
Chapter 1197 Military News

Chapter 1197 Military News
Xinguo Town is located about twenty miles west of Fuli County. It is a small town with more than a hundred households. The official road passes through the main street, and there are various shops on both sides, which is quite lively.

To the north of the town is a large pine forest, which was once submerged by the flood of the Yellow River, but after more than ten years, this pine forest has regained its lushness.

At present, Li Qiong led [-] troops to hide in this pine forest. After one watch, the [-] troops left the pine forest and set off to Fuli County, twenty miles away.

At this time, one hundred and fifty scouts from the Western Army gathered in the Rongji Inn. Everyone was wearing armor, a crossbow on their back, a sword on their waist, and a spear in their hand. Leather armor, the only difference is that everyone has a white towel tied around their left arm.

"Listen everyone, our mission is to capture the west city gate. We must do so silently and without alarming the enemy troops in the city. Therefore, everyone must be quick, ruthless, and decisive, and we must not have the slightest benevolence of women. We must stop the enemy army from making any noise. Lord, so slit their throats, or cover their mouths and kill them!"

Everyone lined up neatly, Yu Shouzhong waved his hand, "Let's go!"

The third watch was almost here, and a group of soldiers left the inn, went up the street, and marched to the gate of the city.

It looked exactly like a group of soldiers on patrol. At this time, on both sides of the city gate, dozens of defenders were sitting against the wall. Each of them was wrapped in a blanket and covered his face with a hat he got from somewhere. In deep sleep.

With a wave of Yu Shouzhong's hand, the soldiers stepped forward one after another, covered their mouths and stabbed them in the heart. Dozens of signatory soldiers were all killed, leaving only one alive.

"General, tonight's password is strictly guard against death!"

Yu Shouzhong sneered, "It's a good one to guard against death!"

He ordered fifty soldiers to guard both sides of the city gate, and he himself led a hundred soldiers to rush to the top of the city.

On the top of the city, dozens of soldiers were the same as at the city gate, wrapped in blankets and sitting on the wall, sleeping soundly, and more than a dozen soldiers stood guard on the city wall.

"Who are you? Password!" A soldier asked.

"Strictly guard against death!"

Yu Shouzhong responded, walked over quickly, and asked, "I was ordered to check on you guarding the city. How many people are on duty tonight?"

There was no problem with the password, and the soldiers guarding the city let down their vigilance, and hurriedly said, "We have a hundred brothers on duty tonight!"

"But there aren't hundreds of people here!" Yu Shouzhong asked, glancing at the sleeping soldiers around him.

"There are only thirty or so people here. Some brothers are at the city gate, and most of the brothers are in the tower. They just came out to sleep when they couldn't fit in."

Yu Shouzhong nodded, made a gesture behind his back with his hands behind his back, and moved around to the soldiers behind him at the same time. More than a dozen people rushed forward from behind, covered the soldiers' mouths and stabbed them in the back of the heart.

Many soldiers lying by the wall had already woken up, and watched them negotiate with sleepy eyes, and suddenly started killing people, which made these soldiers scream.

The soldiers of the Western Army reacted quickly, and pierced their chests fiercely with a wave of their spears. The soldiers of the signing army let out screams.

Yu Shouzhong didn't think about being quiet either, he pulled out his saber, kicked open the gate of the tower, and entered.
A mile away, Li Qiong led the soldiers and was patiently waiting for the signal from the top of the city. At this time, three torches were lit on the top of the city, and the torches were waving. Li Qiong was overjoyed and shouted: "Brothers, go into the city! "


Ten thousand soldiers followed Li Qiong to kill the west gate.
On the top of the city, all the enemy soldiers were wiped out. The scouts of the western army completely controlled the west city gate, the drawbridge was raised, and the city gate was opened.

Not long after, [-] soldiers of the Western Army rushed into the city and went to the barracks not far away.
This was a battle without any suspense. The number of signing troops was too small. Except for hundreds of people who were killed, the rest of the soldiers all surrendered. The main general Ma Hong was shot off his horse by Li Qiong, and another shot killed him.

Two days later, news came from Xuyi County that Pan Gui, with the cooperation of the scouts in the city, also captured Xuyi County.

So far, the Sizhou, Suzhou, Lianshui Army, and the west of Pizhou controlled by the Song Army to the north of the Huaihe River have all been recovered by the Western Army, while Haizhou, Pizhou, and east of Xuzhou controlled by the Jin Army have also been captured by the Western Army. All the East Road fell into the hands of the Western Army.

