
Chapter 1214 Leaks

Chapter 1214 Leaks
Jinan Mansion is not far from Daming Mansion, there is only one Bozhou in the middle, and the Eagle Letter was delivered on the same day.

Wan Yanchang received a letter from Wanyan Wushu asking for help. In the letter, Wanyan Wushu begged him to send troops to attack Bianliang and force the Western Army to withdraw from Shandong Road.

Wanyanchang and Wanyan Wushu had a bad relationship with each other because of the supply issue. Last year, under the mediation of the emperor, the two reluctantly let go of their previous feud.

But this is just to give the emperor a face, the superficial reconciliation, in fact, there are still hidden thorns in the relationship between the two, this kind of thorns are usually invisible, but they will appear at critical moments.

For example, at this time, Wanyan Wushu asked Wanyanchang to send [-] troops to attack Bianliang.

The thorn in Wan Yanchang's heart was revealed quietly, his army strength was not many, only [-] people, plus Wanyan Helisa's [-] troops stationed at Yanshan Mansion, it was only [-] people.

If he sent [-] troops to attack Bianliang, and Chen Qing's army came back from Shandong Road, and their retreat was cut off by the Western Army's navy, the [-] troops would be wiped out. None of the ten thousand soldiers survived.

Wanyan Wushu didn't bother to make a request at all, and he casually asked himself to send [-] troops, which is to cut off a thigh to save him!
and then?The letter didn't even mention what to do to compensate myself.

Wanyan Chang and Wanyan Wushu have deep personal grievances, which are mainly manifested in the court's struggle for power. After Wanyan Quan ascended the throne, in order to seize Yan Zonghan's power, he appointed Wanyan Chang as prime minister. Wanyan Zonghan was captured by Chen Qing. He was redeemed by the court of the Kingdom of Jin with Zhao Huan and his son.

Wan Yanquan immediately reformed the official system, abolished the Bojilie system, and changed it to the three provinces. Wanyanchang was kicked out of the court again and became the Marshal of the Right Army Capital, who was based in Hebei.

Wanyan Zongqian passed away last year, and Wanyanchang was expected to enter the court to succeed the post of Tai Tuo and take charge of the three provinces, but he was stabbed in the back by Wanyan Wushu. Jin Bing regarded it as his own private army and refused to rescue the Central Plains, which led to the fall of Henan Road.
The emperor of the Kingdom of Jin immediately gave up the idea of ​​promoting Wanyan Chang, and instead promoted Wanyan Zonghan, who had made great contributions to attacking the grassland, as the Taifu.

Wan Yanchang thus lost the chance to join the cabinet, how could he not hate Wanyan Wushu deeply?
Now that Wanyan Wushu asked him for help without any compensation, of course Wanyanchang could not send troops, but he had to think of a good excuse so that Wanyan Wushu would not sue the emperor again and criticize himself for not seeing the big picture.

General Han Chang suggested to him: "A few days ago, Ba Lisu sent someone from Yanshan Mansion to deliver a letter, so that we can ensure that the pontoon bridge can be built. It is estimated that in three days, Ba Lisu's reinforcements will arrive. Marshal Du can let Ba Lisu Hurry up and rescue Shandong Road."

The [-] troops led by Ba Lisu were reinforcements sent by the imperial court. Because many soldiers in the army fell ill, Ba Lisu led the army to rest in Yanshan Mansion for ten days, but could not withstand Wanyan Wushu's repeated urging , Ba Lisu had no choice but to lead the army to rush south to Jinan Prefecture for rescue.

Of course Wan Yanchang, the [-]-strong army of Ba Lisu, also wanted it. Besides, Wanyan Yinshuke died of illness last year, and Balisu was Yinshuke's brother.

How could such a precious [-] elite soldiers give Wanyan Wushu?
Han Chang's suggestion just reminded Wanyanchang that if Wanyanba couldn't cross the Yellow River quickly, wouldn't the [-] elite soldiers have to stay in Hebei?

Wan Yanchang suddenly thought of a clever plan.

In the afternoon of the same day, Wan Yanchang posted notices all over Daming City, requisitioning [-] civilians to build two pontoon bridges in Zhujia Town and Hongliu Bay, recruiting civilians at a price of [-] Wen per day.

