
Chapter 1209 The Night Chase

Chapter 1209 The Night Chase
In Rencheng County, the chief general Zhang Zhongxiong waited eagerly for the logistics fleet, standing on the top of the city every day hoping to see through, but every day he was disappointed.

As time went by, the food they carried gradually bottomed out, and the food in the city was almost exploited by them, and almost all the rice shops were robbed by them, but even so, the food of the [-] army could only last three God.

Of course, they can choose to retreat. After all, the Western Army did not siege the city. If they retreat in time, they can retreat to Xucheng County in the north. There is Dongping Mansion, which is a famous food production place. There are [-] Donghu troops stationed there, so there should be enough food. .

But the question is, does Wanyan Wushu allow them to retreat?Zhang Zhongxiong also knew that once he gave up Rencheng County, Jeju and Tengzhou would fall, and even Yunzhou would fall with it.

Zhang Zhongxiong was extremely distressed, he had to make a decision today, the remaining food could only be consumed on the way.

Zhang Zhongxiong couldn't make up his mind, so he called several leaders to discuss the countermeasures.

Commander Feng Lin said: "The logistics food and grass have not arrived for a long time. It is very likely that they were intercepted by the Western Army. Zhang Dutong, we can no longer count on the food ships. We should evacuate to the east immediately before the morale collapses. Otherwise, once the food is exhausted, Soldiers will definitely make trouble and loot the whole city, at that time, we will be like the defenders of Luoyang, waiting to be beheaded one by one by Chen Qing!"

Chen Qing killed thousands of soldiers who raped and plundered the common people in Luoyang. Although it had no effect on the Jurchen soldiers, it had a great impact on the signing army. Leave a way out, even including Li Cheng, he dared not kill more than [-] prisoners of war, but also left a way out for himself.

This is also Chen Qing’s letter to Han soldiers when he attacked Henan Road the year before last. It doesn’t matter how you fight on the battlefield. As long as you don’t harm the people, you won’t be held accountable after the war. Let everyone go back to their hometowns and reunite with their families.

As a result, the Luoyang defenders didn't take it seriously, raped, burned and killed people wantonly, and plundered people's property. As a result, they were collectively taken to the top of the city, and more than [-] heads were beheaded.

Tong Zhi Feng Lin's words aroused many people's worries, and some Tong Zhi asked: "We robbed the rice store, does this count as looting people's wealth?"

Feng Lin shook his head, "It's definitely not counted. This is called army requisition, not personal looting, it's not the same thing."

Zhang Zhongxiong saw that everyone was getting off topic, so he coughed heavily, "I called everyone to ask everyone to vote collectively. As I said just now, our food can last for three days. Now we have two options. First, Withdraw the troops to Xucheng County, Dongping Prefecture, and second, continue to wait for food and grass support, everyone come to vote!"

Everyone secretly despised that the coach didn't dare to take the responsibility and asked everyone to vote, but this is also a way, the law does not blame the public, it is a joint decision of everyone, and it is not easy for Liang Wang to pursue responsibility.

Zhang Zhongxiong glanced at China and said: "Please raise your hand if you support the first choice!"

All ten commanders raised their hands, and everyone knew that if they waited, they could only die.

Zhang Zhongxiong breathed a sigh of relief, nodded and said, "Since everyone chooses to retreat, there is no need to vote on the second item. Everyone go back and clean up. We will withdraw our troops to the east as soon as it gets dark tonight."

In the past two days, the [-] cavalry led by Chen Qing have also been put on alert. Chen Qing has received news that the Jiaolong Battalion intercepted the grain fleet sent to Rencheng.

According to the intelligence analysis he has, the defenders in the city are about to run out of food, and there is a high probability that they will evacuate at night in the next two days.

As soon as the night fell, Yang Zaixing led [-] cavalry to ambush in Yuxing Town, [-] miles away from the city. If there was no movement, they would retreat after dawn.

In the night, Chen Qing was wearing armor, standing in front of the large tent with his hands behind his back, looking at the direction of Rencheng County from a distance, the moon was bright and the stars were sparse, the night sky was extremely clear, and the whole land was covered with a layer of silver, although it was night, it was as bright as day. It's fine weather for marching!

At this moment, Chen Qing faintly saw a fire flickering in the sky, and then, a closer fire appeared in the sky, it was a rocket, and soon, the gunpowder arrow closest to them flew into the sky.

"Enemy retreat!"

Chen Qing immediately ordered: "Order the army to mount immediately!"

"Woo—" A low-pitched horn sounded in the barracks.

