
Chapter 1208

Chapter 1208
On the same day, Xu Xiantu went to Haizhou accompanied by Zhang Xiao, and the two sides will hand over on the Huaihe floating bridge.

The next day, Chen Qing personally led [-] cavalry to the north, and set up a big camp fifty miles south of Rencheng County. The big camp was located to the east of the Nanqing River. The Western Army provides logistical transportation.

That's why Chen Qing wanted to wipe out the Jin Guo water army first, so he didn't have to worry about being attacked by the Jin Guo water army to harass the logistics fleet.

In addition, Chen Qing also set up five relay warning posts, one sentry point every ten miles. Once the Jin soldiers abandoned the city and evacuated, the five sentry points were like beacons, firing gunpowder arrows into the sky in succession to notify the Western Army camp.

This morning, a polo match was going on in the camp of the Western Army. The field was billowing with yellow dust, and the horses were galloping like lightning.

Chen Qing and a group of generals were also sitting on the sidelines to watch the battle. At this time, a soldier stepped forward and whispered something to Chen Qing. Chen Qing nodded and told Yang Zaixing next to him, and the two got up and walked out of the field. .

Not long after arriving at the camp, Zhou Bin, the commander of the scouts, stepped forward to report, "His Royal Highness, we found this caravan in Jiaxiang County, and we have brought their leader!"

"Are you sure it's a businessman, not a trap set by the other party?"

"The humble job has been confirmed!"

Chen Qing nodded, and came to the side tent with Yang Zaixing. In the side tent, a middle-aged businessman was sitting and drinking tea anxiously. When Chen Qing and Yang Zaixing walked in, the soldiers next to him quickly reminded him, "The first one is King Yong." Your Highness!"

The businessman got up and knelt down to Chen Qing and kowtowed, "Xiaomin Ni Shun pays homage to the prince!"

"Mr. Ni, please stand up!"

Chen Qing gently asked the businessman to get up, the soldiers moved chairs, Chen Qing and Yang Zaixing sat down, and the businessman Ni Shun also sat down.

The reason why this businessman is valued by Chen Qing is that he is one of the very few people who escaped from Rencheng County. People left, but Zhang Zhongxiong repented in less than half an hour and closed the city gate again, only a very small number of people came out of Rencheng.

Chen Qing's scouts also found that [-] troops had entered Rencheng, but they didn't know the specific situation of Rencheng. The scouts had been looking for the person who came out of Rencheng. After searching for a few days, they finally found this businessman in Jiaxiang County.

He and three fellows were the last ones to go out of the city while driving the team of donkeys. It was also because he lived in an inn next to the city gate that he managed to escape from the city.

"Could Yuanwai Ni briefly tell us about the situation in Rencheng County."

Ni Shun nodded silently, thought for a while and said, "As soon as they entered the city, they closed the city gate. Originally, there were some vacant houses in the north of the city, but they were all filled by soldiers, but it was not enough. They also drove a group of people in the east of the city out of the house , all the inns, monasteries and teahouses are fully occupied. In fact, harassment and crowding are not a big problem. The big problem is that the price of rice has risen. On the third day, it was rumored that the army was short of rations, and the price of rice rose to [-] Wen per bucket that day, and it had already risen to [-] Wen per bucket of rice the day I left."

"Do you think it's really the lack of military rations?"

"When they came, they also brought grain carts into the city. At that time, they felt that there were quite a lot of grain carts, but when I thought about it, they had [-] troops! It is said that the [-] troops ate up all the restaurants in the city on the first day. And basically nothing was paid."

It’s not enough to eat up the restaurant, the main reason is that they don’t pay, and the restaurant is closed the next day, but Chen Qing also agrees with the businessman’s point of view. The [-] army consumes a lot of food, so there must be a logistics supply line, or like Qushan County In that way, a large amount of grain was stored in the county in advance.

This is also the basis for Chen Qing to judge that the other party is short of food. Rencheng County is temporarily stationed and there is no large amount of food. The food carried by the [-] army alone is definitely far from enough. It is necessary to establish a logistics supply line, but judging from the current situation. Look, the opponent's supply convoy or fleet has not been found yet.

"How long has it been since the opposing army entered Rencheng County?" asked Yang Zaixing next to him.

"Today is the eighth day."

Merchant Ni Shun sighed and said, "I really don't know what is going on in the city. I guess people will starve to death soon."

Chen Qing asked the businessman some more details before letting him leave.

