
Chapter 1210

Chapter 1210
After a while, the soldiers brought up Sun Yue, the enemy commander who had been kidnapped.

When he saw Chen Qing, he couldn't help but startled, then lowered his head.

Seeing a scar on his left jaw, Chen Qing vaguely felt that this person looked familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere before, but he couldn't remember it.

"Have I seen you?" Chen Qing asked.

Sun Yue sighed, "Your Highness, do you still remember the ambush in Chunhua County?"

Chen Qing thought for a moment and said, "You mean Zhang Zhongyan, the commander of the Huanqing Army?"

Sun Yue nodded, "Exactly! I was the one who chopped off Zhang Zhongyan's head on the top of the city back then. I was just a capital leader at that time."

Chen Qing remembered that there was this person among the generals in Chunhua County back then
"Untie him!"

The soldiers untied Sun Yue, and Chen Qing asked again: "You used to be a member of the Western Army, why did you surrender to the Kingdom of Jin again?"

Sun Yue said ashamedly: "Xiaozhi was Yao Ling's subordinate back then. Later, Yao Ling killed the general Li Hua and led his troops to surrender Wanyan Wushu, and Xiaozhi followed Yao Ling all the time."

"Yao Ling is still there?"

"He's still here! He's been serving as the military envoy of the Shandong Road signing army, and he is highly regarded by Wanyan Wushu. He is currently one of the three governors of the Shandong Road signing army."

Chen Qing nodded, "Give him a horse and let him go!"

Sun Yue stood there blankly, without any response, Chen Qing sneered, "Could it be that you still want to take the army back?"

Sun Yue suddenly knelt down on one knee, weeping and said: "Xiaozhi didn't follow His Highness back then, and I have always regretted it in my heart, please Your Highness, please give Xiaozhi another chance."

Chen Qing looked at him, and asked lightly: "In that case, why didn't you surrender on the battlefield?"

Sun Yue said for a while: "You can surrender at any time, except on the battlefield!"

Yang Zaixing said to Chen Qing in a low voice: "This man is a tough one on the battlefield, it's quite rare that he won't surrender in a deadly battle, it's because of his humble position that he didn't kill him."

Chen Qing saw that Yang Zaixing was moved by his love for talent, so he nodded, "Forget it, according to the Western Army's rules, I will demote you to the rank of deputy commander, and you will follow Yang Dutong from now on!"

"Thank you Your Highness for not killing me, thank you Yang Dutong for your generosity!"

Chen Qing ordered people to take him down, and all the more than [-] soldiers under him were also released, transferred to the Western Army, continued to follow him, and became Yang Zaixing's generals.

Almost all of the more than [-] people who surrendered were young and strong from Shandong Road. Chen Qing ordered all of them to be released back to their hometowns, and the prisoners of war captured in Haizhou were also released.

Shandong Road as a whole is not bad. It has not been ravaged as badly as Henan Road. It will take ten years to slowly recover. As long as Shandong Road is kept young and strong, it will only take a year or two to recover.

Wanyan Wushu played up that he was a monster in the signing army, killing people like hemp, and he had to fight to survive. Chen Qing told the signing army with practical actions that there is no future for being a traitor, and he will be right when he turns back.

When the news came out, more than [-] prisoners of war cheered, and the Western Army registered immediately. Each person was given [-] yuan and two buckets of rice, and they were released to return to their hometowns. If they were willing to join the Western Army, the strong ones were selected to stay.

After screening, the Western Army added another [-] strong soldiers.

Chen Qing's army immediately captured Jeju, Tengzhou and Yanzhou, and Liu Cui also led [-] troops northward from Xuzhou to occupy Yizhou.

A total of [-] troops retreated from the two signed armies. The Jin soldiers lost the southern part of Shandong Road, but Li Cheng's troops did not hurt the root cause, but Zhang Zhongxiong's troops were defeated very badly. The [-] army was almost wiped out. In the end, only more than [-] remnants were gathered. , although many soldiers escaped, they were unwilling to return to the team and chose to flee home directly.

Zhang Zhongxiong was terrified in his heart, he didn't dare to see Wanyan Wushu, but fled back to Jinan Mansion, trying to take his family away, but he was immediately discovered by the spies monitoring his mansion, who informed Wanyan Wushu, and returned home In less than an hour, Zhang Zhongxiong was arrested immediately.

Zhang Zhongxiong was escorted to Prince Liang's mansion. He knelt down on the steps and begged for mercy. Wanyan Wushu slapped the table angrily and said, "I gave you fifty thousand troops, but the whole army was wiped out. Let me ask you, what number are you?" time?"

