
Chapter 1216 Make Way

Chapter 1216 Make Way
Night shrouded the Western Army camp in Licheng County. In the dark night, hundreds of Jurchen cavalry tried to approach the camp, but they were still three miles away before they were discovered by the Western Army patrols outside.

"There is an enemy situation!" The Western Army patrol shouted.

The chief Jurchen commander roared, "Rush over!"

Hundreds of cavalry galloped wildly, and gunpowder arrows flew into the sky as a warning. In the barracks, a cavalry of [-] men rushed out quickly, and ran towards the warning.

The [-] cavalry belonged to the quick-response army. There were four cavalry on duty every night. Each cavalry consisted of [-] soldiers, and they were deployed next to the four camp gates. Once there was an alarm, the [-] cavalry would be dispatched immediately.

Hundreds of sentinel cavalry had fought fiercely with the invading enemy, preventing them from continuing to break through. At this time, [-] cavalry arrived and surrounded the invading enemy army.

The defense of the big camp is extremely tight, especially to prevent the opponent from using fire to attack the camp. Thousands of people have to be deployed for patrols, and they have been deployed three miles away. This is also to prevent the opponent from using large fire kites to attack the camp.

The Western Army uses leather tents. Although the fireproof performance is much better than that of cloth and wool tents, they will also burn if they are specially used for fire attacks. Therefore, defending against enemy fire attacks has always been the top priority of camp defense.

In just a moment, the five hundred invading cavalry were all wiped out, and none of them survived.

This was not the first time that the Jin soldiers had sneaked up on the Song army. Almost every night, Jurchen cavalry came to attack, trying to set fire to the camp, but they were all wiped out by the Western army without exception.

The lights in the handsome tent were brightly lit, and Chen Qing was still meditating in front of the sand table, completely unmoved by the harassment outside.

He had just received a newsletter from Li Qingong that a [-] Jurchen cavalry was trying to go south to rescue Jinan Prefecture.

It was Chen Qing's order to block the Yellow River. Before that, he was worried that Wanyan Chang and Wanyan Wushu would join forces, so they had to be separated.

However, as the situation changed at any time, Chen Qing gradually discovered that Wanyan Chang had no sign of joining forces with Wanyan Wushu, and there was not even food and material support, and the Western Army now had the upper hand, so he was not worried about Wanyanchang He even hoped that Wan Yanchang would send reinforcements to give him a chance to besiege the city and fight for reinforcements.

"Your Highness, I also agree to let them cross the Yellow River, use the terrain advantage to set up an ambush, and wipe out the opponent's reinforcements." Yang Zaixing said in a deep voice.

Siege and aid has always been a classic tactic. Once it can be implemented smoothly, use the opponent's eagerness to rescue, and then use the advantage of the terrain to ambush, and usually successfully annihilate the reinforcements.

Chen Qing's eyes turned to the sand table again. There are many hills between Jinan Mansion and Daming Mansion, and there are many places suitable for ambushes. If the opponent is allowed to come from the direction of Ande County, the enemy army must pass through Eagle Valley, where the enemy army is ambushed The best part, they originally planned to ambush the defeated soldiers of Wanyan Wushu there.

Thinking of this, Chen Qing immediately ordered: "Immediately inform Li Qingong to let the enemy troops cross the Yellow River near Jiangling County."

After crossing the Yellow River from Jiangling County, one must follow the official road in the north of Ande County to Jinan Prefecture, and this official road must pass through the Eagle Valley.

After giving the order, Chen Qing said to Yang Zaixing again: "I will give you [-] troops and set up an ambush in the Eagle Valley. We must completely wipe out the enemy's reinforcements."

Yang Zaixing clasped his fists and said, "Please rest assured, Your Highness, the humble officer will definitely wipe out the enemy army!"

Wanyan Bali quickly dispatched three troops to build three pontoon bridges tens of miles apart, but the opponent's navy was really strong, he almost built a pontoon bridge, and the warship destroyed one, which made him a little discouraged.

In the middle of the night, Wanyan Bali was pushed awake by his own soldiers, "General, there is good news!"

"What good news?" Ba Lisu sat up and asked.