Yang Zaixing said to Chen Qing: "The humble staff believes that the lack of food is the biggest weakness of the opponent, and it will also be our chance to wipe out the opponent. If we succeed in intercepting their supply team, they will not be able to support them for a few days. Ruan De and the others went to the waterway I am worried that their supply team will come over by land, and I suggest that every official road should send scouts?"

"Okay, you can arrange it!" Chen Qing readily agreed.

Rencheng County is close to Qingshui, which is a tributary of Wenshui. The fleet from Jinan Prefecture sails from Jishui to Liangshanbo, then from Liangshanbo to Wenshui, and then from Wenshui to Guangshui. This is also [-] yuan. The main reason for signing the army to station in Rencheng County is to establish a water supply line, coupled with the escort of the water army, to ensure continuous supply.

Of course, Rencheng County itself has tall and strong walls, which are easy to defend and difficult to attack, which is another important reason why Jin Bing chose Rencheng County.

Jin Bing's supply fleet set off a few days ago, but the Jin Bing navy was attacked in Liangshanbo. The news of the entire army's destruction stopped the supply fleet halfway until the situation stabilized, and the sneak attack on the Western Army had gone. The fleet continued to set off, and hundreds of flat-bottomed tugboats were full of grain and supplies and sailed to Rencheng County.

At this time, on a small hill on the south bank of Jishui, a few scout cavalry hid in the woods, watching the huge supply fleet slowly approaching in the distance. rope.

There are still about forty miles from here to the mouth of the Jishui River in Liangshanbo. Several scouts immediately turned their horses and rushed south.

An hour later, the three cavalrymen arrived at the mouth of the river. A small boat was moored by the river. The lead scout handed over the horses to his companions. He got on the boat immediately, and the boat turned around and sailed towards the vast Liangshan moor.

The forty-mile journey only takes an hour for the cavalry, but it takes half a day for the fleet pulled by the trackers. The cavalry scouts use this time difference to rush back to report.

The Jiaolong Battalion under Yang Zaixing's command is currently hiding in Liangshan Po, near the mouth of the Jishui River. This is the only way for the supply fleet to pass. Chen Qing's task for them is to cut off the Jinbing's logistics fleet, not only in Rencheng, but also in Rencheng. Including other various garrison places.

This is also the law that Chen Qing has gradually mastered after dealing with Wanyan Wushu for a long time. Wanyan Wushu is used to centralized management of various resources, whether it is money or food, only when various resources are in his hands can he control the states.

As early as the beginning of the year, intelligence spies on Shandong Road discovered that Jin Bing had only two food storage points, one in Jinan Prefecture and the other in Haizhou. The transportation of grain from Jinan Prefecture to the west and south must pass through Liangshanpo. The mouth of the river also choked the throat of the main grain transportation route.

This is a loophole in the enemy's army that Chen Qing had discovered a long time ago, strangling the throat of the enemy's grain transportation channel is the top priority of the Western Army's expedition to Shandong Road.

When the time came to Haishi, that is, around nine o’clock in the evening, the grain transportation fleet finally appeared at the mouth of the river. After entering the Liangshan Houpo, there were mountains and reeds by the lake, and it was impossible to pull the fibers. During this period in Liangshan, we had to rely on other forces Propelled, by sail or by cart.

The first ship of the grain transport fleet was a cart, with a pair of water wheel paddles on each side, and twenty-four soldiers trampled in the bed cabin.

The first boat was sailing rumblingly on the water, and with hundreds of flat-bottomed cargo ships behind it, when it passed a reed pond, dozens of warships suddenly rushed out of the pond, all around Qianshi, and the five warships were about to Surrounded by the first boat, the soldiers of the Western Army rushed onto the vehicles and boats one after another, and the leading general was Ruan De.

He wielded the copper stick and knocked down seven or eight Jin soldiers in a row. In fact, seeing the situation was not good, the Jin soldiers knelt down and surrendered one after another.

Other Western troops also killed the tugboats, and fierce conflicts broke out with the soldiers on board. There were two soldiers on each tugboat. Although the total number exceeded a thousand, the disadvantage was that they were too scattered. A dozen soldiers from the Western Army Killing all the way, you can kill hundreds of signed soldiers.

It only took a quarter of an hour for the Western Army's Jiaolong Battalion to capture the grain transport fleet consisting of hundreds of tugboats and drag them into the vast water.

[Efficiency is greatly reduced when it comes to weekends, and only two chapters are coded in a day, hey!Tomorrow three chapters]

(End of this chapter)

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