
Chapter 1213 Easy Strategy

Chapter 1213 Easy Strategy

Wanyan Wushu kicked over the table, and all the books and teacups on the table were overturned to the ground.

He pulled out the sword, screamed like a wild beast, cut the clothes hanger in two with one sword, and stabbed a maid hiding behind the clothes hanger with the sword, the maid was stabbed in the chest by the sword, and screamed , Died tragically on the spot.

The other maidservants screamed in fright, stumbled and fled outside the house.

Looking at the mess all over the ground, looking at the maid lying in a pool of blood, Wanyan Wushu finally calmed down, and the blood-red fire-breathing eyes also slowly calmed down.

Wanyan Wushu sat on a chair with his head in pain. He had just received the news that Xucheng County had been conquered by the Western Army. The [-] Eastern Hu Army was surrounded by a hundred thousand troops from the Western Army when they retreated. The entire army was wiped out, only Chizhan Hui led thousands of people to flee back.

In just a few days, his [-] army disappeared without even a decent battle, and was surrounded and wiped out by the Western Army with an absolute superiority.

This is the failure of Wanyan Wushu's multiple defense strategies. Haizhou is the first defense, Rencheng is the second defense, Dongping Mansion is the third defense, and Jinan Mansion is the last.

But Chen Qing's army was so powerful that his triple defense was quickly defeated in less than ten days, not to mention losing half of Shandong Road, and nearly half of his troops.

Wanyan Wushu reflected in pain that he had to give up multiple defensive strategies and concentrate his forces to fight against the Western Army.

At this moment, Wuyan Wushu resolutely made up his mind, he picked up the Golden Wolf Commander for dispatching troops from the ground, walked to the gate, and said sharply: "Ajilu!"

"I am humble!"

The commander of the personal army, Ajilu, stepped forward tremblingly and said, "Please order, my lord!"

Wanyan Wushu handed him the Golden Wolf Commander, "Go quickly to Yidu Mansion and pass on my password to order Li Cheng's [-] troops to immediately withdraw to Jinan Mansion and join my army."

"Follow the order!"

Ajilu was about to leave after receiving the wolf head order, when Wanyan Wushu stopped him again, "Ask someone to take the body away from the house and send it back to her family, and then send [-] coins to express my apology."

Ajilu nodded, and quickly arranged for his own soldiers to carry the corpse, and asked the other maids to clean up the room.

Wanyan Wushu came to the lobby of the front yard, stood in front of the sand table and meditated, judging from the current situation, Chen Qing had dispatched [-] troops to Shandong Road, so is there any way to encircle Wei and save Zhao?
Let Hebei's lazy army enter Henan Road?It's the best strategy, just... what would he do?

Certainly not, unless the emperor ordered him to send troops, but I am afraid it is too late in time, so I wrote a letter to him, asking him to send troops to Bianliang.

Another way is to let the Song Dynasty court send troops. If Zhang Jun's [-] troops can go north to the Central Plains, Chen Qing will definitely withdraw his troops and give up Shandong Road.

This is also difficult!But no matter how difficult it is, let Qin Hui and Queen Mother Wei persuade the emperor.

At this time, hurried footsteps came from outside, and when I turned around, I saw the military teacher Fan Gong walking in hastily.

Wanyan Wushu asked: "Has the military division also heard the news from Dongping Mansion?"

Fan Gong nodded, "I heard about it, but it's expected, but the time to stick to it is too short. I originally hoped that they would stick to it for ten days and a half a month, but unexpectedly they only lasted for three days. My lord, we underestimated Song Junhuo." the power of the weapon."

Wanyan Wushu sighed, "There is still a problem with our multiple defense strategies. We originally wanted to buy time, but in the end we dispersed our forces. Chen Qing caught the weak points and wiped them out one by one. Thinking about it makes me feel uncomfortable. This is my fault." Wrong!"

Fan Gong said calmly: "Although we made some mistakes in the early deployment of troops, it is a bit unwise for the prince to recall Li Cheng's [-] troops from Yidu Mansion at this time. This is tantamount to handing over the Shandong Peninsula to the Western Army!"

Wanyan Wushu bowed his head and remained silent, it turned out that Fan Gong rushed here because of this matter, and he didn't know how to answer for a while.

Fan Gong continued: "My lord clearly knew that the opponent's navy would send troops from Donghai Island and attack the Shandong Peninsula by sea, so he deployed Li Cheng's army in Yidu Prefecture. In this way, no matter where the Western army landed, Li Cheng's [-] troops would The army can kill the opponent within a day, and there will not be too many troops landing. With Li Cheng's [-] elite army, they can completely wipe them out. It is a pity that the prince gave up on such a brilliant deployment. Please, my lord. Think twice!"

