
Chapter 1206 Night Attack

Chapter 1206 Night Attack
A thousand soldiers of the Western Army marched day and night. Two days later, the team arrived at the west side of Mount Liang. Ruan De led the soldiers to rest in the forest ten miles away, while Huang Dong led several scouts to investigate the enemy's situation.

In the afternoon, Huang Dong and his men came back.

In a temporary marching tent, Ruan De, another deputy commander, Zhang Xi, and Huang Dong discussed the battle plan at the table.

"The enemy's water fortress is still the same as last time. Basically, there is no change. When I went there, they were training formations on the water, and they could see it more clearly. There are sixty-three thousand-stone warships, and the rest are hundred-stone sentry ships. , about two hundred and forty ships, judging by their training, they should be practicing to intercept the logistics fleet."

Ruan De thought for a while and asked, "The water village has two sides. Should we sneak in from the east or from the west?"

"It's better to go from the west. The westernmost side is full of rocks. Ships can't see clearly at night and are prone to run aground. I don't think their patrol boats will come to the west."

"What about the sentry tower?"

Ruan De asked again: "There is a watchtower to the west. As long as we kill the sentry, the watchtower next to the gate will not be able to see us. The distance is too far."

All important information has been understood, and a complete strategy has been formed in Ruan De's mind.

"General Huang, what is the material of the other camp's camp?" Zhang Xi, the deputy commander next to him, asked.

"It's cloth tents, afraid of fire!"

Ruan De nodded and said: "Our main task is to burn the warships, and annihilating the enemy troops is secondary. If conditions permit, we can also set fire to the enemy's tent at the end."

Huang Dong said with a smile: "I think it's easy to burn the enemy's big tent. Their camp is close to Liangshan Mountain. They can detour up the mountain and launch rockets to the camp below the mountain. A few soldiers are enough!"

Ruan De pondered for a moment and said: "We have enough troops to divide into three groups. General Huang and I took a hundred people to burn the boat, and then sent a small team up the mountain to shoot rockets. General Zhang led more than a thousand soldiers to use crossbows outside the enemy camp. Shoot the escaping enemy soldiers."

Zhang Xi bowed and said, "I obey the order!"

Huang Dong secretly admired Ruan De for his clarity of mind. Logically, he was the chief general and should lead the main army, but he let the deputy general lead the main force and went to burn the ship by himself, which showed that he had a clear mind, and burning the ship was the most important task.

As night fell, the naval warships that had been training for a day returned to the water village. The soldiers returned to the land camp to eat and rest. On the platform, two sentinels watched the movement outside the water village.

Then there are one sentry tower and four sentry towers on the easternmost and westernmost sides, and the sentry's field of vision covers the water camp fence that is one mile long.

After two hours of hustle and bustle, the camp gradually quieted down, and the soldiers all fell asleep.

At one o'clock, a team of ten people, led by a captain, arrived at the halfway up Liangshan Mountain, just above the top of Daying Camp. They patiently waited for the movement on the water. They can only act after the fire is on, otherwise they will startle the snake.

Ruan De and Huang Dong led more than a hundred water ghosts to appear hundreds of steps outside the water fence. This is the westernmost side of the water fence. The tower is about one hundred and fifty steps.

They first need to kill the soldiers on the west watchtower, the watchtower at the gate will not be able to see the situation here, especially at night.

Huang Dong thought of this plan last time, as long as they kill the westernmost sentry tower, they can sneak into the water village calmly.

Two scouts from the Western Army were climbing on the sentry tower with crossbows on their backs. They were climbing on the west side, and they could not be seen from the far east sentry tower. After a while, they jumped in and the sentinel fell down. Soon he stood up again, holding a spear and continuing to watch.

The westernmost sentinel was killed, and Huang Dong led a dozen scouts to sneak over again. Not long after, they used a saw to cut a large hole at the bottom of the barracks with a width of one foot.

When Ruan De got the news, he was overjoyed immediately. With a wave of his hand, more than a hundred sailors dived over one by one. Jin can also float on the water.

After entering the water village, the soldiers of the Western Army dived along the west cliff. This area is full of rocks. Several patrol boats in the water village are easy to run aground. The patrol boats are all cruising in the central and eastern areas, making the westernmost become a defense hole.

Jin Bing thinks that the possibility of the Western Army knowing that they have a water army is very small. Even if they know, it is very difficult to find the hiding place of the water village. .

But it was this kind of fluke mentality that finally made Jin Bing pay a heavy price.

Ruan De led the water army into the water stronghold. They divided into [-] teams and went to burn the ships separately. The first is the Qianshi warship, which poses the greatest threat to the logistics fleet.

Ruan De led two men to the middle of the two large ships. They did not board the ship and sprayed fire oil directly on the ship.

At this moment, someone suddenly heard shouting: "There is an enemy situation, someone burns the boat!"

There were soldiers on duty on the boat, they were discovered, Ruan De said decisively: "Light it up!"

His subordinates lit two torches and threw them onto the boat. The big boat was ablaze. At the same time, dozens of big boats were set ablaze, and the water bay was covered with flames.

At this time, the soldiers on the mountainside finally got the signal, and they lit their rockets one after another and shot towards the camp below the mountain.
The big tents at the foot of the mountain are all cloth tents, this is also because the soldiers of the navy are signed troops, and they are not qualified to live in warm and non-flammable leather tents. More than a dozen cloth tents in the far east were lit, and the night wind on the water was strong , The wind on the side of the mountain is stronger, and the fire spreads rapidly with the help of the wind.

The soldiers in the big tent woke up one after another. They didn’t even have time to put on their shoes, and ran out of the big tent with bare feet. The raging fire in the big camp had already become one piece, not only the big camp, but also a sea of ​​flames on the water. I don’t know how many ships were burned. .

Although the alarm bell rang fiercely in the water bay, which was a signal for help, the soldiers on the shore were too busy to take care of themselves. They rushed to the outside of the camp. Thin underwear.

"Run away! The fire is coming."

The soldiers shouted in fear, and rushed out of the camp desperately, but only heard the sound of clappers, and then arrows were fired, and arrows rained down on the golden soldiers who had escaped from the camp. Howling and screaming, pieces of soldiers fell down.

There were heavy casualties in front of the Xiying Gate, and the soldiers were scared out of their wits. In panic, someone shouted, "You can go to the north!"

The soldiers fled to the small gate in the north again in a panic, but what awaited them were hundreds of cold crossbow bolts.

All the more than [-] warships in the water bay were set ablaze, and even the barracks were set alight when the soldiers of the Western Army retreated. Only three golden sentinel ships escaped from the water village and fled to the depths of Liang Shanbo shrouded in night. .

At noon the next day, when [-] Jin soldiers arrived at Liangshan Shuizhai, there were only corpses all over the camp outside the camp. The camp was burned to a mess, and there were countless charred corpses inside. Nearly [-] people were killed. .

But what shocked Jin Bing even more was the bay, where warships were burned to charcoal, leaving only a wreck of warships in the entire bay.

The navy that Wanyan Wushu worked so hard to build was only three sentinel ships left in the end.

[I have guests at home today, so I can only write two chapters, sorry! 】

(End of this chapter)

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