
Chapter 1217 Fire Devour

Chapter 1217 Fire Devour
Ba Lisu looked at the valley for a while. The road at the bottom of the valley was about two feet wide, with lush pine forests on both sides. Looking from the outside, this valley was quite long, longer than all the valleys they had passed through before.

At this time, the spies in front came to report, "There is no abnormality in the valley, and you can pass through normally!"

Every time the team passes through a valley, spies will go ahead to explore the way. Only when there is no abnormality, the army can pass through, which can avoid ambushes and sneak attacks to a large extent. The spies have explored more than a dozen valleys in a row, but have not found any abnormalities.

Ba Lisu glanced at the deep valley, he felt a little strange in his heart, which made him hesitate, but this kind of hesitation only flashed in his mind, and he waved his horsewhip, "Forward!"

The army of [-] began to rush into the valley in a mighty manner. The hillsides on both sides were steep and covered with big trees, all of which were towering pine trees. The starlight and moonlight are blocked, making the light in the valley very dark.

After entering the valley, I found that the valley was much longer than expected, at least ten miles long, and it was indeed a good place to ambush.

Ba Lisu felt a little uneasy. It would take at least half an hour to investigate all the valleys of more than ten miles, but his spies only investigated the matter of a cup of tea, so they came in to take a look. What can this detect?
It is unrealistic to go back at this time. They have already walked halfway, so Ba Lisu had no choice but to bite the bullet and shout: "Speed ​​up and cross the valley!"

The cavalry suddenly accelerated and rushed towards the exit of the valley. When they were still five miles away from the exit, a gunpowder arrow suddenly shot out from the top of the mountain and flew into the night sky.

But it was too late, only a series of hurried bangs sounded, "Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Thousands of arrows were fired in the mountains on both sides, and the [-] crossbow troops ambushing in the woods fired intensively. The arrows shot into the crowd like a storm, and the team that was several kilometers long suddenly turned their backs and screamed.

"Boom! Boom!"

Hundreds of iron hedgehogs were thrown out and exploded in the crowd. The poisoned iron nails inside were scattered and scattered. The iron fire thunder was much more powerful, and the poisoned iron nails also shot far away. The soldiers could not hide, and the casualties Extremely tragic.

After three rounds of arrows, the Jurchen cavalry suffered tens of thousands of casualties. Many soldiers raised their shields and hid behind their horses. Although the iron fire thunder was sharp, the number was too small. Many soldiers were only shot by poisoned iron nails, but for a while But nothing happened.


The horn blew on the top of the mountain, and the big trees on the mountain suddenly fell down. One after another, the thick trees smashed at the Jurchen cavalry on the valley road, one after another, like dominoes falling, thousands of trees fell down. Hissing miserably, soldiers screaming, I don't know how many soldiers were smashed to pieces, bloody and bloody, and suffered heavy casualties.

But what is really frightening is that the objects that rolled down the valley road with the big tree turned out to be kerosene barrels filled with black kerosene. Countless kerosene barrels rolled down and hit the big tree heavily, causing the barrels to shatter. cracked, black kerosene flowed all over the bottom of the valley.

"It's kerosene!"

The soldiers shouted in horror, dropped their horses, and ran towards the entrance and exit of the valley.

Hundreds of rockets were shot down, and the kerosene was ignited with a bang, forming a sea of ​​flames several miles long in the valley, and the flames even spread to the mountains.

The raging fire in the valley, the kerosene and the pine trees burned rapidly, and the thick smoke filled the valley. I couldn't see anything, only heard a stern cry, like hell in the dark.

All the bows and crossbows of the Western Army in ambush retreated to the other side of the hill, and they retreated quickly. If they were slower, they would be swallowed by the burning fire.

The fires on the hillsides on both sides were extremely fast, and the big trees followed one after another. The fire took advantage of the wind, and even fire tornadoes and explosions occurred, 'Boom! 'With a bang, hundreds of big trees were instantly ignited.

Pulling out speed led tens of thousands of Jurchen soldiers to rush towards the exit of the valley, but soon they were desperate to find that the official road was blocked by countless fallen trees, and the big trees were burning, and there were burning valleys on both sides. People were blocked on the mile-long official road.

