
Chapter 1205 Mission

Chapter 1205 Mission
That night, Yang Zaixing led the scout leader Huang Dong to Chen Qing's tent.

"Your Highness, there are scouts reporting important information just discovered."

Chen Qing was standing in front of the sand table and considering the battle plan. He smiled slightly and said, "What important information!"

Huang Dong stepped forward and knelt down on one knee to salute, "Please refer to Your Highness for humble posts!"

Chen Qing glanced at him, feeling a little familiar, he thought for a while and smiled, "I remember you assassinated that scout Zhe Keqiu in Luoyang City, right?"

"It's the humble rank, the humble rank Huang Dong, who was promoted to deputy commander by General Yang last year!"

"Not bad! Not bad! It seems that you made a lot of contributions last year. Tell me! What important information?"

"Beizhi led his men to discover the Jinbing Water Village in Liangshanbo."

Chen Qing lifted his spirits. This is the military situation he has always been concerned about. He pointed to the sand table and said, "Where is the golden soldier water stronghold?"

Huang Dong picked up the wooden pole and pointed to Liangshan on the sand table and said, "This is Liangshan, which is located in a bay on the west side of Liangshan. I really can't find it.

"How many ships? How many people?"

"I observed at night and made a rough count. There are more than [-] thousand-stone warships, and there are more than two hundred and forty other hundred-stone sentry ships. There are no more than one thousand stone ships, and they are all converted civilian ships. The big camp is on the shore. It is estimated that there are three to four thousand troops."

Chen Qing took a few steps with his hands behind his back. Jin Bing's water army must be destroyed first, otherwise it would seriously threaten his logistics transportation and the safety of the pontoon across the river.

However, if you send sailors over, it is easy to be discovered by the opponent, and then the opponent's sailors will flee, and it will be difficult to find them.

It is necessary to pass silently and wipe out the opponent's navy in one fell swoop.

At this time, Yang Zaixing on the side understood what the lord was thinking, and suggested with a smile: "The humble officer has a special army of about [-] people, called the Jiaolong Army. They are very powerful in both water and land warfare. Leave it to them."

Chen Qing was immediately interested, it turned out to be an amphibious battle, no wonder it was called the Flood Dragon Army, the Flood Dragon was a crocodile!

He nodded and asked, "Who is the leader?"

"Reporting to Your Highness, the leader is Ruan De. He is a commander of the new army. His martial arts skills are superb, his strength is boundless, and his water skills are also extremely high. His hometown is Liangshanbo."

His surname is Ruan, and his hometown is Liangshanbo. Chen Qing thought of something and nodded, "Please bring this General Ruan to me."

Not long after, Ruan De was led into the big tent by a soldier. After nearly half a year of training, Ruan De was already a mature general of the Western Army. He knelt down on one knee and saluted, "Humble post, Ruan De, see His Royal Highness King Yong!"

Chen Qing saw that this man was very tall and majestic, estimated to be around [-] meters tall, with strong arms.

Chen Qingxiao asked, "Where is your home?"

"Reporting to Your Highness, the villain currently lives in Yuchi County."

Chen Qing was taken aback, "Just now Yang Dutong said that you are from Liangshanbo?"

"Reporting to Your Highness, the villain's ancestral home is Liangshanbo, and his father and uncle moved to Chuqiu County, Guide Prefecture. Because last year the Jin soldiers were going to harvest grain and grass, the government asked all the people who lived by the Yellow River to evacuate to Kaifeng Prefecture. The people moved to Yuchi County, and were favored by the Yu County Captain, who was appointed as the leader of the recruits in Yuchi County, and was appreciated by Yang Dutong, who was appointed as the commander of the new Jiaolong Army."

"I see. What is your father's name? What do you do for a living?"

Ruan De didn't dare to lie, so he could only bite the bullet and said: "My father's name is Ruan Xiaoqi. He used to be a fisherman in Liangshanbo. Dezhuang, Chuqiu County, Defu is a farmer."

Sure enough, they are the descendants of the three heroes of the Ruan family. Chen Qing nodded and said: "I came to you because I have an important task to entrust to your dragon army."

