
Chapter 1204 Water Village

Chapter 1204 Water Village
The Nanqing River has always been the third largest river on Shandong Road, second only to the Yellow River and Jishui. The river is wide and gentle, and has always been an important waterway in Shandong Road.

This morning, a small passenger boat of [-] stone sailed from the south. There were three boatmen, one boatman and two apprentices, and the guests were two young men, one tall and one short, both wearing warrior uniforms with long swords on their backs , at first glance, he looks like a ranger wandering in the rivers and lakes.

There are so-called martial arts sects in any dynasty, which are basically temples and Taoist temples, but Jianghu sects like the Huashan sect that purely focus on martial arts training generally do not exist. The reason is also very simple. Shaolin sect, Wudang sect, and Quanzhen sect exist. It is because of faith, why does the Huashan School exist?
However, in the major counties, there are many industries that rely on martial arts for a living, mainly martial arts, which take over business such as security, guards, escorts, etc. A large number of low-level warriors also rely on martial arts to earn a living.

In addition to the martial arts hall, there are also many freelancers with martial arts skills. They travel around with their backs on their backs. They seem to be doing nothing, but in fact they are not.

Either they are assassins, accept high rewards, assassinate the employer's enemies, change their names after killing, and wander around the world, but the most common warrior profession is bounty hunters, looking for targets based on various rewards, usually using heads to receive rewards , not only the official rewards, as long as there are rewards, there will be them.

A little farther away, these two warriors are not rangers, they are scouts of the Western Army, the taller one is called Huang Dong, a deputy commander of the scouts, he shot and killed the leader of the Jin army Zheke at the head of Luoyang City the year before last He was promoted by Chen Qing to be the head of the scouts, and then he went deep into Shandong Road to investigate the military situation.

Although Huang Dong is from Guanzhong, he can speak a Laizhou accent, and he is very alert. Last year, he searched for information on Shandong Road, but was not discovered by Jin Bing.

This time he was ordered to inquire about the situation of Jin Guo's navy. Several of his subordinates dressed up, three of them dressed as boatmen, Huang Dong and another of his subordinates pretended to be boat passengers, they were all in the same group, but they pretended to be two identities.

The boatman's surname is Han, and he is the head of the scout. He looks to be in his forties, but in fact he is only in his thirties, and he looks old.

Han Dutou smiled while shaking the oar: "Commander, Liang Shanshui is too big, with a radius of hundreds of miles, and it is not easy to find enemy warships. I suggest finding a fishing village nearby. Asking about it, they might know where the golden soldier warship is hidden?"

Huang Dong nodded, "I also have the same intention, but let's go around Liangshanpo first, if we can't find it, then go to the east coast of Jeju. There are many fishing villages there, so we should be able to find clues."

Not long after, their boats sailed into Liangshan Water Park, which is located between Jeju and Yunzhou. , Song Jiang and other thirty-six people gathered here to revolt, leading to a "Water Margin", which became famous in later generations.

The boat sailed into Liangshan Po, the sky began to rain lightly, and the lake was completely white. The boat walked along the shore as far as possible. In the afternoon, a small fishing village appeared in front of it, surrounded by lush reed ponds.

"There's an old man over there!"

One of his subordinates had sharp eyesight and found a fishing boat moored by the reed pond, and an old man was sitting on the fishing boat to adjust the fishing nets.

"Go up and ask!"

The boat went up to meet him, Huang Dong cupped his fists on the bow: "Ask the old man!"

The old man glanced at them and said with a smile: "You want to find out where the golden soldiers are? Right!"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, this old man is amazing!He could see through them at a glance.

Huang Dong asked confusedly: "How does the old man know?"

"Aren't you avoiding the golden soldiers to catch the strong men?"

Only then did everyone understand that this was the guess. Huang Dong laughed dryly and said, "We are afraid of encountering the Jinbing navy, so we dare not walk along the main waterway. It is best to know where the Jinbing is? We can avoid it. "

"You should walk along the east bank. Jinbing Water Village is on the Liangshan side, and it's easy to find it if you go west."

Huang Dong was overjoyed, he got the clue of Jinbing Water Village so quickly.

"Thank you old man, let's turn around!"

The ship turned around and headed east again.
Night fell quietly, and a bay in the west of Liangshan was brightly lit, and the shore was full of tents. It was difficult to find Jinbing Water Village during the day, but at night, it could be seen at a glance from a long distance on the water.

At this time, the small boat that Huang Dong was on gradually approached the water village along the shore. The boat was hidden behind a boulder on the water. Huang Dong took two of his men into the water silently and swam towards the water village.

Not long after, they got close to the outer wooden fence of the water village. The wooden fences were so densely spaced that people couldn't get through, but they could see the situation inside the water village through the gaps.

The water surface in the water village is not large, and it is full of boats, but they are not warships, but converted from civilian boats, all of which are under a thousand stones, and the number is about [-].

Huang Dong secretly counted, there are about sixty thousand stone warships, and the rest are sentinel ships. Looking at the camp on the shore, plus logistical support, the naval army only looks like three to four thousand people.

Huang Dong observed for a while, and he probably had an idea in his mind.

"let's go!"

He made a gesture, dived into the water with his men, and swam to the distant hiding place.

The Western Army has already built three pontoon bridges on the Yellow River, and the point of crossing the river is in Xiao County, where the water is the most gentle and it is easy to build pontoon bridges.

It took two days for [-] Song troops to cross the New Yellow River. On the east bank of the Yellow River, Liu Qiong led [-] troops to meet them one step ahead, ensuring that the [-] troops crossed the Yellow River smoothly.

Liu Qiong stepped forward to salute Chen Qing, "Please refer to Your Highness for humble posts!"

Liu Qiong is one of Chen Qing's confidantes. He is good at using strange soldiers. In the army, he has a nickname called Firefox. He is said to be as cunning as a fox when he is calm, but when he gets angry, he is as violent as fire. This nickname was given by Chen Qing. He started.

Chen Qing nodded with a smile, "This time I captured Donghai Island and Haizhou, I will remember your great achievements, and when you make another great contribution, I will promote you to the commander of the upper army!"

The promotion of generals includes rank officials and rank officials. Rank officials rely on seniority, and they are promoted to one rank in three years. Two revolutions for merit, three revolutions for great merit, and five revolutions for extraordinary merit.

But when it comes to the level of capital control, it will not be transferred. Instead, it will be appointed by Chen Qing after a comprehensive assessment. Liu Qiong has been in command of the military three years ago. It is not so easy for him to be promoted to the command of the military.

Now King Yong personally promised, immediately made Liu Qiong overjoyed, and hurriedly bowed: "I implore Your Highness to give this humble job a chance!"

Chen Qing smiled slightly and said: "The opportunity will come soon, you will go back after you report the situation to me, and the court will soon negotiate with Xu Xiangguo and me, and then you will send [-] Song troops to Yangzhou."

"Humble post obeys orders!"

Liu Qiong briefly reported the latest situation of Haizhou and Donghai Island to Chen Qing, and then led an army of [-] to return to Haizhou.

After the [-] Western Army crossed the New Yellow River, they continued northward and arrived at Feng County that evening, and immediately set up their camp outside Feng County.

The reason why Chen Qing camped in Feng County was that there was a river flowing from Songcheng County into the Yellow River, and from the Yellow River eastward through Feng County and Pei County into Nanqing River, so various logistics materials could be transported from Songcheng County to Feng County by water.

Another reason is that Feng County is less than a hundred miles away from Jeju, and Wanyan Wushu stationed [-] heavy troops in Rencheng County of Jeju.

(End of this chapter)

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