[-] cavalry mounted their horses one after another, and after a while, they charged out of the camp in a mighty manner, gathered into a long dragon, and rushed towards Rencheng County, fifty miles away.
The [-] troops left the south city gate and retreated to the east. Not far away, nine gunpowder arrows shot into the sky, and the bright red flames were particularly eye-catching in the night.

Immediately afterwards, nine more gunpowder arrows flew into the sky in the distance, the bright red flames streaked across the night sky, and nine more gunpowder arrows flew up in the distance.

Zhang Zhongxiong was secretly startled, this is the scouts of the Western Army reporting the news with gunpowder arrows, just like beacons, soon, the main force of the Western Army will know that they have retreated, the main force of the Western Army is fifty miles away, if luck is good, the Western Army will chase after them Not on them.

But the Western Army is all cavalry!

"Command, speed up the march!"

Most of the soldiers also saw the message sent by the gunpowder arrow, and everyone was frightened and ran faster.

After running for about fifteen or six miles, there was a rumbling sound of thunder from behind, and the ground trembled slightly. The soldiers looked back in horror. .

"Western cavalry are coming!"

Someone shouted, and the entire army was in a commotion, and the soldiers shouted in panic: "The cavalry of the Western Army are coming!"

"Stop the whole army and line up for me!"

Zhang Zhongxiong yelled desperately, but unfortunately he is not Li Cheng, and he has no prestige in the army. His voice was drowned out by the fearful shouts of the soldiers, and even the dozen or so horn players who had followed him ran away without a trace. .

The [-] signed soldiers dispersed like a flood bursting a bank, and ran wildly. Some soldiers took off their armor, threw away their weapons and dry food, and threw away everything that hindered their escape.

The soldiers hurriedly said: "Dutong, let's go! The Western Army is coming."

The overwhelming cavalry of the Western Army had already killed a mile away, and the horses were galloping in the wilderness. The momentum of sweeping across the earth, as if the sky and the earth were collapsing, made the signing army soldiers lose their will to resist. As long as one person escapes, thousands of people will flee. Thousands of people fleeing will drive tens of thousands of people to flee for their lives.

Especially during the march, tens of thousands of people stretched for more than ten miles, even if they assembled into an formation, it would take more than half an hour at the fastest. Once they encountered a surprise attack by the enemy, they would basically be defeated.If you are lucky, most of them can escape and regroup the soldiers. If you are not lucky, the whole army will be wiped out.

Zhang Zhongxiong's Laixi army was coming fiercely, so he had to sigh a long time, turned his horse's head and galloped as fast as he could, and dozens of his personal soldiers followed closely on horseback.

Soon they overtook most of the fleeing soldiers. Zhang Zhongxiong couldn't help but look back, only to hear the cavalry of the Western Army shouting: "The surrender will not be killed! The surrender will not be killed!"

Countless soldiers knelt on the ground and surrendered, even before the cavalry of the Western Army came, there were groups of soldiers knelt down and raised their hands to surrender.

Zhang Zhongxiong suddenly saw the commander Feng Lin and Zhang Bao leading tens of thousands of soldiers kneeling and surrendering.

"These two bastards!"

Zhang Zhongxiong gritted his teeth with hatred, but there was nothing he could do, so he beat his horse and galloped in the dark night.

An hour later, Chen Qing arrived with the main force. At this time, the fierce battle was over. In fact, the signed army was not that bad. Commanding Sun Yue led [-] men to fight against [-] cavalry from the Western Army. The fierce battle lasted for nearly half an hour. The five thousand lottery army was wiped out, and the main general, Sun Yue, was also captured alive by Yang Zaixing.

However, Sun Yue's resistance also covered the escape of many soldiers, which made the Western Army's hope of capturing all the signing troops alive. The Western Army only captured more than [-] people and escaped more than [-] signing troops.

When Chen Qing arrived at the battlefield, Yang Zaixing stepped forward to give orders. Seeing that Yang Zaixing was covered in blood and smelled blood, Chen Qing couldn't help but frowned and said, "Are you fighting the enemy?"

Yang Zaixing smiled wryly and said, "An army of about [-] people has gathered and fought fiercely with us. In the end, this enemy army was completely wiped out, and the brothers suffered more than [-] casualties."

"What about the resisting army, all of them died in battle?"

"Of course not. We killed more than [-] people and captured [-] people. The enemy general was a famous commander. He singled out the humble official. After ten tricks, he was captured alive by the humble official."

"Bring me this lord!"

(End of this chapter)

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