
Chapter 1219 Accident

Chapter 1219 Accident
When everything was thought to be implemented as a matter of course, an accident happened. This accident came from Zhang Jun, who refused to send troops to the Central Plains.

Zhang Jun is not a fool. For such an important decision to send troops to the Central Plains, the emperor neither issued an edict nor passed a resolution through the Zhengshitang. In short, the court and officials did not know about it at all.

However, the officials secretly ordered him to send troops through a hand order. Obviously, they were preparing to make him take responsibility. When Chen Qing retaliated, the officials would blame him for the fact that he, Zhang Jun, sent troops without authorization.

Of course Zhang Jun would not do it, but he would not reject the emperor Zhao Gou openly. He used a trick to let a thousand of his own soldiers pretend to be infected with the epidemic, and were carried out by the military doctor in public, and told the whole army that there was an outbreak in the army. All soldiers are required to drink medicine to prevent epidemic diseases.

For a while, the whole army panicked, and soldiers kept fleeing the camp.

Soon, Zhao Gou received the news that an epidemic broke out in Zhang Jun's army and he was unable to go to the Central Plains. At the same time, he also received a reply from Zhang Jun, "There was an epidemic in the army, and one out of ten fell ill. A large number of soldiers fled. If you use troops at this time , It will lead to the collapse of the army's morale, and even provoke a mutiny. Therefore, it is not suitable for the Huaixi Army to send troops at this time. Your Majesty can send other troops to the north to complete the great cause. '

Zhao Gou was furious, dropped two cups in a row, and cursed, "What! I spent so much money and grain to raise him, and raised soldiers for a thousand days, and used them for a while. The dog knows how to watch the door! What's the use of keeping him a waste?"

This time Zhang Jun also harmed Qin Hui's fundamental interests. Although Zhang Jun gave Qin Hui a lot of bribes every year, no amount of money was as important as Qin Hui's life. Forcing Chen Qing to withdraw from Shandong Road was related to Qin Hui's personal life. Anwei, Zhang Jun actually resisted and refused to follow the order, even if he found ten thousand reasons, he could not dispel the hatred in Qin Hui's heart. He used to speak for Zhang Jun, but at this moment he just wanted to kill this bastard.

"Your Majesty, things are not that simple."

Qin Hui said gloomyly: "I'm afraid the matter is more serious than what we saw."

Zhao Gou calmed down slowly. He glanced at Qin Hui and said, "Qin Xiangguo, tell me more about it."

Qin Hui said calmly: "The excuse Zhang Jun made is very clumsy, and he can see through it at a glance. If there is an epidemic, with his nature, he would have asked the court for money and medicine. He won't let him perform tasks to call it an outbreak. , obviously pretending, His Majesty has also seen through this point."

"Yes! I can't hide his tricks from me."

Qin Hui said again: "On the surface, he is afraid of the Western Army, afraid of fighting Chen Qing, and afraid of making him responsible in the end. He is timid and incompetent, which fits his image very well. It seems that there is no problem, but I know that, It’s just a facade, and it’s easy to hide the truth.”

"What is the truth?"

"Your Majesty, when Liu Guangshi saw Chen Qing's separatism of Sichuan and Shanxi, he also followed Chen Qing's example and separatist Jing South Road, including Yue Fei. He also secretly colluded with Chen Qing and ignored His Majesty's will. In fact, they all had one reason, ambition.

With ambition, everyone wants to become Chen Qing's second. Doesn't Zhang Jun, who occupies Jianghuai, have no ambition?Your Majesty, Zhang Jun also secretly colluded with Chen Qing! "

Zhao Gou sat down slowly and looked at Qin Hui in shock, "Qin Xiangguo said that Zhang Jun and Chen Qing colluded secretly, is there evidence?"

"Your Majesty, has Zhang Jun explained where the fuel for his army comes from?"

Zhao Gou felt like waking up from a dream, yes!If Zhang Jun and Chen Qing had no secret contact, where did the fire oil in his army come from?Such an obvious thing, I actually ignored it.

Zhao Gou was dissatisfied, and blamed him a little: "Why didn't Mr. Qin tell me about this earlier?"

Qin Hui knows a lot!In the past, Zhang Jun gave him money, thousands of bribes every year, all kinds of unfavorable news and reports, and Qin Hui suppressed them for Zhang Jun.

But now, Zhang Jun dared to harm his own vital interests, Qin Hui wanted to show Zhang Jun a little color.

