
Chapter 1221 Mutation

Chapter 1221 Mutation
Yelu Ali is called the demon knife, not referring to the big knife in his hand, but a hidden revolving knife. This revolving knife is thrown out horizontally, circles in a circle in the distance, and flies back quickly from behind without making a sound. , as fast as lightning, the blade pointed right at the back of Yue Yun's neck.

Severing Yue Yun's posterior carotid artery with one knife, Yue Yun would surely die. At this critical moment, an iron arrow shot at an incomparable speed. .

It was only then that Yue Yun realized that he had almost been plotted against, and his expression changed drastically.

Yelu Ali stepped back more than ten steps, glanced at the iron arrow on the ground, he immediately understood, and shouted sharply: "May I ask His Highness King Yong, who will win the second battle?"

What he meant was that without this arrow, he would have already killed Yue Yun, and it was the Western Army who cheated.

Chen Qing replied: "That's right, you won the second round, I just want to save my life!"

Chen Qing shouted again: "General Yue, please come back!"

Yue Yun's face was full of shame and anger, but King Yong ordered him to do so, so he dared not disobey, so he snorted heavily and urged his horse to run towards the camp.

The soldiers of the Jin Bing Army cheered. They won the second round. The first two rounds each won a round. It was a tie. The key is the third round.

Yelu Ali shouted loudly again: "The third team is still old man, would His Royal Highness King Yong wish to end the battle?"

At this time, Chen Qing's subordinates called for the battle one after another, but Chen Qing was a little embarrassed. Among them, Yang Zaixing's martial arts skills were the strongest, but his strength was still inferior to Yelu Ali. Yelu Ali was not only superb in sword skills, but also extremely powerful. The big sword weighed at least sixty catties, and with his rich experience, even the number one fighter, Yue Yun, was inferior to the opponent in terms of experience. Even if the opponent didn't use the whirling sword, then Ali would win in the end.

This formidable opponent reminded Chen Qing of Wanyan Loushi, the two of them were really close friends, apart from himself, Chen Qing couldn't think of anyone else who would be his opponent?
"Stop arguing, I will go to the third round myself!"

Yang Zaixing was shocked, and said anxiously: "Your Highness, with a body of a thousand gold, can't go to battle to compete for the bravery of ordinary people. If there are three rounds and two shortfalls, what should the Western Army do?"

Chen Qing said with a smile: "I never fight in uncertain battles. General Yang used bows and arrows to hold the battle for me. It should be foolproof."

Chen Qing got on his horse, stretched out his hand and said, "Bring my halberd!"

The generals couldn't persuade them, so they had to pin their hopes on Yang Zaixing. Not only Yang Zaixing, but Zhang Xian and Yue Yun were also holding bows and arrows in their hands, a hundred paces away, ready to attack at any time.

Wanyan Wushu was overjoyed, he didn't expect Chen Qing to fight in person, he was trembling with excitement, he must seize this opportunity!
He shouted: "General Ali, behead Chen Qing, I will play the emperor and make you king."

Chen Qing laughed loudly, "General Wu Shu, back then you offered a reward of Wanguan for my head, do you want you to come and receive the reward yourself?"

Wanyan Wushu also smiled and said: "The first emperor offered a reward of [-] guan for your head, and it is still valid. I will ask the Emperor Dajin for a reward, and half of it will be buried in you!"

Yelu Ali gritted his teeth and said: "If you defeat me, the prince will naturally end up. It's useless to talk too much, just die!"

He urged the horse to gallop, and slashed out with the big knife. He was afraid that Chen Qing would go back and return to the camp, so he eagerly drew the knife first, feeling a little impetuous.

Chen Qing saw the impatience of the other party, and the most feared thing was impatience, once he was impatient, it would be easy for the other party to catch the loopholes.

Back then, Chen Qing and Wanyan Loushi fought very hard, and it was also because Wanyan Loushi was seriously ill that Chen Qing took advantage of it. But more than ten years have passed, and Chen Qing's martial arts are no longer the same as Wuxia Amen back then.

Like his thinking, his martial arts were fully mature, and he used every move calmly, like an antelope hanging its horns, making the opponent invisible.

He didn't dodge at all, with a flick of the halberd, the halberd slashed toward the opponent's neck like flowing water. This knife seemed to have passed through time, and there should have been a process, but the shadow flashed, and it had already reached the end.

Yelu Ali also felt that something was wrong, but he didn't want to give up this opportunity. He was about to slash Chen Qing's waist. As long as he slashed Chen Qing, he would become the number one hero of Dajin and become a prince. He seemed to have seen the prince golden helmet and put it on his head.