"The pontoon bridge next to Jiangling County was built successfully, but the other party didn't notice it. Thousands of our brothers have already crossed the river."

Ba Lisu was overjoyed, and immediately ordered: "Order the whole army to set off and go to Jiangling County."

Jiangling County was [-] miles east of them, and it was also the easternmost pontoon bridge. Ba Lisu didn't have much hope at first, but he didn't expect it to succeed.

It's no wonder that the Western Army has just destroyed the pontoon bridge in Wucheng County. Wucheng County is [-] miles away from Jiangling County. The warships are too weak to separate them. It is impossible to be completely careless. There will be omissions. , Your chance has come.

At five o'clock, [-] cavalry arrived at the pontoon bridge in Jiangling County. The pontoon bridge was still there and hadn't been destroyed. The warships of the Western Army were following them northward, but the warships were not as fast as the cavalry. The warships of the Western Army were still thirty miles away from the pontoon bridge. Coming at full speed.

Fifty thousand cavalry began to cross the river quickly. The cavalry were excellent in horsemanship, controlling their horses to walk quickly on the pontoon bridge. The pontoon bridge was also wide enough for several horses to ride side by side.

At dawn, all the [-] troops had crossed the Yellow River. At this time, the warships of the Western Army had appeared two miles away.

The warships of the Western Army began to destroy the pontoon bridge, and the flames engulfed the entire pontoon bridge.

Wanyan Bali quickly watched the western army's warships set on fire angrily, couldn't help laughing up to the sky, and ordered the army to set off for Jinan Mansion.

Li Qingong watched the other party's army rushing far away, and couldn't help shaking his head. If it wasn't for His Highness's order, they really thought they had missed this pontoon bridge?
I'm afraid the next thing I have to do is to intercept the defeated soldiers and flee back to the north bank.

At noon, the news that [-] reinforcements had crossed the Yellow River reached Wan Yanchang.

"What! Did they cross the Yellow River?"

Wan Yanchang was so angry that he punched the table fiercely, and cursed: "These useless bastards of the Western Army, thanks to me leaking military information to them, they can't even do such a small thing well!"

The general who reported the letter tremblingly said: "The warships of the Western Army destroyed the seven pontoon bridges of the reinforcements, but they changed their strategy and adopted the method of building bridges at multiple points at the same time, which made it difficult for the warships of the Western Army to defend against them. crossed the Yellow River."

The general who reported the letter was more pertinent. It was not that the Western Army's warships were incapable, but that the speed of pulling out was too stubborn and cunning, which made the Western Army unable to defend against it.

Wan Yanchang waved his hand, and said helplessly: "Forget it, if Ba Lisu really wants to go, let him go! I can also explain to the emperor."

Wan Yanchang immediately ordered to the commander of the soldiers: "Send someone to monitor the pharmacy, and once someone comes back from the pharmacy, arrest them immediately!"

After tossing for a long time, not only failed to intercept successfully, but also let him let go of the Western Army's spies for nothing. The typical stealing of chickens and losing a handful of rice really made Wan Yanchang very depressed.

After crossing the Yellow River from Jiangling County, on the other side is Ande County in Dezhou. This used to be a famous ferry of the Yellow River. There is a flat and wide official road leading to Licheng County, Jinan Prefecture, which is more than [-] miles away.

The [-] Jurchen army did not stop, and continued to go south along the official road. Their speed was not fast, and the team was very dense, compressed to only three miles. Even if there was an enemy sneak attack halfway, they could quickly gather to fight back.

It was safer on Hebei Road, and they would not worry about being attacked halfway, but it was different when they entered Shandong Road. He was extra careful, not daring to let go of his horse and gallop, and tried to keep his formation and march.

In the evening of that day, they passed through Dezhou, and after entering Jinan Prefecture, there were more mountains, almost all of which were low and continuous hills, and the army walked through the hilly areas.

The biggest feature of the hilly area is that the mountains are not high, only a few tens or hundreds of feet long, continuous, and there are many valleys. The army walks through one valley after another, and the mountains on both sides are covered with forests.

At one o'clock, a large valley appeared in front of the team, which looked very long. It was the Eagle Valley, only eighty miles away from Licheng County.

(End of this chapter)

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