Generally, the construction of pontoon bridges is carried out quietly by the army, and they are only built before crossing the river to avoid being discovered by the enemy.

Wan Yanchang recruited civilians with such great fanfare, and he also clearly wrote down the location of the pontoon bridge. This was because he was afraid that the Western Army would not know. pontoon.

Sure enough, two hours later, Li Qingong, the governor of the Yellow River Navy, received a pigeon letter from the Daming Mansion Intelligence Station in Puyang, stating that the Jin soldiers were about to cross the river.

Of course, Li Qingong wouldn't fully believe it, maybe it was Jin Bing's smack in the west, making a big splash in the Daming Mansion area, but actually preparing to attack Bianliang.

Li Qingong immediately divided his troops into three groups, one went to Bianliang, the other stayed where he was, and he personally led the other to Daming Mansion.

More than a hundred vehicles and boats sailed rumblingly on the Yellow River, and the waterwheels on both sides rolled to drive the ships forward. Most of the warships of the Western Army were vehicles and boats, so they had power and could sail freely on the water. Be flexible.

Twenty miles away from the two bridge repair sites in Daming Mansion, a sentry boat came, and the soldiers on the sentry boat reported to Li Qingong: "General Qi, Zhujia Town and Hongliu Bay are indeed building pontoon bridges, and the scale of construction is very large. Big, countless migrant workers are busy."

"Is it finished?"

"No! It's only half finished, and their progress in repairing the bridge is relatively slow, and they still need to drive piles."

Li Qingong immediately ordered: "Go at full speed and destroy the enemy's pontoon bridge!"

A hundred warships speeded up and headed east. After half an hour, a pontoon bridge appeared in front of their eyes, and another pontoon bridge was several miles away, faintly visible on the river.

A thousand-stone warship equipped with a pig iron bumper rushed up and slammed into the bridgehead, "Boom!" The bridgehead was smashed to pieces, dozens of craftsmen turned around and fled in fright, and dozens of warships came forward , The soldiers sprayed kerosene with leather bags, threw torches, and the fire suddenly ignited.

More than a dozen warships continued to move forward, and not long after, warships several miles away also burned.

Wan Yanchang stood at the top of the city, looking at the thick smoke billowing more than a dozen miles away, with a smug smile on his face, he immediately ordered: "Don't suspend work, and continue to build a new pontoon bridge!"

Just burning two pontoon bridges is not enough to explain to the emperor, but it takes more than a dozen pontoon bridges to explain to the emperor.

Not only that, but Wan Yanchang sent a thousand of his confidants to put on the armor of the soldiers of the Western Army and rush to various places where the ships were hidden overnight, pretending to be the Western Army and burning all the more than [-] small boats. Go south to support the hope of Shandong Road.

In the morning of the next day, Wanyan Balisu led [-] cavalry to Daming Mansion. Although Balisu had a good relationship with Wanyanchang, he was not Wanyanchang's man. He was loyal to the emperor, so he really wanted to go. To support Wanyan Wushu, if the soldiers were not sick, he would not have wasted ten days.

"Marshal Du, what's going on, there isn't even a pontoon bridge?" Ba Lisu asked in amazement.

Wan Yanchang pointed to the three billowing smoke in the distance and said helplessly: "There are three pontoon bridges under construction over there. They were discovered by the Western Army warships today and burned down. Five pontoon bridges have been burned down two days ago, including the ones I collected. More than [-] ships of the Western Army were also found by the scouts of the Western Army, and they were burned down, and the Western Army Navy completely blocked the old road of the Yellow River."

Ba Lisu frowned, "Then what should I do?"

Wan Yanchang pondered for a moment and said: "General Ba Lisu can lead his army to go east for more than [-] li and use rafts to build a pontoon overnight. This is the only way. If not, then we can only go to Bianliang. Try your luck."

Ba Lisu nodded, "Thank you Marshal Du for reminding me, I'll give it a try!"

Ba Lisu didn't notice that when Wan Yanchang turned his head away, a fierce light appeared in his narrowed eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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