
Chapter 1223 Licheng

Chapter 1223 Licheng
Zhang Song had a clear mind, and the various introductions were well organized, substantial and unambiguous, which made Chen Qing appreciate it, and everyone came to the warehouse immediately.

The city of Licheng County is very large, with a circumference of nearly forty miles. Such a large city has at least [-] people living in it. However, the population of Licheng County is actually very small. There are only more than [-] people in the city. The land was occupied by the military, and the people were all relocated.

Among them, only one Cangcheng covers an area of ​​thousands of acres, and there are hundreds of warehouses inside, surrounded by high walls. The Jin soldiers retreated hastily, and the two thousand Jurchen soldiers guarding Cangcheng fled to the barracks before they even had time to close the warehouse gates. went on horseback.

After the Jin soldiers withdrew, thousands of people around were really ready to move, but fortunately the magistrate Zhang Song reacted sharply, and immediately sent [-] state soldiers to guard the gate, so that thousands of people who came with baskets and sacks could not enter Cangcheng, so they had to leave in resentment. return.

At this time, the warehouse has been taken over by [-] soldiers of the Western Army. The soldiers were standing on the top of Cangcheng and patrolling. A [-]-year-old official came to see Chen Qing. Wen is responsible for the management of the entire Cangcheng."

Chen Qing nodded and said with a smile, "Are all the civil servants who manage the warehouse materials Han Chinese?"

Kong Wen hurriedly said: "Reporting to Your Highness, most of them are Han Chinese, but there is a Jurchen general named Wanyan Zongxian, who was originally left behind in Bianliang, and he is in charge of all the logistics of the army."

"Go in and take a look!"

Chen Qing entered Cangcheng surrounded by the Chinese. Kong Wen introduced: "There are [-] warehouses in total, [-]% of which are granaries. There are nearly a million stones of grain alone. The fodder is not here, only the horses are fed here. about [-] Dan of black beans."

Zhang Song said from the side: "There are [-] dans of fodder in the government's warehouse. Wanyan Wushu felt that it was easy to catch fire, so he transferred it to the government's warehouse. There is not much grain in the government's warehouse, only [-]. Stones are mainly used to help the common people."

Chen Qing asked again: "How many copper coins, gold and silver, and cloth are there?"

"About [-] million copper coins."

"How much?" Chen Qing was startled.

"Twelve million coins, most of which were transported from Bianliang. It is said that they were all money from the former official treasury. If the Jin Guoyun did not go away, they all stayed."

Zhang Xiao smiled and said, "Your Highness, [-] million is only [-]% of the annual tax of the Northern Song Dynasty, which is actually not too much."

Chen Qing couldn't bear the excitement in his heart, and asked again: "Where are the gold, silver and silk?"

"[-] million taels of silver, [-] taels of gold, [-] million bolts of silk, and [-] bolts of silk and satin. In addition, jewelry, jade and porcelain are not here, but in the warehouse of King Liang's Mansion."

"What other supplies are there?" Chen Qing asked with a smile.

"Reporting to Your Highness, there are other weapons, armor, bows and arrows, tents, flags and drums, as well as pig iron, copper, fur, medicinal materials, wood, and hundreds of other sundries. There are so many people to live in, and there is also a large underground freezer full of mutton and wine."

Chen Qing nodded and said with a smile: "It's hard work for Kong Canjun to count all the supplies as soon as possible."

"Humble post obeys orders!"

Kong Wen was also elated. Since His Highness asked him to take charge of the count, it meant that he would continue to appoint him.

Coming out of the warehouse, Zhang Xiao followed the magistrate Zhang Song to the government office to understand the government affairs and the people's situation, while Chen Qing arrived at the barracks under the escort of hundreds of cavalry. First, the military barracks, Yangma City, Cangcheng and Liangwangfu, these four buildings occupy half of the entire city.

The barracks were full of tents, and there were more than [-] tents, so the school grounds seemed very small. When he walked into the gate of the barracks, he saw black leather boxes piled up into several mountains on the school grounds, which made Chen Qing stunned.

"What is this?" Chen Qing was really surprised.

