
Chapter 1218 Pressure

Chapter 1218 Pressure
In Lin'an, Qin Hui received a letter from Wanyan Wushu, and he also knew that Empress Dowager Wei also received the same letter, but it was from Wanyan Zongxian, the husband of Empress Dowager Wei in the Kingdom of Jin, Wanyan Zongxian official Ren Bianliang He stayed behind and retreated to Jinan Prefecture with Wanyan Wushu, and is currently trapped in Licheng County.

Qin Hui paced back and forth in the study with his hands behind his back, he was quite troubled in his heart, Wanyan Wushu's request made him not know what to do?
"Master, the fourth prince has made a difficult request again?"

Qin Hui nodded and sighed: "Wanyan Wushu asked me to persuade the officials to take advantage of the emptiness of the Central Plains and send troops to the Central Plains. He is responsible for defeating Chen Qing and driving the Western Army back to Sichuan and Shaanxi."

"how is this possible?"

Wang shook her head and said: "How could the officials agree, the one hundred thousand army has just been defeated miserably."

Qin Hui squeezed his forehead, and said with distressed expression: "Wanyan Wushu said in the letter that if I can convince the emperor, I will return the letter of loyalty from before."

Wang was startled, "Isn't that letter of allegiance in Ta Lan's hands?"

"I don't know, but it's also possible that it fell into the hands of Wanyan Wushu, otherwise he might know the exact date."

"Maybe he just saw it, but it's not in his hands."

Qin Hui shook his head, "I don't know the details. He said he could return it to me, but he was actually threatening me with this letter of loyalty. Wushu, a bastard, was probably beaten to death by the Western Army, so he had no choice but to use Weiwei to save Zhao. method to solve the crisis on Shandong Road.”

Wang worried: "Master, do you think officials can be persuaded?"

"If you persuade Queen Mother Wei together, the chances of success are very high. At least I know that Chen Qing made the officials restless, especially after Chen Qing launched the Shandong Road War, the officials have suffered from insomnia for several nights."

"Is it that serious?"

Qin Hui sneered and said: "Seizing Shandong Road is equivalent to regaining the south of the Yellow River. In the end, there is only one Hebei Road left. Chen Qing's prestige in the world cannot be increased, and the threat to the official throne has far surpassed Jurchen.

The official is not a fool, he knows who is the real threat. After Chen Qing led the army to visit Lin'an, the official wanted to crush him, but they were afraid that he would go to the extreme. This time, the official decided to attack Shandong Road. Wanting to prevent Chen Qing from annexing Shandong Road, at this time, Jin Guo is the only hope for the officials to keep the throne. "

Wang said in a low voice, "I'm afraid Xu Xiantu will persuade you."

"you're right!"

Qin Hui raised his eyebrows and said: "This time Xu Xiantu saved his position because he was successful in negotiating with Chen Qing and rescued [-] soldiers. He will definitely become the biggest obstacle for me to persuade the officials. It just so happens that the officials want to send someone to supervise him. I suggest that Xu Xiantu should go to Jiangnan West Road for taxes and transfer him away, and Tao Lin, a senior scholar, will go to Fujian Road again, and once these two leave, no one will hinder the Song army from going northward to the Central Plains."

Wang worried: "What if Chen Qing retaliates?"

"That's for later!"

Qin Hui let out a long sigh, "Now not only the officials are afraid of Chen Qing, but I am also afraid! If Chen Qing really takes over the Great Song Dynasty, the officials may not die, but I will definitely not survive. As long as Jin Bing is still on Shandong Road , we have a glimmer of hope, this time, even if Wanyan Wushu doesn't ask me, I will do my best to help, saving Jin Guo is actually saving myself."

Early the next morning, Qin Hui persuaded the emperor Zhao Gou to send Xu Xiantu to Jiangnan West Road to supervise taxes on the pretext that several of Xu Xiantu's disciples were state officials on Jiangnan West Road. Xu Xiantu went to Jiangnan West Road to appease the people and urge taxes.

Xu Xiantu accepted the imperial decree, and left Lin'an by boat the next day, and went to Jiangnan West Road to inspect and appease the states.

As soon as Xu Xiantu left, the queen mother suddenly fell ill and was seriously ill. Zhao Gou quickly sent an imperial doctor to treat the queen mother's illness.

Inside the Fuqing Palace of the Empress Dowager, the imperial physician Wang Yanzhong said to the Emperor Zhao Gou who came to visit him: "Your Majesty, the empress dowager's pulse is stable, and there is no major disease in her body. I think the empress dowager has a heart disease, and she is sick from worry!"

Zhao Gou was startled, and quickly asked, "What is the queen mother worried about?"

"I don't know, but it must have been a long time."

Zhao Gou nodded, "I see, you step back!"

Zhao Gou came to his mother's sick bed and knelt down, separated by a veil, but he could still see his mother's thin face.

"Official, is that you?" Queen Wei asked in a low voice.

"The queen mother is the child."

"Ai's family may be dying. I'm going to see your father. Remember, the funeral should be kept simple."

