
Chapter 1212 Xu Cheng

Chapter 1212 Xu Cheng

"Order the entire army to retreat from Nancheng!"

Although Chi Zhanhui didn't want to retreat from Nancheng, let alone retreat towards Jinan Mansion at night, many things were out of his control, and the severe situation forced him to make a choice, but he had only one choice, and that was to follow Chen Qing's arrangement Route withdrawal.

If he didn't withdraw his army, his entire army would be wiped out. The wall about one mile long in the west city collapsed, and tens of thousands of western troops had rushed in through the gap.

There is also a difference between him and Zhang Zhongxiong's army, that is, his army is cavalry, and it is this difference that makes him lucky, maybe his army can break through.

The Donghu army withdrew like a tidal wave. Every soldier mounted a horse and galloped out from the south gate, then turned around and galloped east along the official road. They were like a mighty torrent, full of A five-mile-long team pulled out on the official road.

But Chi Zhanhui never dreamed that at this time Chen Qing was leading a hundred thousand cavalry waiting in front of them, laying a net of heaven and earth.

At this time, Chen Qing had faintly heard the roar of fleeing horses, and he ordered coldly: "Order the whole army, if you don't accept surrender, you will be executed!"

Soon, the [-] troops received the order, and they were all gearing up.

Thousands of cavalry running at the forefront had already entered the encirclement, Chen Qing immediately ordered: "Blow the horn!"


The low sound of the horn sounded suddenly, echoing across the field.

The [-] crossbowmen ambushing on both sides of the official road raised their crossbows and fired together. Ten thousand arrows were fired at the Donghu cavalry on the official road like a storm.

Thousands of cavalry suddenly turned on their backs, and most of them were shot and killed on the spot. At the same time, a raging fire ignited on the official road behind, and the official road that was several miles long was engulfed in flames. More than [-] Donghu cavalry were terrified and turned their horses around Fleeing to the wheat fields on both sides, they were greeted by a net of [-] Western Army cavalry.

This was an extremely tragic and bloody massacre. One hundred thousand cavalry of the Western Army, who were like iron walls, confronted more than [-] cavalry who were frightened and scattered. It was gradually over.

Except for the chief general Chizhanhui who led more than [-] Donghu cavalry to break through the siege, the remaining [-] Donghu cavalry were all killed, and blood stained thousands of acres of wheat fields.

The sky was finally bright, and at a glance, the endless wheat fields were full of corpses lying in disorder, and the official road that was several kilometers long was also burned to blackness, and the official road was also full of corpses.

Although no prisoners of war were left alive, more than [-] war horses were seized, which was a huge harvest.

Of course, the Western Army also paid a price. Although it can’t be said that it killed [-] enemies and lost [-], it also paid the price of more than [-] casualties, of which [-] were killed in battle and [-] were seriously injured. More than a hundred people were injured, and the rest were slightly injured.

Yue Yun, commander of the upper army, stepped forward and reported to Chen Qing, "His Royal Highness, the humble position has been confirmed, there is an army breaking out, and the leading general is most likely the opponent's general."

Chen Qing frowned, and said very dissatisfied: "The deployment is so strict, and the enemy will break through. Whose link is wrong?"

"Report Your Highness, the defense line controlling Li Yuan has been breached. He is at the southernmost point, close to Jishui. The opponent rushed out from the shallowest part of Jishui. There happened to be no interception team deployed there, so I thought it was impossible."

Chen Qing snorted again and said, "Have I ever said that the northernmost and the southernmost are the easiest places to break through? Not going this far."

At this time, Li Yuan, the commander, was brought up, and knelt down to plead guilty. Others killed countless enemies, but he did not kill an enemy army. Instead, the enemy general took advantage of the loophole and escaped from his negligence.

"Careless in a humble position, you deserve death!"