He was impatient, greedy for merit, and should immediately return to defense, but he was reluctant to draw the sword, and wanted to bet all the wealth of his children and grandchildren on the sword.

The blade was still two inches away from Chen Qing's waist, and Yelu Ali caught a glimpse of Chen Qing's dark and dull waist armor. "Oops!"

He suddenly realized that King Yong's armor was different from other generals.

At this time, he suddenly discovered that the earth was rushing towards him, and the soil hit his forehead heavily.

The last thought of his life flashed through his mind, that his head had fallen off.

Big knife with inertia 'dang! 'The ground fell on Chen Qing's waist armor, making a sharp metal impact sound, and the waist armor made of fine steel was not damaged at all.

Chen Qing sneered, Yelu Ali forgot, he was King Yong, could King Yong's armor be the same as that of ordinary generals?

Even if this knife hits the target, it will definitely cut through the black hammer armor piece made of refined steel, not to mention the soft armor made of gold thread next to the body, which can't penetrate the arrows of the god arm crossbow, which can really hurt him. , but it was the bronze hammer of Pucha Ahudie, the first warrior.

Yelu Ali's headless body fell off the horse, blood spurted from the neck cavity, and the head rolled more than ten feet away. Chen Qing's soldiers rushed up to grab it.

There was no sound in the golden army formation, who was known as the number one general in the army, but he was killed by King Yong in one face-to-face.

Wanyan Wushu was speechless for a while, but he could see clearly that Yelu Ali was too eager, before Chen Qing entered the battle, he rushed up and slashed out, his greed for success eventually killed himself.

Wanyan Wushu let out a long sigh, took off the long sword in his waist and handed it to the soldiers, he shouted, "Go back to the city!"

Twenty thousand cavalry followed Wanyan Wushu and retreated to the city twenty miles away.

The soldiers handed Xia Guojian to Chen Qing's soldiers, Chen Qing drew out the sword, saw the cold light, extremely sharp, he waved the long sword and shouted: "Attack!"

"Woo--" The low-pitched horn blew, and the [-] cavalry who had been ambushing for a long time charged out from both sides of the camp, and the yellow dust billowed with murderous intent, chasing and killing Wanyan Wushu's [-] troops.

Wanyan Wushu turned pale with fright, and urged his horse to run wildly. Suddenly, a cavalry force of [-] soldiers came out from the front obliquely, cutting off their retreat, and the leading general was Liu Cui.

There were [-] troops chasing after them, and [-] troops intercepting them in front. Seeing that they were about to be surrounded, Wanyan Wushu's soldiers' eyes turned red, and they shouted: "My lord, the south can break through!"

Three thousand cavalry guarded Wanyan Wushu and broke through to the south, while Yue Yun led eight thousand cavalry in hot pursuit.

Chen Qing's more than [-] troops were all mobilized, and Wanyan Wushu's [-] troops were surrounded by the cavalry of the Western Army like an iron wall. In less than half an hour, the Jurchen cavalry were all annihilated and killed.

Wanyan Wushu never dreamed of such a result, he led [-] troops to single-handedly fight, but was tricked by Chen Qing, who ambushed [-] troops and Liu Cui's [-] cavalry in advance.

The [-] Western Army surrounded and wiped out Wanyan Wushu's army, and Chen Qing made a special opening to break out to the south. Wanyan Wushu was escorted by [-] cavalry to escape to the south, followed by the cavalry of the Western Army. This caused Wanyan Wushu to flee farther and farther away from Licheng County completely.

An army of more than [-] troops followed Chen Qinghao and marched towards Licheng County. At this time, Fan Gong had already received the news that Wanyan Wushu had fled to the south, and he was so anxious that he heard that the Western Army had [-] troops. Having killed several miles away, Fan Gong immediately made a decisive decision and ordered the entire army to withdraw from Licheng County and quickly retreat to the northeast.

Fan Gong knew very well that the prince could no longer return to the city, and there was no point in sticking to Licheng County any longer. If the prince could escape the pursuit, he would definitely make a detour and retreat north, maybe they could meet again.

Dozens of scouts rushed to Chen Qing and reported loudly: "His Royal Highness, the main force of the Jin army has withdrawn from Licheng County and retreated to the northeast!"

Chen Qing nodded his head and said: "Pass my order, the whole army will pursue at top speed, kill without mercy!"

(End of this chapter)

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