Tears welled up in Zhao Gou's eyes, and he said in a crying voice, "No, Queen Mother, you must be fine. My son will treat Queen Mother with the best medicine in the world."

"Officials, I've been worried all these years! Worried! I'm extremely anxious. I'm afraid that what your father said back then will come true."

"What did the emperor say back then?"

"Back then, your father told me in Wuguo City that there was a phoenix named Qing in Xiqi, and its song soared into the sky. The phoenix danced for nine days, and the country of the Song Dynasty was not guaranteed. So why did the Ai family always hate Chen Qing? It was your father. An ominous dream! Huanger, Chen Qing cannot be allowed to seize Shandong Road. He unified the south of the Yellow River. The next step must be to seize your country. Huanger, he is too powerful. You have to join forces with Jin Guo. Jin Guo is afraid Subjugated country, why aren't you?"

Zhao Gou came out of the palace in a daze. He went back to the imperial study and sat down. His mother's anxiety seemed to be echoing in his ears, "His surname is Chen. If he doesn't believe in Zhao, if he seizes your land, the century-old foundation of the Great Song Dynasty will be destroyed in your hands. How do you explain to your ancestors? How can I have the face to meet your father.

Emperor, don't worry about the Kingdom of Jin, the Kingdom of Jin only wants money, but Chen Qing wants your country, so we must join forces with the Kingdom of Jin to drive Chen Qing back to Xiqi, Xiqi has a phoenix named Qing."

At this time, an eunuch reported at the door, "Your Majesty, Qin Xianggong and Zhu Xianggong are asking to see you outside the palace."

Zhao Gou nodded, "Announce them to see you!"

Not long after, Qin Hui and Zhu Shengfei quickly walked into the imperial study from the outside, and they greeted Zhao Gou. Qin Hui hurriedly asked, "Your Majesty, I heard that the Empress Dowager is seriously ill. How is the situation?"

Zhao Gou shook his head, "It shouldn't be a big problem. She is worried and afraid and becomes sick from worry, not a physical disease."

"That's good. I don't know what the Empress Dowager is worried about. Can we, the courtiers, solve the Empress Dowager's worries?"

In fact, Qin Hui knew very well that the Empress Dowager was really worried. She was worried that Wanyan Zongxian would be trapped in the Jinan Mansion.

Zhao Gou sighed, "Chen Qing is too strong this time. Once he seizes Shandong Road and unifies the south bank of the Yellow River, I am afraid he will attack Jianghuai and Jiangnan West Road. I wanted to send troops to Shandong Road to stop him, but suffered a disastrous defeat. It's all gone."

Qin Hui winked at Zhu Shengfei, and Zhu Shengfei hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, it's actually easy. Surrounding Wei and saving Zhao is the best way. I know that the Central Plains is empty. For example, Shouzhou, Yingzhou, Caizhou, and Tangzhou don't have a single soldier. In the Central Plains, only Bianliang and Luoyang have garrisons, and the total is only [-] troops, and they are still inexperienced new troops. If our [-] troops in Huaibei go north to the Central Plains, will Chen Qing withdraw his troops from Shandong Road in a hurry? At this time, Jin The soldiers took the opportunity to counterattack. Chen Qing was attacked from the east and the south at the same time, and even the Jin soldiers from Hebei would be attacked from the south.

Under tremendous pressure, he will definitely negotiate with His Majesty. Even if we don't want the Central Plains, we can take this opportunity to take back Jingnan South Road, or Jingbei North Road, Xiangyang, which His Majesty misses so much. "

Zhao Gou said for a while: "If I form an alliance with Jin Bing to deal with Chen Qing, what will the people of the world think of me?"

Qin Hui quickly said: "Your Majesty did not form an alliance with the Jin Bing, but only sent troops to the Central Plains to prevent the Hebei Jin Bing from taking advantage of the emptiness of the Central Plains to go south. If you explain this to the world, who can say that your Majesty is doing something wrong?"

"Your Majesty, as long as Chen Qing is a Song official for one day, the Central Plains will be the land of the Great Song Dynasty. Of course, the imperial army has the right to enter the Central Plains. It makes perfect sense legally, and there is no problem at all."

"Your Majesty, Zhu Xianggong is right. Shouzhou, Yingzhou, Caizhou, and Tangzhou did not have a single soldier. Our army will directly enter and will not have any conflicts with the Western Army. After negotiating with Chen Qing, the army will withdraw Come, Your Majesty, don't miss this opportunity, time will never come again!"

Zhao Gou is a soft-hearted person who lacks his own opinions, especially he regards his throne as more important than anything else. The mother's cry, the ancestors' reproaches, the fear of losing the throne, and Qin Hui and his father After Zhu Shengfei's hard persuasion, Zhao Gou's position finally softened.

Zhao Gou walked a few steps with his hands behind his back and said: "There is no need to make an order publicly, and there is no need to go through the Zhizheng Hall. I will directly send the order to Zhang Jun, ordering him to send troops to the four states of Shou, Ying, Cai, and Tang. If it is beneficial, the court will benefit. Then Zhang Jun is responsible, he sent troops without the permission of the court, so be it!"

(End of this chapter)

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