
Chapter 1220

Chapter 1220
On the top of the city, Wanyan Wushu was in a very anxious mood. The two sides had confronted each other for more than ten days, and the morale of his own army was getting lower and lower every day. Especially after the [-] reinforcements were completely burned by a fire, the news spread to Licheng County. All three armies were extremely shocked.

Fear permeated the army, and the morale of the generals was low. Among Li Cheng's Han soldiers, deserters appeared. Of the [-] soldiers sent to cut trees outside the city, only [-] returned, and [-] soldiers became deserters. .

All these are ominous omens, Wanyan Wushu was worried, he tried his best to boost morale, but it was ineffective.

Of course, the best effect is to plunder the city with troops, which has an immediate effect on boosting morale, but if he dares to send troops to plunder other counties, he will be wiped out by Chen Qing's army immediately.

However, it would be even more unrealistic to rob Licheng County. Many soldiers' family members are in Licheng County, and if there is chaos, it will trigger a mutiny.

Wanyan Wushu sighed, and asked: "Does the military advisor think sending generals to single-handedly fight will be effective?"

Fan Gong nodded: "There is no need for two armies to fight in a general battle. You can send a small number of troops to the opponent's camp. If you win, you can give orders to the entire army to boost everyone's morale. If you lose, you will keep silent. The three armies will not know. One point, no matter the winner or loser, you can claim victory, hang a sword in front of the camp gate, and say it is the sword of King Yong Chen Qing."

Before Fan Gong could finish speaking, Wanyan Wushu shook his head and said, "It's not good to cheat like this. If you win, you will win, and if you lose, you will lose. If you lose the principle of leading troops, even if I return to Jin Kingdom, I will not be reused again."

Fan Gong suddenly understood that Wanyan Wushu actually didn't attach too much importance to the gains and losses of Shandong Road, and he was already considering retreating to the court in defeat.

But it’s not surprising when you think about it, Wanyan Wushu has been defeated countless times by Wu Jie and Chen Qing, lost Shaanxi Road, Henan Road, and Hedong Road, and killed hundreds of thousands of Jurchen soldiers. The deaths of Jurchen soldiers were all related to Wanyan Wushu, but when did he take responsibility?
That being the case, Fan Gong didn't have to rack his brains to find a way to save his morale, the most urgent thing was to prepare for a retreat.

At this time, a cavalry came rushing forward, Wanyan Wushu recognized that it was the subordinate who was sent to fight.

Not long after, his subordinates were brought to the top of the city, and they knelt down on one knee to report, "To the lord, Chen Qing has agreed to single-handedly fight!"

With that said, he presented the gauntlet.

Wanyan Wushu took a look at the letter of challenge, and it said, "The generals of both sides can fight one-on-one, but each party can send three people to win two out of three battles. I am willing to bet on bronze bows and iron arrows."

"What are copper bows and iron arrows?" Wanyan Wushu frowned and asked.

"King Yong said it was his personal weapon, but he never used it."

Fan Gong next to him said with a smile: "My lord, copper bows and iron arrows are very rare things. My lord announced that they belonged to Chen Qing, no one would doubt it."

Wanyan Wushu nodded, "We will have a good fight with him tomorrow!"

In the morning of the next day, Wanyan Wushu personally led [-] cavalry to appear three miles away from the Western Army's camp. He was very disciplined, and the army did not enter the three-mile stop line, otherwise war would break out.

Of course, Wanyan Wushu didn't dare to bring the army too close to the Western Army's camp, once the Western Army's army came, it would be too late for him to retreat.

Wanyan Wushu launched three powerful generals, the first one is Pucha Ahudie, a general of copper hammer, who made a single-handled copper hammer weighing [-] jin, with infinite strength.

The second one is Wanyan Shenshi Huan, the elder brother of Wanyan Digunai, whose mother is Han Chinese, with half Han blood, and was taught martial arts by a master of martial arts in the Central Plains.

