
Chapter 1198 Influence

Chapter 1198 Influence
Chen Qing was pacing back and forth in the big tent, and Li Cheng actually gave him [-] prisoners of war from the Song Army. Is this showing his favor to him?Maybe a little bit, give yourself a favor.

But it's more likely that they didn't have enough food and grass. They killed [-] Song soldiers and were afraid of offending themselves, so they simply exchanged them for some food. Liu Qiong gave them five thousand shi of food, and Li Cheng also found an excuse to explain to Wanyan Wushu .

However, Chen Qing still sensed Li Cheng's scheming. I'm afraid he wanted to stir up conflicts between himself and the court, making the court mistakenly think that he and Jin Bing had a prisoner-of-war agreement in advance, and that it was his collusion with Jin Bing that caused the Song Army's [-] troops to be wiped out. The army was destroyed, no matter what, Qin Hui would definitely make a fuss about it.

This is really a tricky thing, not easy to handle!
Chen Qing walked a few steps with his hands behind his back. He couldn't change the emperor's stupidity and prejudice. If the emperor misunderstood him, he would let him go. However, the [-] prisoners of war could help Xu Xiantu. The disastrous defeat of the Song army will definitely have a great impact on Xu Xiantu Big, I have to give Xu Xiantu a hand, and I can't let him be dismissed.

In Lin'an, the news of the annihilation of the [-] troops in Haizhou was published by the "Beijing News" and spread throughout Lin'an.
Seeing a small victory just now, killing [-] Jurchen cavalry, it was inspiring. Unexpectedly, a huge blow followed, the entire army of [-] was wiped out, only a few thousand people escaped across the Huaihe River, and all the north of the Huaihe River fell.

More importantly, they were not defeated by the Jurchen cavalry, but by the signing army. It was an unprecedented shame, and the ruling and opposition parties all denounced the incompetence of the army.

This fiasco made many people discouraged by the imperial court, and dissatisfaction and disappointment spread in the streets of Lin'an.

The price of rice in the Lin'an market immediately rose sharply. The good Taihu rice was originally sixty yuan per bucket, but it rose to a hundred yuan per bucket overnight, but the most sensitive price was the black market silver price in Lin'an, known as the barometer of the Song Dynasty. While the black market silver price is never officially recognized, it is real and has a huge impact.

The official silver price of the imperial court is one tael of silver in exchange for five official coins. The so-called official coins refer to the Shaoxing Tongbao issued by the Song court, not the Yongwang Tongbao issued by the Yongwang Mansion, or the copper and iron coins issued by the Kingdom of Jin and the Puppet Qi. .

But except for the royal relatives and relatives, no one can exchange for silver at the official silver price. Variety.

After the news of the beheading of six thousand Jurchen cavalrymen came out, the price of silver in Lin'an once fell to one tael for five pennies and eight hundred renminbi, but when the news of the annihilation of the [-] army came, the exchange price of one tael for one tael skyrocketed to one tael for eight. Silver was exchanged for eight guan qian, and then fell back to one tael of silver for seven guan qian, and then stabilized.

At the same time, another news came from the palace that the emperor Zhao Gou fell ill.

In Changfeng Teahouse, Hu Yun specially invited Wang Mu and Zheng Tongquan to drink tea. Hu Yun poured a cup of tea for Zheng Tongquan, and asked with a smile, "I heard that Dongzhu Liu has suffered a lot this time?"

The proprietor Liu they are talking about is Liu Zun, a big businessman in Lin'an. Among the five restaurants in Lin'an, Qingfeng Restaurant is his asset. In addition, he has more than [-] shops and dozens of real estate. He is a big businessman with the same reputation as Zheng Tongquan in Lin'an. There is also a Qingfeng Restaurant in Pingjiang Mansion, and it happens that the proprietor is also surnamed Liu. Everyone thinks it is a family, but it is not the same thing.

Zheng Tongquan said indifferently: "That is his own choice. I have persuaded him, and he has nothing to do if he doesn't listen to me. Now he wants to sell it to me cheaply. How can I take over again?"

Last month, the Song Army beheaded [-] Jurchen soldiers. The morale of the Lin'an Mansion was high, and the land price reached its peak. Zheng Tongquan took the opportunity to sell his six shops and five small houses, and sold them at a price of [-] yuan. Liu Zun.

However, after the news of the annihilation of the [-] Song army came, the land price in Lin'an plummeted. The shops and houses sold by Zheng Tongquan at the highest price before were only worth [-] guan according to the current land price. In just a few months, they lost ten yuan. Wan Guan, Liu Zun approached Zheng Tongquan yesterday, willing to sell it back to him at a price of [-] Guan, but Zheng Tongquan flatly rejected it.