Zhang Zhongxiong quickly explained: "It was because the army was cut off that they couldn't hold on, so they had to abandon the city and evacuate. Before the retreat, the humble officials also sent spies and found that the main force of the enemy army was fifty miles away, so they dared to evacuate. I didn't expect Chen Qing to be too cunning to ambush nearby. , the humble job is indeed not Chen Qing's opponent, and he has failed the prince's great trust!"

Wanyan Wushu sneered and said: "You think that if you admit your mistake and say a few good words, I will forgive you, because you lost fifty thousand troops because of your incompetence and stupidity, and if you can get away with such a serious crime, then it is unreasonable. Come, drag me down and behead me!"

Several Jurchen soldiers rushed up like wolves and tigers, grabbed Zhang Zhongxiong and dragged them away. Zhang Zhongxiong was frightened and shouted: "Your Majesty, spare your life! Please spare your life!"

At this time, Fan Gong stepped forward to persuade him: "Although Zhang Zhongxiong is incompetent, there are not many generals who are as loyal to the prince as he is!"

"Is he faithful to me?"

Wanyan Wushu sneered and said: "If he is loyal to me, he should come to see me in an upright manner, instead of absconding and trying to escape with his family. I don't think he has the word loyalty in his heart."

Fan Gong was speechless for a moment, Wanyan Wushu sighed again: "He should be killed in Bianliang, and the entire army of [-] people will not be wiped out this time."

Several soldiers came in, holding a tray, in which was Zhang Zhongxiong's head.

Wanyan Wushu waved his hand, "Take it out together with the body and give it to his family, let them bury themselves."

After Zhang Zhongxiong was executed, Wanyan Wushu's pent-up anger finally came out.

He took two steps with his hands behind his back, walked to the sand table again, looked at the sand table and asked, "What does the military adviser think we should do next?"

Fan Gong said slowly: "I feel that the prince needs to make two-handed preparations. On the one hand, he must try his best to urge the imperial reinforcements to arrive, and on the other hand, he must make preparations for retreat."


Wanyan Wushu said dissatisfied: "I have lost Henan Road, does the military advisor think I still have room to retreat?"

But Fan Gong knew Wanyan Wushu very well, and knew that if he didn't say something earlier, once the situation was irreversible, the prince would blame him for not deploying it earlier.

"My lord, the humble suggestion may be a little out of date, but my lord is not absolutely sure of victory, and even slightly inferior to the Western Army in terms of financial and material resources, and the firearms are far less powerful than the Western Army, not to mention the Western Army also has a navy. We are indeed at a disadvantage, unless the lord has decided to live and die with Shandong Road, we will not say anything about it!"

Of course Wanyan Wushu will not live and die with Shandong Road, he is a Jurchen, and will only live and die with Jurchen. Although Fan Gong's words are a bit harsh, Wanyan Wushu finally agrees.

He nodded and said, "I'm here to urge the imperial court to reinforce the army, and I will ask the military adviser to arrange the rear road!"

After defeating Zhang Zhongxiong's [-] signing army, Chen Qing led an army of [-] troops northward to Dongping Mansion and directly attacked Xucheng County, which was governed by the mansion. Dongping Mansion was Yunzhou in the Northern Song Dynasty. Jin Guo renamed it Dongping Mansion and became Shandong Road One of the most important three prefectures.

To the east is Dongping Prefecture, in the middle is Jinan Prefecture, and to the west is Yidu Prefecture. These three prefectures are also the economic center with the most concentrated cultivated land and the most densely populated population on Shandong Road. Rencheng County is the prefecture of Jeju, which is the division of Dongping Prefecture and Jinan Prefecture. The loss of the southern gate and Rencheng County will undoubtedly make Dongping Mansion lose its southern barrier, and it will have to face the attack of the Western Army.

At the same moment when Chen Qing's army entered Dongping Mansion northward, Liu Cui led an army of [-] troops into Tai'an Prefecture. Tai'an Prefecture is located in the south of Jinan Mansion. The Wan cavalry did not stop, and continued to enter Jinan Mansion, stopping between Jinan Mansion and Dongping Mansion.

Liu Cui's intentions are also obvious. Once Jinan Prefecture Jinbing rescues Dongping Prefecture, Liu Cui's army will immediately attack Licheng County.

Conversely, once the Dongping Mansion's army retreats eastward, Liu Cui's army will also intercept it.

As for the supplies of Liu Cui's [-] cavalry, there is no need to worry at all. The Jiaolong camp has hundreds of ships full of food and supplies, and they are only less than a hundred miles away from Liu Cui's army.

At this time, Wanyan Wushu also faced an extremely difficult choice, should he withdraw the [-] Donghu troops guarding Dongping Mansion back to Jinan Mansion?If you want to withdraw, how to withdraw?
(End of this chapter)

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