The third one is veteran Ali, a Khitan native, the number one general under Wanyan Wushu. He wields a machete with a golden back. Nearly sixty years old, but the sword is still not old.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The first one to fight was General Pucha Ahudie of Tonghammer. He led a dozen cavalrymen to the Western Army's camp to shout and curse.

Chen Qing glanced at the opponent's copper hammer, and said with a smile: "This guy is a powerful warrior, who wants to take the lead in the battle?"

More than a dozen generals stepped forward to challenge, Chen Qing glanced at Yue Yun and said with a smile: "The first battle will be under Yue's control!"

"Humble job will definitely win!"

Yue Yun got on his horse, took off a pair of bright silver hammers weighing eighty kilograms, and rushed out on the horse, with twenty personal soldiers closely following behind.

"I am Meng'an Qianhu Pucha Ahudie, come and name me!"

Yue Yun sneered, "Your grandfather, Yue Yun, is also an idiot with blind eyes, take his life!"

He galloped on the horse, and the silver hammer smashed head-on with a sound of 'woo--'.

Wanyan Wushu recognized Yue Yun at a glance from a distance, and was taken aback, "Isn't that Yue Fei's son? How could he be in Chen Qing's army?"

Veteran Ali said: "It is said that most of Yue Fei's army was recruited by Chen Qing. Yue Yun was not dispatched with his father. It is normal to appear in Chen Qing's army."

Wanyan Wushu became worried, Yue Yun was recognized as the number one general of the Yue family army, he played this time, Ahudie was in danger.

Veteran Ali said slowly: "Ahudie will lose this battle, the power of the gods has weakened a little, it is better to let the low-ranking officials fight in the second and third battles."

Wanyan Wushu nodded, with Ali playing, he could feel a little relieved.

On the battlefield, although Pucha Ahudie was extremely powerful, but his martial arts were ordinary, he was no match for Yue Yun at all. The two only fought for five or six rounds. Pucha Ahudie was in a hurry and was hit by Yue Fei's backhand hammer Middle back of the head, 'Bang! With a crisp sound, the skull shattered, red and white brains overflowed, and he fell off the horse, dying tragically on the spot.

His men rushed forward and snatched away his body and weapons, but the war horse became Yue Yun's trophy. Yue Yun wanted to return after victory, but he heard a sneer, "Son Yue Yunxiu, the old man will meet you!"

As soon as Yue Yun turned his head, he saw a veteran rushing out from the enemy line. He had white beard and hair, an iron helmet and an iron armor, and his body was extremely strong. He was carrying a heavy machete in his hand.

Yue Yun sneered and scolded: "Old man, who are you?"

"Old man Yelu Ali!"

Chen Qing was a little worried. Wanyan Wushu must be sure to let such a veteran play. Next to him, Yang Zaixing said in a low voice: "This person was the number one Khitan general back then. He was subdued by Wanyan Wushu and became the number one under Wanyan Wushu. A fierce general, known as the Demon Sword by the Jin soldiers."

Chen Qing nodded, "Since it's called the Demon Sword, there must be something strange about it. Take my bronze bow and iron arrow!"

The guards handed over thirty heavy bronze bows and iron arrows to Chen Qing, normally Chen Qing didn't use it, but today he took it for a bet, so he specially brought it with him.

Chen Qing drew out an iron arrow and put it on the string, watching the fierce battle on the battlefield.

Yue Yun and Yelu Ali have fought fiercely for more than twenty rounds. Both sides are highly skilled in martial arts, but Yue Yun's strength is slightly superior, while Yelu Ali has rich experience, and he keeps defusing Yue Yun's violent attacks with clever moves. His intention is very clear. When Yue Yun was exhausted, his chance came.

At this time, Yue Yun's speed of the double hammers slowed down after thirty strokes. Yelu Ali seized an opportunity and threw an object in his hand, but Yue Yun thought that the opponent was deliberately disturbing him, so he didn't bother. That swinging thing.

Little did they know that Yelu Ali was called the Demon Sword by the Jurchen army because of his swaying thing.

(End of this chapter)

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