
Chapter 1199 Help

Chapter 1199 Help
Hu Yun asked Dong An again, "Just now I suddenly thought of a problem. You said that several shiploads of copper money will be seized by checkpoints along the way. What if the merchant is going to Xuanzhou to buy goods? He would have to bring a lot of copper coins with him to withdraw money from the Baoji cabinet in Zhouzhou, so how would he pass the checkpoint?"

"I'm not too sure about this humble job, you can ask."

"Go and inquire, if it's really not possible, we can start a black market business and transport the copper coins out for him."

Zheng Tongquan said with a smile: "Transporting [-] guan coins, I am afraid that no one would dare to let the black market do this business! Why don't I set up a counter shop in Lin'an and grab the business of Baoji counter shop."

Hu Yun pondered for a while and smiled: "This method is not bad. If Baoji Cabinet is going to die, we will give it a ride. It is best to find a few powerful families to partner with. Your Highness asked me to contact Liu Xianchen from Pingjiang Mansion. I will contact you tomorrow. Just go to Pingjiang Mansion, if you decide to set up a cabinet shop, you can go with me."

After Zheng Tongquan withdrew from overseas trade, he has been looking for a new family business. He also wanted to enter the cabinet industry for a long time. He has enough capital and background, so he can do it. Now Baoji Cabinet is seriously hurting the interests of merchants. own opportunity.

He nodded: "I have a very good relationship with several local big families, such as the Qian family in Lin'an Prefecture, the Shen family in Huzhou Prefecture, and the Lu family in Pingjiang Prefecture. I'll talk to them again, I believe they are also interested."

Everyone discussed for a while, Zheng Tongquan took a step first, and Wang Mu also returned to the newspaper office.

At this moment, Dong An stepped forward and said, "Just now, Proprietor Wang of the Old Demon Teahouse had a talk with me. He wants to meet you, so please let me get in touch."

Hu Yun was taken aback, "He doesn't know your identity, does he?"

"Of course he doesn't know. He only knows that you are an old customer of Changfeng Teahouse and come here every day. That's why he got acquainted with me."

Hu Yun nodded, "It just so happens that I have some time today, and I won't be free tomorrow, so let him come here now."

Dong An hurried away, not long after, Dong An brought a middle-aged man, the man bowed and saluted, "My next Wang An is the proprietor of the old demon teahouse opposite, see Special Envoy Hu!"

Hu Yun waved his hands and said with a smile: "Sir Wang, please sit down!"

Wang An sat down, and Hu Yun asked with a smile: "I know there is an old demon teahouse next to the Daxiangguo Temple in Bianliang. Is it related to you?"

"That was opened by my family, founded by my great-grandfather, and later passed on to my grandfather and father. In the third year of Jianyan, my father moved to Lin'an with his whole family, and reopened Laoyao Teahouse here."

Hu Yun smiled and said: "I heard shopkeeper Dong said that you want to move to Jingzhao?"

Wang An sighed and said: "This is actually what my father meant. He proposed to move to Jingzhao a few days ago. I have been a little hesitant until the Song Army was defeated by the signing army this time. I knew that the Song Dynasty was completely hopeless, so I made up my mind. Decided to move."

"You moved to Jingzhao, what about your teahouse?"

"To be honest, I have already sold the teahouse. Someone estimated the value at [-] guan, and I sold it for [-] guan, including the three acres of land, the house and the teahouse. In this way, I have [-] guan in my hand. , go to Jingzhao Buyer’s store, and buying a small house should be enough.”

Hu Yun nodded, "If the requirements are not too high, it is indeed enough."

"I went to Jingzhao for inspection last fall. I considered buying the newly developed land in the west of the city, but now I encountered a troublesome matter. Presumably Special Envoy Hu also knows that my family's money is all in Baoji Cabinet, and I can't remit it to Jingzhao."

"Where do you bring money to buy goods in other places?"

Wang An had no choice but to say: "Bring more than [-] copper coins to buy goods, you have to go to the Qiumen Office of the Ministry of Households for the record, and then you need someone to guarantee, and the Qiumen Office will issue a letter of approval. With the letter of approval, you can go to Baoji Cabinet to remit the money. After I come back, I have to check and pay the tax bill. If I don’t return, the person who sponsored me will be severely fined. I don’t want to implicate others, and the court has been keeping a close eye on it in recent months, so the risk is very high.”

