
Chapter 1200 Cocooning

Chapter 1200 Cocooning
Qin Hui went back to the study and sat down, his wife Wang came in with a cup of tea and said with a smile: "Master seems very happy today, why?"

Qin Hui chuckled and said, "I went to see the official today, and the official said that he would bear the responsibility for this defeat, so I knew that Xu Xiantu would be dismissed."

"Why did Xu Xiantu want to resign as Prime Minister?"

"You have to understand the implication of the official's words. When he said that he would take responsibility, there must be someone who will take greater responsibility. Of course it is Xu Xiantu. I knew this Northern Expedition was inappropriate and avoided it early."

Mrs. Wang was still puzzled and asked: "But the master also said that the officials who forced the Song army to attack Haizhou were persuaded by Zhu Shengfei. At that time, Xu Xiantu went to Yangzhou to inspect the logistics. How could Xu Xiantu be held accountable?"

"You don't understand this. The responsibility is not based on who came up with the idea, but who is the commander. Xu Xiantu also serves as the Huaibei Xuanfu envoy, which is equivalent to the former army commander. Naturally, he is in charge. It is not Zhu Shengfei's turn. And if If Zhu Shengfei is to be held accountable for his suggestion, wouldn’t the emperor be responsible for the decision?”

Mrs. Wang nodded, "No wonder Master is so happy!"

At this time, the housekeeper reported in the courtyard: "Sign up to the master, Taiwei Shi begs to see you!"

Shi Taiwei is Shi Guangping, Qin Hui nodded, "Please come in!"

Shi Guangping started to climb Qin Hui two years ago, and was immediately recommended by Qin Hui to the emperor. Shi Guangping donated the profits from Baoji Cabinet Workshop and Fengle Building to the emperor for two consecutive years as military salary, and was also appreciated by the emperor Zhao Gou. He was promoted to the Duke of Yue, and Qin Hui recommended him to be Minister of the Ministry of War last autumn, and he was also named Taiwei.

Although the Minister of the Ministry of War does not have much real power, he is already able to participate in the affairs of the Ministry of War. Moreover, the Minister of Military Affairs is the Minister of the Military Academy. It is a good job for Shi Guangping to be the Minister of the Military Academy.

Not long after, Qin Hui came to the guest hall and Shi Guangping had been waiting for a while. When he saw Qin Hui coming in, he quickly got up and saluted, "See Mr. Qin!"

"Why is Taiwei Shi free to come over today?" Qin Hui asked with a smile.

"I have to ask Mr. Qin for some difficult matters."

At this moment, the maid came in to serve tea, Qin Hui took a sip of tea from the cup, and said calmly, "What difficulties did you encounter?"

Shi Guangping sighed and said: "In the past few days, many big customers have come to Baoji Cabinet to withdraw money, each time tens of thousands of coins. If this continues, Baoji Cabinet will have no money to pay."

Qin Hui frowned, "Aren't you keeping the customer's money? It's in the warehouse, and you won't touch it. What effect will it have if they take it away?"

"The Xiangguo doesn't know that gold, silver and other treasures are kept in the warehouse, but copper coins are different. If we sign an escrow agreement, then we can take out the copper coins for profit, and both parties will get half of the profit. Basically, merchants will sign escrow agreements, and now they are the ones who come to withdraw money, and the counters have to go to various places to collect accounts, but more and more people withdraw money, and the counters are about to fail."

"I'm afraid I can't help you with money!"

"Xiangguo, as long as Qiu Mingsi no longer pays attention to Baoji Cabinet, that will be the greatest help."

The Qiuming Division, which means Ming Chaqiu, was formed by Qin Hui last year by order. It is nominally owned by the Ministry of Household Affairs, but in fact it is controlled by Yushitai, which means it is controlled by Qin Hui.

At the beginning of the establishment of the Qiuming Division, it was mainly due to the collusion between officials Cha and the Prince Yong’s House that officials were strictly prohibited from buying properties in Jingzhao. However, Qin Hui had supervisory powers, so he would naturally expand his authority. From this year onwards, the Qiuming Division began to control ordinary dignitaries and businessmen to go to Jingzhao After buying a house, it is not only a checkpoint check, but also a monitoring of the money flow in the cabinet workshop.

Shi Guangping initially ordered Baoji Cabinet to fully cooperate with Qiu Mingsi, but today the big shopkeeper Wang Yan came to him with a sad face. There were too many merchants who came to withdraw the money, and the cabinet was withdrawn from one million copper coins in three days, and it was almost unable to hold on. I hope he can persuade Qiuming Division to cancel the surveillance.