Chen Qing glanced at him coldly and said: "Your carelessness caused the enemy's chief general to escape and killed more than a hundred brothers. You are indeed guilty. With a hundred rods, you were demoted to the commander of the upper army. Do you have any objections?"

This punishment is very light, far beyond Li Yuan's expectation, he said with tears: "Thank you Your Highness for your tolerance, I plead guilty in a lowly position!"

As soon as Chen Qing waved his hand, some military law soldiers immediately took Li Yuan down.

Chen Qing said to Yue Yun and Zhang Xian again: "Clean up the battlefield well, burn the corpses of the enemy soldiers and bury them deeply, take the bones of the fallen brothers back to their families, and treat the wounded well, try to save the seriously injured soldiers."

"Humble post obeys orders!"

Chen Qing immediately took his soldiers to Xucheng County, ten miles away.

Order was also restored in Xucheng County, with [-] soldiers standing guard everywhere. Yang Zaixing, the siege general, came up to see Chen Qing, clasped his fists and said, "Your Highness, there are not many defenders in the city, and we only wiped out more than [-] people." , plus the more than [-] soldiers who were buried when the city wall collapsed, about [-] people were annihilated."

Chen Qing said with a smile: "You don't need to report to me how many enemies you have killed in the city, but that is the least important thing. I care about the casualties of the people and the income from the spoils. You say these two yuan are enough."

Yang Zaixing said with some embarrassment: "Reporting to Your Highness, there were also civilian casualties, but not many. There were about [-] people, all of whom were civilian husbands. It was not as good as being killed by the rebel army if they escaped."

Hearing what he said vaguely, Chen Qing was killed by the rebel army. This rebel army probably included not only the Eastern Hu cavalry, but also the soldiers of the Western Army!

However, Chen Qing didn't want to delve into this kind of matter, so he asked again: "Where's the spoils of war?"

Yang Zaixing secretly heaved a sigh of relief. King Yong no longer pursued the matter of manslaughtering civilians. In fact, most of the civilians were shot and killed with bows and crossbows when the Western Army rushed into the city. In the dark night, it was impossible to tell whether Donghu soldiers were ordinary civilians.

Yang Zaixing hurriedly said: "The warehouse is rich in grain and grass materials. There are [-] shi of grain, [-] dans of fodder and black beans, [-] million guan of copper coins, and countless weapons, pig iron, copper, cloth, etc. Check it out."

Chen Qing nodded and asked, "Where are the local officials in Dongping Mansion?"

"The magistrate is called Liu Cheng. It is said that he is a relative of Liu Yu. The humble officer did not catch him. It is said that he withdrew with the enemy."

If it is to follow the evacuation, then the possibility of dying in the chaos is relatively high.

"Where is the general judgment?" Chen Qing asked again.

"The general judge is called Su Jizhong. He was a Jinshi in the fourth year of Xuanhe. He is from Jeju. He used to be the magistrate of Xucheng County."

"How is his folk style? Have you asked?"

Yang Zaixing leaned forward and said: "I asked some local people about the humble job. Liu Cheng's style is average and mediocre. It is said that he has only read a book for a year and can't write many words. He eats and drinks all day long and doesn't care about anything. Fan Gong I want to dismiss him, but Wanyan Wushu is reserved because he is Liu Yu's clan brother, pretending that the real power is in the hands of Tong San Su Jizhong, and he is not bad among the gentry."

Chen Qing attached great importance to the reputation of the officials of the Jin Kingdom among the gentry, but not to the reputation of the people at the bottom. The main reason was the control of the Kingdom of Jin, not the control of Prince Yong's Mansion.

The prefectural and county officials controlled by King Yong’s Mansion valued the reputation of the people at the bottom, but Jin State was different. These rich people were exploited, so the gentry and businessmen had the most accurate evaluation of the local officials of the Kingdom of Jin.

This Su Ji's stroke was good, Chen Qing was a little interested, so he nodded and said, "Bring him to see me!"

(End of this chapter)

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