Hu Yun pondered for a while and said, "Then how about taking a special route? For example, asking someone to help you bring the money back?"

Wang An still shook his head, "There are people doing this kind of business in the black market, that is, buying off the checkpoint government. It doesn't matter if you spend a few thousand dollars. I'm afraid that if I give them a hundred thousand dollars, they will just swallow it up. If we can’t find it, then our whole family will hang themselves.”

Hu Yun smiled slightly: "So you want to ask me for help?"

Wang An got up and clasped his fists and said: "Actually, it's not just my family. There are five families in the same situation as me. They want to transfer their property to Jingzhao, but now the imperial court is very strict. We really have no other way but to I implore Special Envoy Hu for help."

Hu Yun pondered for a moment and asked, "How much money do the five families have?"

"A total of about [-] guan!"

If most of the [-] guan is used to buy land from the government, then the Neizhengtang will have another [-] guan in tax revenue, which is of course a good thing.

And this is not a difficult task for them, it can be said to be a matter of little effort, even if the court knows, there is nothing they can do about it.

Hu Yun nodded and smiled: "In principle, I can help you. First of all, you have to give me a clear time. Secondly, I also need to prepare a ship, which requires money. Let's do it! A family of two thousand yuan, I will use the Wanshi cargo ship to transport you All the people and money were sent to Xiangyang.

In Xiangyang, you can use the Sichuan-Shaanxi No. [-] cash drawer, which is the official cash drawer of Prince Yong’s Mansion. You can withdraw money in Jingzhao with money tickets, passwords and jade pei. Basically, merchants arrange this way, otherwise Xiangyang will go to Jingzhao The distance is still very long, and there is still a long road, so it is very inconvenient to transport money. "

Wang An was very grateful and said, "I'll go back and discuss it. How can I contact Special Envoy Hu later?"

"Leave a note for shopkeeper Dong! After reading it, I will send someone to find you."

"Then I'll take my leave!"

Wang Anxing saluted and hurried away.

Seeing that Dong An was hesitant to speak next to him, Hu Yun smiled and said, "I know what you are worried about. Actually, there is no need to worry. I won't have any problems with money. The ten thousand yuan I received from them is to supplement our expenses. I will write a letter to report to His Highness."

"It's best to report to His Highness."

Dong An said with a smile: "Actually, there is another way to be humble."

"you say!"

"The special envoy can borrow a sum of silver from Lao Zheng and use it as a turnover, for example, the other party has [-] guan, and then exchange it for [-] taels of silver to them at the official price. It is much easier to transport the [-] taels of silver to Xiangyang. After the sign, the cabinet shop will give them another [-] guan at the official price, and then we will transport their [-] guan to Dangtu County in batches, and then go to Xiangyang to exchange it for [-] taels of silver."

Hu Yun laughed, "Then why don't I write a letter directly to His Highness, and His Highness arranges to give them [-] taels directly in Jingzhao. Wouldn't it be easier? What else do we need? [-] taels of silver?"

Dong An quickly shook his head, "They will definitely not agree, they must follow the money to be at ease, they have the greatest trust in asking the special envoy for help, anyone would not believe it, who knows if it will happen halfway Kill all five of their families and throw them into the Yangtze River."

Hu Yun nodded, "It's feasible to borrow a sum of silver from Lao Zheng, so it's convenient for us to transport!"

Although the disastrous defeat of the [-] Song Army made the entire government and the public feel deeply shocked and frustrated, even the emperor Zhao Gou couldn't bear the blow and fell ill.

But there was one person who was in a particularly happy mood. This person was Xiangguo Qin Hui. On the one hand, the disastrous defeat of the Song Army relieved him of the pressure from the Jin Kingdom; Responsibility, then the responsibility can only be borne by Xu Xiantu. This Northern Expedition was planned by him alone.

It is very likely that Xu Xiantu will be dismissed this time.

(End of this chapter)

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