Shi Guangping was also in a hurry. Baoji Cabinet Shop was not owned by him alone, but by dozens of members of Song Xinghui. If something happened, he could not explain to the members. He could only come to beg Qin Hui to let Baoji Cabinet Shop go.

Qin Hui said indifferently: "Qiuming Division's monitoring of Baoji cabinet workshop is the emperor's intention. To cancel the monitoring, the emperor must agree. During this time, the emperor is in a bad mood and even fell ill. I can't say this. If you ask the emperor yourself , I have no objection!"

"Qin Xianggong, the counter shop is almost unable to support it. The total amount of money withdrawn within three days of the appointment exceeds [-] guan, but the copper coins in stock that the counter shop can use are only [-] guan."

Qin Hui smiled and said, "Are you trying to make Qiuming Si set a rule that if you want to withdraw more than [-] guan, you must get Qiu Mingsi's written consent. If so, it can be done."

"No! No! No!"

Shi Guangping waved his hands in fright, "If you do this, the cabinet shop will be completely ruined, and I have absolutely no intention of doing so."

Qin Hui took a sip of tea and said, "Even if you suffer from a minor illness, you will need to be recuperated for ten and a half months before you recover. Even if the emperor cancels the monitoring of the cabinet workshop, you think it will be effective within three days. The [-] guan Don't you want to withdraw the money? I suggest you hurry up and solve the immediate urgent needs! Don't waste your precious time with me."

Shi Guangping felt dejected for a while, Qin Hui's words were also reasonable, the water in the distance could not quench the thirst, even if Qiu Mingsi stopped monitoring, he couldn't solve the imminent matter, he still had to find a way to raise money to solve the immediate crisis.

Self-inflicted can't live!
Shi Guangping hated his own stupidity to death. If he hadn't made this suggestion himself, Qin Hui would not have climbed up the pole.

Shi Guangping had no choice but to get up and leave. Qin Hui watched him walk away, and then he came back and said to his wife Wang, "Take out all the money that our family has stored in Baoji Cabinetry tomorrow morning!"

At the same time when Shi Guangping visited Qin Hui, Hu Yun also came to visit Xu Xiantu by order of King Yong.

Xu Xiantu just came back from Yangzhou yesterday, and the fiasco in Haizhou made him seem ten years older overnight.

Of course, Haizhou's fiasco was not his responsibility. According to his previous plan, if Haizhou was difficult to capture, the Song army should turn to attack Pi and the eastern half of Xuzhou, and then attack Yizhou, forcing the Haizhou defenders to come. rescue.

But Liu Qi told him that the successive orders issued by the emperor were to take Haizhou at all costs, which completely deviated from the original plan.

Xu Xiantu was speechless. The root cause of the fiasco was found, but the emperor would not take responsibility, and he had to stand up and take responsibility.

"It was only after I returned that I found out that after I went to Yangzhou to supervise the battle, Zhu Shengfei and the emperor discussed and decided the entire Haizhou campaign. The messengers they sent bypassed Yangzhou and directly ordered Liu Kai and others to seize it at all costs. Haizhou, the former enemy generals have to listen, the most hateful thing is that after the entire Song army was wiped out, Zhu Shengfei was the first to jump out and demand severe punishment for the former enemy commander, that is to punish me, how could he be so shameless!"

The more Xu Xiantu talked, the more angry he became, his chest heaved violently, obviously his shameless hatred for Zhu Shengfei reached the extreme.

Hu Yun smiled and said nothing, of course he was very clear that Zhu Shengfei did not jump out by himself, but the emperor ordered Zhu Shengfei to jump out, clarified the responsibility, and put the shit basin on Xu Xiantu's head first.

I believe Xu Xiantu also understands, but he doesn't want to add hatred to the emperor.

Hu Yun waited for his anger to calm down, and then slowly said: "I came to see Xu Xiangguo on the order of His Royal Highness King Yong, and there is one thing that may be beneficial to Xu Xianggong."

"what's up?"

"The Western Army has captured Haizhou, and rescued [-] Song Army prisoners of war in the process of intercepting the Jin soldiers. His Royal Highness King Yong said that the [-] prisoners of war, and even Haizhou, can only be handed over to Xu Xiangguo."

Xu Xiantu immediately understood that it was Chen Qing who gave him the credit to keep the position of Xiangguo.

He sighed a long time, "I appreciate His Royal Highness King Yong's kindness, but this time, I'm afraid he will indeed be dismissed, so let me tell His Majesty first!"

(End of this chapter)

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