Hu Yanyun, who was in charge of the army's logistics, rushed forward to salute, "What's in that box?" Chen Qing asked, pointing to the mountain of boxes,
"It's armor!"

Hu Yanyun asked the soldiers to drag two large heavy boxes over and opened the boxes. Inside each of the two boxes was a pair of armor, both of which were iron armor, one was a vest, and the other was a human armor.

"This is Iron Buddha?" Chen Qing immediately realized.

"Exactly, a set of two sets weighs fifty or sixty catties, and the horses are very strenuous!"

Chen Qing took out a pair of armor and asked a soldier to put it on, and a sense of coercion rushed over his face immediately. Chen Qing understood that it is no wonder that ten thousand Iron Buddha cavalry could defeat hundreds of thousands of Song troops. The murderous intent is too powerful.

The [-] Iron Buddha cavalry retreated hastily before they could put on their armor. This is a huge spoil!
Thirty thousand sets of Iron Buddha armor, how much national power is needed to build it.

"How many sets are piled up on the school field here?" Chen Qing asked.

"There are more than [-] sets here, and there are many more in the barracks. After a preliminary count, there are about [-] sets. Unfortunately, there are no war horses."

"There are war horses!"

Chen Qing said with a smile: "We have seized more than [-] war horses, many of which are tall and strong, probably the Iron Buddha war horses."

"Then we can also form the Iron Buddha?"

Chen Qing smiled, did not answer, and asked again: "Aside from these armors, what else is there in the camp?"

"There is also the big tent, five thousand pieces, and their personal belongings. The copper coins have accumulated more than one million guan, hundreds of thousands of silks and satins, as well as porcelain, lacquerware, and bronze wares. It is estimated that they have looted property , but the gold and silver were not seen."

"These are not easy to carry property, gold and silver were taken away by them, the silver seized from them is more than [-] taels, gold tens of thousands of taels, copper coins tens of thousands of guan, and a lot of jewelry."

"So that's the case. The humble staff also said it was very strange, why there is no gold and white jade, so I carry them with me."

This inventory and cleanup lasted for three full days before the inventory of wealth and materials was completed. All the enemy soldiers who died in battle were cremated and buried. The soldiers who died of serious injuries and died on the battlefield added up to more than [-].

What saddened Chen Qing was that after the war, thousands of people died of serious injuries. He watched these young soldiers die, but he couldn't save them.

Chen Qing came to a wounded tent, a general was dying, Chen Qing came to see him for the last time.

This general is Li Yuan, the commander who was punished in Xucheng County for carelessly letting the enemy's general escape. He went into fierce battle before his injury fully recovered. He killed the enemy with exceptional bravery. He was shot, but he was also pierced by Puluhun's spear in the stomach, causing a lot of internal bleeding, which could not be stopped, and it seemed that he was dying.

"His Royal Highness is down!"

The soldiers next to him moved away one after another, Chen Qing stepped forward quickly, Li Yuanyi grabbed Chen Qing's hand, tears flowed from the corners of his eyes, he no longer had the strength to speak.

Chen Qing glanced at the military doctor, who shook his head, expressing that there was nothing he could do. Chen Qing lowered his head and asked loudly, "Say it! I will fulfill your last wish for you."

"My father and my son." Li Yuan's voice was extremely low.

Chen Qing nodded, "Your father is my father, and your son is my son. I will support them well, so don't worry!"

"Thank you. Your Highness, thank you."

Li Yuan didn't catch up in one breath, and immediately closed his eyes and passed away.
Chen Qing turned his head away, tears welled up, after a while, he wiped away the tears, and asked several of Li Yuan's personal soldiers, "Where is General Li from?"

"Reporting to Your Highness, General Li is from Dingping County, Ningzhou."

Chen Qing nodded, "From now on, he will be restored to his original post and named Duke of Dingping County. You will write a report on his family's situation and submit it to General Hu Yanyun. I will personally approve it."

Several soldiers knelt down and thanked him with tears. Chen Qing sighed, "Let's handle the funeral for him! The body was cremated, and the remains were brought home to his family."

(End of this chapter)

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