"Your Majesty, I once asked Zhang Jun, where did the fire oil in his army come from? He said he bought it from the black market. Officials in Yan'an Mansion secretly sold fire oil. He could buy the fire oil when it flowed into the black market. Weichen believed it, so he didn't pursue it, but two things happened not long ago, which made the humble official start to suspect that Zhang Jun and Chen Qing had colluded."

"Which two things?"

"One thing is that someone at the checkpoint on the canal revealed that the merchant ships holding the pass of the Western Army existed before, but they used to be under the banner of Zhang Jun Trading Company.

The second thing is that an official reported that all the ships of the Western Army Wanshi from Quanzhou stopped at Dangtu County for supplies. You must know that Dangtu County is a wharf developed by Zhang Jun, and the large ships of the Western Army specifically docked at Dangtu County. suspicious. "

Zhao Gou glared at Qin Hui, "Why do I never know about these things?"

"Your Majesty, please calm down. The reason why I didn't tell His Majesty is because I just guessed and there is no evidence, because not only the Western Army faked Zhang's merchant ships, but also many merchant ships.
The large ship of the Western Army stopped at Dangtu County, perhaps because the supplies in Dangtu County are the cheapest, and these are all possible, so telling His Majesty something without evidence is to provoke the relationship between His Majesty and the ministers. won't do. "

Qin Hui spoke with a serious face, and Zhao Gou believed it. After a moment of silence, Zhao Gou said coldly again: "I will never tolerate someone who eats my food and wants to smash my bowl. You can send someone to deal with Tu County. If people go to investigate, they must find out the real reason why the cargo ships of the Western Army stop in Tu County."

"The minister must send someone to strictly investigate!"

After a pause, Qin Hui said again: "But Zhang Jun refuses to send troops to the Central Plains, what should we do?"

Zhao Gou thought about it and said: "If he is willing to send troops to the north, I will be happy, but if he really refuses to go north, I have no choice but if we can use this as an opportunity to find out the truth behind Zhang Jun's collusion with Chen Qing and prevent the Zhang Jun's betrayal at a critical moment, I think it is a bigger gain."

Of course, Zhao Gou's worry was justified. If Zhang Jun led an army of [-] to support Chen Qing at a critical moment, that would be the most terrifying thing, and it would be more worthy of his attention than seizing the Central Plains Road.

Qin Hui was really helpless, Zhang Jun refused to send troops, even the emperor could not do anything about it, Qin Hui was even more clever than a poor woman.

The confrontation in Jinan Mansion had lasted more than ten days. Both sides were very cautious and refused to engage in a decisive battle easily. If the other party had only tens of thousands of troops, then Chen Qing would directly use large iron fire mines to blow down the city wall, enter the city, and fight the Jin soldiers for a decisive battle.

But at present, the Golden Army has more than [-] troops. Even if they finally rely on their strength to defeat the opponent, it will be a miserable victory. The Western Army will pay the price of tens of thousands of deaths. Not only the army, but also the people in the city will suffer disaster.

This morning, Wanyan Wushu sent a soldier to fight. Chen Qing opened the gauntlet. Wanyan Wushu actually proposed a one-on-one challenge. He would win two out of three battles. He bet on the weapons of the two generals. The Xia Guojian he wears comes to place a bet.

Chen Qing immediately signed the agreement, and said to the soldiers in the afternoon: "Go back and tell your lord, I have a pair of bronze bows and iron arrows, which are one of my weapons. If he wins, give him the bows and arrows. "

The soldier saluted and left.

Zhang Xiao said with a smile: "It seems that there is something wrong with the morale of the Jin soldiers."

Chen Qing nodded, "I feel the same way. A big fire destroyed the morale of Jin Bing. Wanyan Wushu wanted to boost morale through a duel, but the question is, did he lose?"

Zhang Xiaowei smiled and said, "Hasn't Your Highness seen his scheming? He is leading an army to challenge our camp tomorrow morning. If he wins, he will publicize it to boost morale, but if he loses, he will definitely If you conceal the news, you will lose at most one sword."

Chen Qing laughed and said, "If it's really Xia Guojian, I'm looking forward to it!"

The best swords cast by Xixia are all called Xia Guojian, but the most famous Xia Guojian is the famous sword given to the Song Dynasty by Xixia Jin.

Generally speaking, Xia Guojian refers to this precious sword. After Jingkang, this Xia Guojian became the portable sword of Wanyan Wushu, and he actually took it out as a bet.

Of course, Chen Qing's bet is not low, the bronze bow and iron arrow, Zhou Tong gave him the world's most precious treasure, Chen Qing has been carrying it around in battle, but he has never used it.

However, what Chen Qing cares about now is not the bet, but a rare opportunity he has seen.

(End of this chapter)

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