
Chapter 1222 Rout

Chapter 1222 Rout
The Jurchens are relatively simple to think about. A heads-up is a heads-up. If you win, you will go back to the city if you win. If you lose, you will pay the bet.

But Chen Qing may not be willing to fight the opponent one-on-one, he found the opportunity here, as long as Wanyan Wushu can't return to the city, the army in the city will definitely abandon the city and retreat.

This is not a question of the main general being killed in battle, and the deputy general going up to the top, Wanyan Wushu is not the main general, he is the monarch, if the king retreats, the whole army will inevitably be defeated.

The [-] troops retreated eastward in a panic, including [-] Iron Buddha Jurchen soldiers. Iron Buddha refers to heavy armored cavalry. It takes an hour to put on the iron armor. There is no time to put on the heavy armor now, and put on the heavy armor , The army can't retreat very far.

The [-] Iron Buddha soldiers didn't even carry any armor, so they retreated lightly, leaving all the heavy armor in the barracks.

The [-] cavalrymen of the Western Army pursued and killed them, and the Jin soldiers were defeated. The Jurchen cavalry and the Donghu cavalry fought their horses and fled desperately. He knelt down and begged for mercy.

At this time, Chen Qing issued an order that the Han soldiers could accept the surrender and pursue and kill the Jurchen soldiers and Donghu soldiers with all their strength.

To the north of Licheng County is the wide Jishui River. Why is it called Jinan? It means the south of Jishui River. Tens of thousands of Jurchen and Donghu cavalry galloped along the south bank of Jishui River. The soldier was shot and fell off the horse, and there were shot dead bodies along the way.

Fan Gong had already started to prepare for the evacuation. He arranged the evacuation floating bridge in Laohekou Town, eighty miles away from Licheng County. At the same time, it was relatively hidden and was not discovered by the scouts of the Western Army.

At this time, the Jurchen cavalry who rushed to the floating bridge first were not the main force retreating in the city, but Wanyan Wushu and more than a thousand cavalry guards. Wanyan Wushu was chased by the cavalry led by Yue Yun. There is a dead end, and you must flee north to have a chance of survival.

He ordered [-] cavalry to fight to the death to resist the pursuers, and he took a detour to escape to Laohekou Town in the north with more than [-] bodyguard cavalry. The overwhelming army fled, and the subordinates shouted: "It's our cavalry!"

At this moment, a fleet of [-] vehicles and boats from the Jiaolong Battalion led by Ruan De sailed in the middle of the river.

In the distance is the yellow dust that covers the sky and the sun, and more than [-] cavalry from the Western Army are chasing after them.
The speed of the vehicles and boats was still slower than that of the cavalry. The first batch of thousands of Jurchen cavalry fled to the bridge first, led by Wanyan Wushu's eldest son Wanyan Heng, including counselor Fan Gong, Chang Shi Zhao Yuan, Wanyan Zongxian, Wanyan Di Gu Nai, Chi Zhanhui and a group of Jurchen generals.

When Wanyan Wushu saw his son, he was overjoyed and shouted, "Cross the bridge!"

The cavalry urged their horses to rush to the opposite bank. The first batch of more than [-] cavalry had just rushed over when the fleet of the Western Army arrived. The first three collision ships slammed into the floating bridge. "Boom!" There was a loud noise, and the floating bridge was smashed. It crashed into two sections, and the ships behind poured kerosene on fire one after another, and the pontoon bridge suddenly became a sea of ​​flames.

The ten thousand Jurchen cavalry behind couldn't get through. They shouted and shouted on the bank. Thousands of Jurchen soldiers abandoned their horses and swam to the opposite bank with their sheepskin bags. How could it be so easy to swim across the three-mile-wide Jishui? In particular, there were warships of the Western Army in Jishui. The soldiers of the Western Army shot through the skins with arrows. Without the skins, the Jurchen soldiers were wearing heavy armor and could only sink into the water. All three thousand Jurchen soldiers drowned in Yujishui. One person can swim to the other side.

The tens of thousands of cavalry on the bank were unable to cross the river, so they had to continue to flee eastward. In just a moment, more than [-] cavalry of the Western Army came to the scene, with dust flying, a majestic momentum, and the sound of horseshoes.

Wanyan Wushu knew that the general situation was over and the whole army could not be spared, so he sighed and fled northward to the Yellow River with more than [-] cavalry. It is also the retreat route deployed by Fan Gong, and it is not far from the seaside.

Tens of thousands of Jurchen and Donghu cavalry were finally overtaken by [-] Western troops in Jiyang County, [-] miles away. In front of them were rolling hills and hills, and [-] cavalry led by Liu Qiong blocked their way.

The [-] Jurchen cavalry and the Donghu cavalry had nowhere to escape. Under the leadership of the veteran Puluhun, they turned their horses and fought desperately with the more than [-] Western troops who came after them. Chaos is far from being the opponent of the Western Army.