Wang Mu said from the side: "The "Beijing News" now has a deep understanding. In the past, half of the business newsletter buys houses and sells houses, and even buys more houses. Everyone thinks that the price of land and houses will continue to rise, so they are more reluctant to sell, but this For two days, it was all business news about houses for sale. There used to be a five-acre house in Sanqiao, which was less than [-] yuan, but now it has been listed for two days. In this situation, prices are still falling.”

At this time, the shopkeeper Dong An came over and smiled at Zheng Tongquan: "Old Zheng, how much money do you have?"

Zheng Tongquan said with a smile: "I have some silver in my hand, do you want to exchange it for silver?"

Dong An smiled and shook his head, "It's not me, what money do I exchange, it's the proprietor Wang of the Laoyao Teahouse opposite, he wants to exchange money to buy a house in Jingzhao, and asks for connections everywhere, usually everyone has a good relationship, so I will help him ask. "

"How much does he want?"

"Ten thousand taels of silver!"

Zheng Tongquan frowned and said: "Now the price of silver in the black market is [-]:[-], and the price of Jingzhao black market is [-]:[-]. He has lost a total of [-] yuan. Is he willing to do such a thing?"

"He has no choice. Only silver is easier to carry. It is more than [-] catties. It can be mixed with the goods and left. [-] copper coins are too heavy. If they are found by the checkpoint, they will be confiscated."

Hu Yun next to him was puzzled and said: "He can go to the cabinet! You can use the money ticket and withdraw the money in another place."

Zheng Tongquan sneered and said, "It's time to ask about the good deeds of Baoji Cabinet Workshop. They provide all the transaction records of more than [-] yuan to the imperial court. The Qiumen Office of the Ministry of Household Affairs will come to investigate. If Jingzhao buys land, he will not be able to eat and walk around, and he will be fined a sum of money, and even jailed."

The imperial court strictly forbids officials to buy houses in Jingzhao. This has long been stipulated. Now this regulation actually involves businessmen, but this is the first time Hu Yun has heard of it.

He quickly asked: "When did this regulation start, why don't I know?"

Dong An said: "It's still the previous regulations. Officials are strictly prohibited from buying real estate in Jingzhao. However, when it is implemented, they will be investigated together with businessmen. The most disgusting thing is Baoji Cabinet. I heard that the proprietor Shi Guangping still offered to cooperate with the court. Some people have already been arrested. I was caught, so no one dared to send large sums of money from Baoji Cabinet to King Yong’s territory.”

Wang Mu smiled and said: "Actually, there are still ways. You can remit the [-] guan money to Pingjiang Mansion, and then take out the [-] guan money from Pingjiang Mansion to buy silk and satin, and ship it to Xiangyang. Official shops are willing to buy the price, and then deposit the money in Sichuan-Shaanxi No. [-] Cabinet, and remit it to Jingzhao, [-] guan is still [-] guan, there is no loss.”

Dong An shook his head, "I've thought about this method, but it's still unrealistic. You have to pay [-]% commercial tax when you buy goods, and you have to pay [-]% commercial tax when you go to Xiangyang. The goods worth [-] yuan will be [-] yuan away from the tax. Yes, there is still shipping cost, unless you can increase the price by [-]% to sell, if you can sell it, it’s fine, if you can’t sell it, don’t you just throw it at your hands? After all, you are not a businessman, you don’t know the market, and you don’t know the rules.”

"Then remit the money to Wuhu and withdraw the money from Wuhu."

"Wuhu can't withdraw money, only a few Xiong counties can withdraw money, Xiangyang can withdraw money, but Xiangyang belongs to Yongwang Mansion, and this side is stuck again."

Hu Yun said slowly: "Baoji Cabinet is like this, who is willing to store money there?"

Dong An sighed and said: "That's right, many businessmen have raised their money, and the proprietor Wang of the Old Demon Teahouse has raised all the [-] guan. He is now selling teahouses. I guess their whole family wants to move to Jingzhao. "

Hu Yun pondered for a moment and said to Wang Mu: "The "Beijing News" can publish some information to tell merchants how to buy and sell goods without losing money. For example, you can tell them that if the goods are sold to government shops, they can be exempted from tax. In addition, not all goods They are all [-]% commercial tax, as far as I know, the commercial tax on silk and satin is the highest, if it is fine linen, then the commercial tax is only half, or even lower, this information can be published in the "Beijing News."

Wang Mu nodded, "The Beijing News will launch a column on business news as soon as possible."

(End of this chapter)

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