Wanyan Wushu smiled bitterly and said: "If I don't withdraw Li Cheng's army, Li Cheng will become the second Zhang Zhongxiong, and I will become the second Chi Zhanhui, regardless of Li Cheng's [-] troops or my [-] troops Even the army can't compete with Chen Qing's [-] troops alone. Only when the two armies join forces can they squeeze their fingers into fists and fight the opponent with an army of [-]. Wrong fourth time."

"I understand the prince's mood, and I also understand the prince's difficulties, but if this happens, the entire Shandong Peninsula will be irreparable."

Wanyan Wushu was silent for a moment and said: "As long as I can defeat Chen Qing's main force, I don't care about the momentary gain or loss, military advisor, I have made up my mind, don't persuade me any more."

Fan Gong had no choice but to give up his persuasion. He said again: "Since this is the case, let's go all out! I don't know when the reinforcements from the imperial court will arrive. Why don't we first consider the nearby reinforcements and see if Wan Yanchang can encircle Wei and rescue Zhao? Bianliang, forcing the Western Army to withdraw."

Wanyan Wushu nodded and said, "I have already decided to write a letter to Taran. Not only that, but I also plan to write a letter to Qin Hui, Queen Mother Wei, and Emperor Song to persuade them to send troops to the Central Plains."

"The Song Dynasty's [-] troops have just suffered a disastrous defeat. I'm afraid they dare not send troops to the Central Plains again!"

Wanyan Wushu said indifferently: "I believe that in Zhao Gou's mind, Chen Qing's threat to his throne has far surpassed that of the Kingdom of Jin. Regardless of whether it works or not, we should give it a try based on this."

Of course Wanyan Wushu also knew the strategic intentions of the Western Army, but he could not find an effective countermeasure. Unless he had enough troops or a strong navy, he could not prevent the Western Army from landing on the Shandong Peninsula.

But he is not helpless, Li Cheng's [-] troops are used to deal with the Western fleet.

From the very beginning, Li Cheng's army was stationed in Haizhou. After Haizhou fell, Li Cheng led [-] troops to retreat to Yidu Prefecture. It was still to deal with the Western Army's attack by sea. You can go head-on.

However, it is better to change the plan. The two disastrous defeats in Rencheng County and Xucheng County forced Wanyan Wushu to change his strategy and ordered Li Cheng's [-] troops to be transferred back to Licheng County, Jinan Prefecture. On the day of the order, they broke camp and set off.

But it was such a coincidence that on the morning of the second day after Li Cheng left Yidu Mansion, two hundred Wanshi ships sailed into Jiaozhou Bay, and Liu Qiong and Tang Qian led [-] troops.

This is an important reason why the Western Army occupied Donghai Island, going north by sea to capture the Shandong Peninsula.

The fleet sailed in from the mouth of the Jiaoshui River and entered the hinterland of Mizhou. There is a small town about [-] miles away from the sea called Jiaonan Town. This is the last town where the glue flows into the sea. There are only a hundred households. Two hundred large ships docked at Jiaonan Town, and [-] troops disembarked one after another.

The next day, the army captured Zhucheng County, the capital of Mizhou Prefecture. Zhizhou, Tongjuan and Zhixian all left the city and surrendered to the Western Army. The [-] army continued to go north and captured Beihai County in Weizhou. [-] troops went to Yidu Prefecture, while Tang Qian led [-] troops to capture Laizhou, Dengzhou and Ninghai Prefectures.

At the same time that the [-] Western Army navy began to sweep across the Shandong Peninsula, Chen Qing personally led a [-] army into Jinan Prefecture, and set up a camp in Qihe County, about [-] miles away from Licheng County, Jinan Prefecture.

Li Cheng's [-] troops also arrived in Licheng County, bringing the total strength of the Jin soldiers to [-], including [-] authentic Jurchen soldiers.

These [-] Jurchen troops can be said to be the last elite soldiers of Wanyan Wushu, and there are [-] Iron Buddhas inside.
The Iron Buddha's army is famous all over the world, but it is not without a solution. Yue Fei's army has defeated the Iron Buddha. Chen Qing's circular formation is also a good strategy to deal with the Iron Buddha.

As soon as the Western Army was stationed in the camp, the intelligence station in the city sent people to send important information.

(End of this chapter)

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