This desperate battle lasted until that night, with heavy casualties on both sides, but none of the Jurchen cavalry surrendered until the last cavalry. Given the opportunity, the Western Army refused to accept the surrender and beheaded all the wounded and surrendered soldiers.

So far, of Wanyan Wushu's [-] troops, except for the [-] who escaped with Wanyan Wushu, the rest of the [-] troops were wiped out, and [-] people surrendered, almost all of whom were signed by Han Chinese, including The main general, Li Cheng, was also forced to dismount and surrender to the Western Army.

The remaining [-] Donghu cavalry and [-] Jurchen cavalry refused to surrender, and were all killed without a single life.

Chen Qing also learned a lesson. After the [-] Jurchen soldiers of Wanyan Zonghan who were captured in northern Shaanxi were exchanged by the Kingdom of Jin, they all stayed in Hebei and continued to become the backbone of the army. This really annoyed Chen Qing. From then on, he no longer accepted The Jurchens and Donghu prisoners of war were all killed in order to reduce the population of Donghu and make them unable to compete with the Central Plains.

However, the Jurchen cavalry fought desperately in this battle, and the soldiers of the Western Army also suffered heavy casualties. More than [-] cavalrymen of the Western Army were killed and over [-] soldiers were injured.

The small number of troops left in the city are township soldiers belonging to Jinan Prefecture, about a thousand people, led by Zhang Shaoyan, the prefect. Zhang Shaoyan was originally the general judge of Zizhou in the Northern Song Dynasty. His reputation in Zhongkou was also good, so he was highly regarded by Wanyan Wushu, and he was appointed as the prefect of Jinan.

Zhang Shaoyan is alert and very intelligent. When the Jin soldiers retreated in a panic, he knew that the Jin soldiers were gone. If he wanted to get King Yong's approval, he had to do something. Zhang Shaoyan immediately mobilized the state soldiers to guard the warehouses and barracks to prevent the people from looting supplies.

At the same time, state soldiers were sent to the streets to persuade the people to go home and stabilize people's hearts, so that although Licheng County fell, it was not chaotic at all, and the streets and alleys were very quiet.

An hour later, Chen Qing personally led the [-] Western Army into the city and took over the defense of Licheng County. Chen Qing saw that the city was very quiet, and the streets and alleys were orderly, especially the warehouses and barracks, as well as state soldiers standing guard. The prefect sent state soldiers to maintain order, which greatly appreciated Chen Qing.

The warehouse of Wanyan Wushu is too important. Although the Puppet Qi State replaced the Northern Song Dynasty in the Central Plains, it does not mean that the Puppet Qi State took over the wealth of the Northern Song Dynasty. In addition to the wealth that was plundered and transported to the Kingdom of Jin, there is still a large amount of accumulated wealth. It was occupied by Wanyan Nianhan, Wanyan Wushu, and Wanyanchang. Among them, Wanyan Nianhan possessed the most wealth and materials. When Wanyan Nianhan attacked Shaanxi Road and wiped out the entire army, the wealth and materials he left behind were taken away. Wanyan Wushu and Wanyanchang were divided.

After Chen Qing occupied Bianliang and Henan Road, he didn't get much wealth, he only took part of it from the puppet Qi officials, but a large amount of property was transported to Shandong Road by Wanyan Wushu in advance.

Chen Qing asked to bring up several shopkeepers, all of them were shopkeepers from nearby shops, they knelt down and saluted together, "Xiaomin see His Royal Highness King Yong!"

"Every shopkeeper, please stand up!"

Several shopkeepers stood up, and Chen Qingxiao asked: "I want to ask you, how are the officials in Jinan Prefecture and Licheng County? Are they corrupt and perverting the law, exploiting the common people?"

Several shopkeepers looked at each other, shook their heads together and said: "Prefect Zhang and Yang County are very good. They provide porridge for the hungry, build charity homes, and don't force everyone to pay taxes. Everyone supports them very much. As a result, the prefect Ma, who was appointed by the puppet Qi before, was called Ma Yanluo, that's called bad, changing tricks to collect money, fish and meat the common people, later I heard that he embezzled [-] guan of military salary and [-] shi of military rations, was discovered by the Jurchens, and Marshal Wanyan killed him in a rage , and then changed to Zhang Zhifu and Yang County, it will be much better."

"Thank you everyone, please go back! Order will be restored soon and taxes will be reduced."

Several shopkeepers thanked them with gratitude. In fact, Chen Qing also knew that Wanyan Wushu was not very good at appointing officials. He paid great attention to the ability of officials and hated corrupt officials. Most of the officials he appointed on Henan Road stayed on. On the contrary, almost all the officials appointed by the former puppet Qi were dismissed.

However, Chen Qing has his own rules. Every time he goes to a big city, he must first find some merchants or rich families to ask the local officials for their reputation.

The officials of the Jinan Prefecture seemed to be doing well. They had been in office for less than two years and had a good reputation among the people. Chen Qing immediately asked the soldiers to bring the prefect to him.

Not long after, Zhang Song, the prefect, was brought to see Chen Qing by soldiers.

(End of this chapter)

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