
Chapter 1215 Exposure

Chapter 1215 Exposure
There is a pharmacy in the south of Daming City, called An Jian Tang, which is a branch of an intelligence point of the Western Army in Daming City. There are several carrier pigeons in the backyard of this pharmacy, and pigeon letters from the Daming City Intelligence Station are sent from here.

In the afternoon, a strong Jurchen general led a few of his men into the pharmacy. The shopkeeper didn't dare to neglect, so he hurried up to meet him, "May I ask what medicine you want to buy, General?"

"Are you the shopkeeper Zhou of the pharmacy?"

"The villain is right!"

The general said coldly: "Are you raising the carrier pigeons?"

The shopkeeper was startled, and quickly said: "The small shop has filed a record in the county government according to the regulations. The small shop needs to prepare medicines, and carrier pigeons must be used."

The general sneered and said, "But your pigeons are all flying in the direction of Bianliang. Could it be that you are buying medicine from Bianliang?"

"This..." The shopkeeper's back was covered in cold sweat, and he realized that he had been exposed.

The general continued: "Don't take us for fools, the Marshal will let you off this time, and disappear tomorrow."

After speaking, he handed him a note, "According to the content of the note, otherwise you will not live."

The Jurchen general turned around and left with two of his men. The shopkeeper Zhou Hua was in a state of confusion. He didn't understand why the other party let him go since he had already discovered them? "

Zhou Hua opened the note and glanced at it. He was startled by the content inside. After thinking for a while, he slipped out through the back door to make sure that no one was following him, and then he boarded an ox cart and headed north.

Entered a restaurant near the North City Gate, left from the back door of the restaurant, boarded another ox cart, and turned around several times. It was impossible for anyone to follow him, so Zhou Hua came to the east of the city in an ox cart. Yuanhe Restaurant, this is the intelligence headquarters of the Western Army on Hebei Road.

The treasurer, Liu Zhen, was the head of intelligence. After listening to Zhou Hua's report, his face became very serious. Zhou Hua had been exposed long ago, but the other party never did anything. Maybe he used them to send false information.

Liu Zhen finally looked at the note, and there was only one sentence on it, "[-] gold reinforcements will go to the east to cross the river two hundred miles away."

What does it mean?Actually told himself such an important military secret, is this false information?Impossible, there is no reason to send false information like this, if it is true or false, just send someone to follow it.

Liu Zhen thought for a while and asked, "What else did the other party say?"

"He first said that I must disappear tomorrow, Wan Yanchang let us off this time, and then asked me to do what was written on the note, otherwise we would not survive."

Zhou Hua was also very surprised, and asked: "The other party told us this important military secret, isn't he afraid that we will intercept reinforcements going south?"

"Perhaps that's what he meant. He didn't want the reinforcements to support Wanyan Wushu, and wanted to keep the reinforcements for himself."

Liu Zhen vaguely guessed Wan Yanchang's intention, he wanted to send someone to report to him, and use the Western Army warships to intercept the reinforcements going south.

But now he is also in a state of confusion, Zhou Hua has been discovered long ago, so has he been exposed?
Probably not yet, otherwise they would come to him directly instead of going through Zhou Hua. Fortunately, Liu had a one-way connection with Zhou Hua through a female subordinate who dressed up as a sick woman and went to the pharmacy to buy medicine and handed over the information to him. Send it to Zhou Hua.

Zhou Hua and his buddies are in danger, and so are the female subordinates, they must be dismissed immediately.

Liu Zhen immediately made a decision. He ordered Zhou Hua to evacuate immediately after returning. He also led his men to close the restaurant and evacuated outside the Daming City. He just burned the important information, and he didn't even have time to clean up his belongings. Gold and silver, everyone quickly evacuated.

Half an hour later, more than [-] Western Army intelligence spies, including Zhou Hua, all evacuated Daming City.

This time, Wan Yanchang paid a very high price. He had already found out that Anjian Pharmacy was an intelligence point of the Western Army by monitoring the carrier pigeons, but he had never tried to scare the snake away.

Originally, the Western Army's intelligence point in Daming City could be uprooted and all the Western Army's spies could be wiped out, but in order to prevent Ba Lisu from supporting Wanyan Wushu, Wan Yanchang gave up the opportunity to clean up the Western Army's intelligence spies.

