizhou. Everyone had to run out of food on the way, but they were released. Li Cheng And a little bit unwilling.

"General, or just send them away"

Deputy General Wang Mian made a decapitation gesture with his palm, Li Cheng shook his head, "Kill them, and our retreat will be lost. Chen Qing will not spare our soldiers, they will all die!"

"Why should the general be afraid of that Chen Qing? He has three heads and six arms."

Before Wang Mian finished speaking, Li Cheng stared at him viciously, Wang Mian shut his mouth angrily, and dared not say anything.

Li Cheng pondered for a long time, and several generals under his opponent said: "Send the [-] Song troops to the Western army and let them figure it out!"

Handing over [-] Song troops to the Western army, on the one hand, was an exchange of favor with Chen Qing, and Chen Qing would release his own army in the future, and on the other hand, it was to provoke the relationship between Chen Qing and the imperial court, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

As the sky gradually dawned, the Western Army took control of the entire Qushan County. To Liu Qiong's surprise, the harvest was huge, not only the [-] Song Army's money, food, materials and tents, but also the Jin Bing's large amount of food and materials. Like two people who left the house without leaving the house, they ran away one after the other, but the property and materials in the house were cheaper than the old Wang next door.

The copper coins alone are not less than one million guan. This is the salary of the Song Army and the Jin Bing. It was captured by the Jin Bing, but fell into the pocket of the Western Army.

There are also more than one million stones of grain, more than half a million dans of fodder and black beans for horses, and weapons, armor, crossbows, arrows, battering rams, bed crossbows, tents, flags, drums, military blankets, and pig iron. , sheepskins, medicines, camp fence timber, etc. There are countless supplies, and there are also [-] war horses.

Of course, these grains and supplies must be transported to Donghai Island. As a transit center, Donghai Island also needs these money, grain and supplies.

In the afternoon, a few scouts came galloping to report, "I want to report to Dutong that a Song Army team has arrived from twenty miles away, with about [-] people. They were escorted by the Jin soldiers and said to be handed over to us."

Liu Qiong and Tang Qian looked at each other, Tang Qian said with a smile: "This must be a soldier of the Song Army who was captured by the Jin soldiers. As a result, the mantis caught the cicada, the oriole was behind, and Li Cheng's lair was also lost. Li Cheng couldn't deal with it." These Song Army soldiers will hand them over to us."

Next to Tang Huai said: "Is there any fraud? The Jin soldiers are disguised as soldiers of the Song Army. They are all Han people anyway. They deliberately sent them to deceive the city!"

Liu Qiong shook her head and said: "It's not very likely, the main reason is that the risk is too great. Once it is discovered, the entire army of [-] people will be wiped out."

Tang Qian said with a smile: "I will lead three thousand brothers to take over!"

Liu Qiong nodded, "The horses just happened to be seized, so I rode to meet them and identify them clearly."

Tang Qian led [-] cavalry to leave the county seat and ran westward along the official road. After a short while, he saw the Song Army prisoners approaching from afar. Tang Qian ordered one of his men to go to meet them.

Not long after, the leading general of the Jin army came on horseback. He was Li Cheng's confidant general, and his name was He Qing.

He Qing stepped forward and clasped his fists and said, "This is the [-] Song soldiers we captured. My family couldn't bear to kill them, and I was afraid that releasing them would harm the people, so I decided to hand them over to your army. I hope you will handle them properly."

Tang Qian nodded, "Other than that, what other requests do you have, for example, we can release your family members in Qushan County."

"Thank you, General. Our family members are not in Qushan County. If it is convenient, please give us a few thousand shi of grain."

Tang Qian immediately agreed and sent someone back to inform Liu Qiong. He carefully identified the prisoners of war and confirmed that they were all Song soldiers. Then he took them over and sent them to Qushan County.

Not long after, more than one hundred carts came back loaded with five thousand shi of grain. He Qing led the soldiers to take over the grain and returned to Shuyang County.

Early the next morning, the Song Army began to transfer personnel and materials to Donghai Island. At the same time, Liu Qiong sent people to quickly send the battle report to Bianliang.

Fuli County is the seat of Suzhou, and it is also the largest city in Suzhou. Two years ago in Jianyan, it had a population of more than [-] at most. Since then, it has encountered the Yellow River's embankment breach and the baptism of war. The population of Fuli County has dropped sharply. Less than [-] people.

After Li Cheng's army drove the Song army across the Huaihe River, he left [-] troops stationed in Fuli County, and [-] troops were stationed in Xuyi County in Sizhou.

In Fuli County, not far from the West City Gate, there is an inn called Rongji Inn. It covers a large area, but it is relatively old. There are several businessmen living in the inn. The leader of the businessman is Yu Shouzhong, the commander of the Western Army.

Yu Shouzhong was originally the deputy director of intelligence in Datong Mansion and Luoyang. He made great contributions in capturing Datong City and Luoyang City.

Yu Shouzhong lived in the inn with a few of his subordinates, and the other [-] subordinates lived in the nearby houses. The sign of their actions was the red lantern hanging out of the inn.

Today is the third day of Li Cheng's army's retreat. In a small utility room on the top floor of the inn, Yu Shouzhong watched the movement of the city gate a hundred steps away. The changing time of the west gate and the change in the number of defenders on the top of the city.

At this time, footsteps came from the stairs below, and a subordinate came up and asked with a smile, "Did the commander gain anything today?"

"Good harvest!"

Yu Shouzhong said with a smile: "I found that they are starting to be lazy. The number of people patrolling the city today is only half of yesterday's. It is estimated that there will be fewer tonight."

"Let the humble job come! Liang Cheng is back, bringing back good news."

Yu Shouzhong regained his spirits, quickly changed positions with his subordinates, and walked down the stairs.

Liang Cheng is Yu Shouzhong's subordinate. He went out of the city early this morning to contact the Western Army. If there is good news, he will be in touch.

When Yu Shouzhong came to his room, Liang Cheng, who was as tall as a thin monkey, clasped his fists and said with a smile, "I have met General Li Qiong!"

"where are they?"

"Near Xinguo Town, [-] miles away from the county seat, also just arrived last night. There are [-] people. Another army is led by General Pan to Xuyi County. I gave General Pan the contact information."

Yu Shouzhong nodded and asked, "What is Li Qiong planning to do?"

"He said that he will act tonight. At midnight, attack the west city gate. He hopes that the general will cooperate with the outside and hold three fires in front of the tower as a sign."

Yu Shouzhong calculated the time, and it was afternoon, and it was only an hour before dark, so he immediately said to Liang Cheng, "Go and tell the brothers that you will gather in the inn as soon as it gets dark, and come in through the back door."

Liang Cheng led the order to go, Yu Shouzhong walked to a corner of the house, tried his best to lift the floor, and put it aside, revealing a large dark pit. Below this is actually a cellar, the innkeeper used it to hide food, and Yu Shouzhong used it stand up.

He lit an oil lamp and took the oil lamp down the ladder to the cellar. The light illuminated the cellar, which was filled with a large number of armor, spears, swords and crossbows.

(End of this chapter)

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