Chen Qing pointed to Liangshan Po with a wooden pole and said: "The Jinbing navy is hiding in Liangshan Po. I want to destroy this navy, mainly to destroy all their warships, but I send the navy to be easy to be found, and they will run away." , You must sneak into the water village from the land without anyone noticing, there are about [-] people on the other side, do you understand your mission?"

"The humble job must successfully complete the task!"

Chen Qing introduced Huang Dong to him again, "This is Huang Dong, the deputy commander of the scouts. He is the one who discovered the water village and the navy. He will bring a scout as your deputy. This task will be completed by the two of you together. Set off tonight, if the mission is successful, I will give you a big reward!"

The two saluted together, "Follow the order!"

Yang Zaixing took the two of them down and explained the tasks in detail.

Chen Qing looked at the soldiers standing at the tent door again and said, "What's the matter?"

"Reporting to Your Highness, Xu Xiangguo, who came from Lin'an, has arrived at Guide Mansion."

Chen Qing nodded, "Please come over with the support ship tomorrow!"

Ruan De and Huang Dong led [-] people to set off on foot overnight, running towards Liang Shanbo in the north without sound.

At noon the next day, Xu Xiantu and his party arrived at Daying in Fengxian County following the grain and grass convoy.

Chen Qing personally went to the gate of the camp to welcome Xu Xiantu's arrival.

Chen Qing and Xu Xiantu had a very good personal relationship. When Chen Qing married Lu Xiu in Lin'an, Xu Xiantu was the witness of the marriage. Moreover, when Lu Yihao died of illness, the court officials didn't dare to mourn. It was Xu Xiantu who took the lead in mourning, so that all officials put down their worries and went to Lu's mansion. Hanging filial piety, this favor Chen Qing has always kept in mind.

The same is true for Xu Xiantu. He took the lead in filial piety to Lu Yihao in order to gain a favor from Chen Qing. In addition, in order to save himself and his family a way out, Xu Xiantu specially changed the name of his youngest son Xu Shou to Yu Shou and went to Jingzhao. He participated in the imperial examination and was assigned by Chen Qing to his hometown Yuchi County as a county captain.

It was because of the tacit understanding between them that they met very enthusiastically. Chen Qing invited Xu Xiantu and his party into the tent of the Chinese army.

Chen Qing said with a smile: "This time going north, does Mr. Xu plan to visit his hometown?"

Xu Xiantu shook his head, "There's no time! The officials are still eagerly waiting for news from me, and I have to go back immediately after talking with His Highness."

Chen Qing asked again: "How much can the [-] Song troops recover in the end?"

Xu Xiantu sighed and said, "If you include His Highness's [-] troops and the more than [-] wounded soldiers who were sent back for treatment, a total of about [-] people can be recovered."

"That's [-] people!"

"Actually, we have more than [-] Song prisoners of war in our hands."

Xu Xiantu nodded, "Then let's make a long story short, return the [-] people to us, what conditions does Your Highness have?"

"What does the Son of Heaven mean?"

"The Son of Heaven said that the north of the Huaihe River should be handed over to the Western Army."

Chen Qing shook his head, "We captured the north of the Huaihe River from Jinbing, and captured [-] Jinbing in Fuli County and Xuyi County each. The Son of Heaven's suggestion is not sincere."

"So I'll let you speak for yourself!"

Chen Qing pondered for a moment and said: "If I want land again, I think the emperor will be very sensitive and won't agree to it. Let's do it! I have two requests. First, allow my fleet to take the Huainan Canal, that is, the Huaihe River to the Huainan Canal." This section of the Yangtze River is not allowed to be intercepted and interrogated, it must be unimpeded; second, give me all the large-scale siege weapons in the Yangzhou warehouse."

Xu Xiantu nodded and said: "The first request should not be a big problem, I can agree to it now, and the second request I will send a pigeon letter tomorrow to ask the emperor for instructions, and I will reply to His Highness the day after tomorrow at the latest!"

(End of this chapter)

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