But since this favor was done, he didn't want to waste it, so he wrote a letter to Chen Qing, telling him that he would send the Western Army spies out of the country as a gift, and hoped that Chen Qing could do this.

Of course, Wan Yanchang also stationed new spies in Jingzhao. This time, instead of investigating the secrets of Tie Huolei, he instead monitored all kinds of movements of the Western Army. Yan Chang also hoped that Chen Qingneng would send them out of the country.

In the afternoon, a scout of the Western Army with excellent water skills jumped into the old course of the Yellow River with a sheepskin bag in his arms, and swam to a Western Army sentry ship in the Yellow River.

Li Qingong's warship has been cruising near Daming City, and he has been a little confused these two days. He clearly knows that they are nearby and is desperately trying to build the pontoon bridge, as if he is afraid that they will not come and destroy it.

What made him even more confused was that the small boats hidden in the depths of the bay were set on fire one after another. The villagers all said that it was burned by the Western Army. Li Qingong was confused. He never sent anyone to do it. Who could it be?Could it be Liu Zhen and the others, but even if it was done by intelligence spies from the Daming Mansion, they would not wear the armor of the Western Army!

Li Qingong was sitting in the cabin writing the military report. At this time, a soldier outside reported, "Liu Zhen sent someone to ask for an urgent visit!"

"Let him in!"

After a while, the soldiers brought in a wet scout, and knelt down on one knee to report, "See Dudu Li!"

"Don't be too polite, do you have any urgent information?"

The soldier took out a bamboo tube and handed it to Li Qingong. It was a waterproof bamboo tube with a tight wooden stopper. Li Qingong pulled out the stopper and took out a letter. He read it quickly and couldn't help being stunned.

Wan Yanchang actually leaked military secrets, and [-] Jurchen reinforcements will build a pontoon bridge two hundred miles east of Daming Mansion to cross the Yellow River.

He continued to read, Liu Zhen analyzed that Wanyan Chang and Wanyan Wushu had deep personal grievances, and he did not want reinforcements to go to Shandong Road, but hoped that reinforcements would stay on Hebei Road. This is a typical competition for military resources.

Li Qingong suddenly understood a little bit. Isn't the abnormal phenomenon that happened in the past two days a manifestation of Wan Yanchang's unwillingness to support Shandong Road?
But could this be Wan Yanchang's plan?Trick yourself into going east.

Li Qingong thought about it, probably not, he could have divided his troops into two groups, half of them stayed here and the other went east, the effect would be the same.

Anyway, he's going to give it a try.

Li Qingong made a decisive decision. He left [-] warships behind, while he himself led [-] warships and sailed eastward, and sent several scouts to monitor and track the [-] reinforcements on the north bank to determine where the enemy troops crossed the river.

Two days later, fifty warships tracked down the pontoon bridge being built, and Ba Lisu tried to use the simplest method to build the pontoon bridge, that is, string the rafts together on the shore first, and then put the one-mile-long leather rafts into the string. In the water, with the impact of the water flow, the raft automatically reaches the other end, and then the wide plank is simply laid, and the pontoon bridge is completed.

In order to shorten the time for building the pontoon bridge, Jin Bing also felled a large number of trees in advance to make planks. In fact, it only took more than an hour to build the pontoon bridge.

When the warships of the Western Army discovered the pontoon bridge, the skin rafts had already been laid, and hundreds of soldiers were laying bundled planks on the skin rafts.

"dash forward!"

The boat rushed up directly, firing arrows, and the sheepskin rafts were shot through one after another. The golden soldiers on the pontoon bridge were already scrambling in fright, running for their lives, and many fell into the water, struggling in the water.

Wanyan Ba ​​Lisu, who was resting in the woods, turned pale with fright, and rode to the river, only to see the flames on the river, and it was about to build a pontoon bridge, which was set on fire by the Western Army again.

The soldiers on the shore were furious, yelling, and shooting arrows at the warships of the Western Army, but it was meaningless.

Ba Lisu was so angry that his eyes were about to burst into flames, and his heart became even more angry. Could it be that Wan Yanchang really hit the mark, that the Western Army's warships blocked the Yellow River, so they couldn't cross the river?If there is no such thing, he just doesn't believe in this evil when he pulls out the speed!

(End of this chapter)

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