Chen Qing led an army of [-] troops to Guide Mansion. Guide Mansion was the name changed by the puppet Qi Liu Yu. After the battle, Chen Qing planned to change Guide Mansion to Yingtian Mansion again.

Huyanlei has built a board-walled barracks covering an area of ​​[-] mu in the west of Songcheng County, with [-] large tents.

When the [-] troops arrived, they would directly enter the barracks, and there was no need to build a temporary camp.

In addition, [-] flat-bottomed cargo ships directly sent grain and grass materials to Cangcheng, Songcheng County for storage.

In the large tent of the Chinese army, Hu Yanlei, the guard of Guide Mansion, and Li Qingong, the governor of the Yellow River Navy of the Western Army, came to meet King Yong.

"See His Royal Highness King Yong for humble positions!"

Chen Qing waved his hands and said with a smile: "The two generals are welcome to sit down without courtesy!"

The two sat down, and Chen Qingxiao asked, "After the defeat of the Jin army against Gu Cao last winter, did you continue to send troops to attack Guide's mansion?"

Hu Yanlei leaned forward and said: "There have been a small group of spies operating in Guide Mansion. The humble officer has cooperated with Li Dudu and has destroyed five spy teams and eliminated more than a hundred spies. The cavalry patrolled around the camp day and night, and the humble officials were afraid that if they were careless, [-] large tents would be burned."

Chen Qing smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry too much. They are all sheepskin tents, not cloth tents. Unless they rush in and pour kerosene on the fire, they won't be easily ignited with just a few rockets. But it is commendable to be vigilant."

"Thank you, Your Highness, for your compliment!"

Chen Qing nodded, and asked Li Qingong again: "I heard that Jin Bing is also forming a naval army, has anything happened to you?"

Li Qingong bowed and said: "His Royal Highness, I have heard about them, but I have never encountered them in the Yellow River. I guess the other party is relatively small and the boats are not big. They may be active in Liangshan Shuibo and Nanqing River. New Yellow River The current is turbulent and the undercurrent is turbulent, it is difficult for small boats to navigate in the New Yellow River, and it is easy to lose control."

Chen Qing asked again: "Did Xiao Liu send someone from Haizhou to deliver the letter?"

Both of them shook their heads, "We only know that the Song army was defeated. General Xiao Liu took the opportunity to lead his army to capture Haizhou. The specific military report has not yet been delivered."

Chen Qing also learned the latest information about Haizhou, which indeed happened as he expected, and Liu Qiong also captured Qushan County according to the plan made in advance.

But Chen Qing wanted to know the specific military situation, so he immediately said: "Let's go back first! Let's discuss the military situation together tomorrow."

Hu Yanlei and Li Qingong got up and left.

At one o'clock in the middle of the night, Chen Qing was woken up by his own soldiers, "Your Highness, the Haizhou Army has reported for duty!"

Chen Qing was completely sleepy all of a sudden, he washed his face, put on his robe and walked quickly to the outer tent, the person who delivered the military report turned out to be Tong Zhi Tang Huai.

It was still Liu Qiong who knew about King Yong. He knew that some things could not be explained by the military report alone, and he had to send a powerful general. Tang Qian was busy transporting supplies to Donghai Island, and he couldn't get away. Tang Huai was the most suitable general.

Tang Huai knelt down on one knee, "Please refer to His Royal Highness King Yong for the humble position!"

"General Tang has worked hard all the way, please sit down!"

General Tang Huai submitted the report to King Yong, and then sat down to rest. The soldiers came in and served him tea, and Chen Qing also served a cup of strong tea.

Chen Qing read the military newspaper carefully, and there was a detailed list of the money, food and materials seized. He also captured [-] signing troops and [-] prisoners of war from the Song Army.

Chen Qing is most concerned about two points. The first is to seize Donghai Island. The springboard and logistical transit center for the soldiers of Donghai Island have a crucial impact on his northward strategy. The Northern Expedition of the Song Army is by land. , but he is not, he is the same as Emperor Sui Yang's Northern Expedition to Goguryeo, both land and water.

The second thing Chen Qing was concerned about was how much grain and grass materials were seized. The materials on the list really surprised and delighted him, far beyond his expectations.

Seeing the end, Chen Qing was slightly taken aback, and asked, "May I ask General Tang, what do you mean by [-] Song Army prisoners?"

(End of this chapter)

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