At the beginning, I could still see the surroundings, but the smoke became thicker and darker, and it gradually turned into pitch black. The soldiers coughed desperately, and the oxygen became less and less. Many soldiers could no longer breathe. More and more soldiers were trapped by the thick smoke. Choked and passed out.

Ba Lisu yelled twice, a puff of thick smoke choked into his throat, his vision went dark, and he immediately passed out beside a boulder, and the soldiers around him also fell down one after another, and he didn't care about the life and death of the general again.

Six thousand barrels of kerosene and tens of thousands of trees dumped on the official road became the incarnation of death, depriving the soldiers of their hope of survival.

The soldiers of the Western Army had already retreated several miles away, but they still felt the scorching fire blowing towards their faces. The soldiers had to continue to retreat until they retreated ten miles away before stopping.

In the distance, the two mountain tops were engulfed in flames. Looking from a distance, there was a sea of ​​flames in a radius of tens of miles, and the flames were raging. People seemed too small in front of this boundless fire.

Yang Zaixing decided to withdraw his troops and go back. There was absolutely no need for an army of [-]. He was already sure that the Jurchen army could no longer go south. The fire had completely blocked all passages going south.

He doesn't know if he can escape north, but there are [-] troops led by Li Fuxing to the north. Even if a small number of soldiers can escape from the valley from the north, they cannot escape Li Fuxing's sniper.

Yang Zaixing ordered Xu Qing to lead an army of [-] to stay in the south to stop the enemy, while he himself led an army of [-] to quickly return to the camp.

Licheng County, eighty miles away, also saw the fire. Wanyan Wushu stood on the top of the city and looked into the distance. He could see the flames and the night sky reddened by the fire.

Wanyan Wushu was anxious. He had already received a pigeon letter from Wanyanchang from Daming City. The letter said that [-] reinforcements would arrive in the next few days. This was the reinforcements sent by the imperial court. All Jurchen soldiers. It's cavalry.

With the arrival of these [-] cavalry, his total strength will reach [-], and he can completely fight the Western Army to the death, and he is even sure of defeating the opponent.

But the reinforcements have not arrived for a long time, so what happened to the distant fire?

Wanyan Wushu hastily dispatched a team of spies to investigate.

At this time, Chen Qing also got the news. He stood in front of the big tent and looked into the distance. They were on a slightly lower ground and couldn't see the stars and fire, but they could see a dark red in the night sky. It can still be seen from hundreds of miles away.

Wanyan Wushu may not know what happened, but Chen Qing knows very well that he allocated [-] barrels of kerosene to Yang Zaixing in anticipation of the fire, which should be the Eagle Valley being completely engulfed by the fire.

The fire burned for three full days and three nights, and all the flammable woods within a radius of [-] miles were burned up. There was no wood to burn, and the fire was gradually extinguished.

Two days later, the army began to enter the Eagle Valley to clear the field. All the trees were turned into black charred wood, and the people and horses were also turned into charred corpses. They were burnt and huddled together. Horses, or how many people pile up twisted together.

The soldiers of the Western Army had no choice but to dig hundreds of large pits on the mountain, and buried the charred corpses of the men and horses. The [-] Jurchen elite cavalry were completely engulfed by a raging fire, and none of them survived. Tens of thousands of corpses were dried, but they were not burned to death, but choked to death or suffocated by the smoke, piled up on the mile-long valley road.

The armor of the chief general Ba Lisu was recognized, and he also turned into a black mummy. The golden helmet and armor were smudged black, but with a light touch, the golden light was still shining. The soldiers of the Western Army found his golden wolf head card, It has his name on it.

All the armor and weapons that could be taken were taken away, as well as the gold and silver and other belongings they carried with them. The mummified corpses that had been pulled out were buried in a large pit together with the corpses of other soldiers.

More than ten years later, Eagle Valley has turned into a lush forest valley, and the most tragic scene has been washed away by the years, without any trace.

The corpses of fifty thousand soldiers ended up as fertilizer for the growth of trees.

(End of this chapter)

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