
Chapter 1225 First Aid

Chapter 1225 First Aid

Early in the morning, Hu Yun was writing a letter to King Yong in the official room. At this time, an attendant said at the door: "Master, a man came outside and said he was ordered to deliver a letter to you. He refused to say who sent him. "

Hu Yun nodded, "Bring him to see me!"

The entourage left, and after a while, a middle-aged man was brought in. He bowed and saluted, took out a sign and said, "Does the special envoy know this?"

Hu Yun was slightly taken aback, he had seen this brand before, it was Zhang Jun's brand.

Hu Yun nodded, "What letter did you send me?"

The man pulled out a note from his hair and handed it to Hu Yun together with the sign, "There is nothing else, the villain will leave!"

The middle-aged man bowed and left, and Hu Yun opened the note. It was indeed Zhang Jun's handwriting, and there was only one sentence on it, "Please help my family leave Beijing!" '

Hu Yun put away the note, pondered for a moment, got up and said, "Go to the teahouse!"

The relationship between Zhang Jun and the Western Army is more complicated. On the one hand, he occupies the Jianghuai River, which is a huge threat to both Jingxiang and the Central Plains, and also hinders the development of the Western Army to the east. Being aggressive has made the Western Army's backyard worry-free and able to develop eastward and northward with all its strength.

Hu Yun is also not easy to deal with the relationship with Zhang Jun, and he is not sure whether Zhang Jun's dismissal is happy or worrying for the Western Army. He needs to discuss it with Wang Mu before making a decision.

In the elegant room in the backyard of the teahouse, Wang Mu squinted his eyes and pondered for a while and said slowly: "I believe that Zhang Jun is fully capable of transferring his family, and there is no need to ask us for help. By doing this, I don't think he is actually using this to ask King Yong for help." Express your opinion?"

Hu Yun nodded, "I thought about it, but Zhang Jun is very cunning and cunning. I'm afraid he also wants to use His Royal Highness King Yong to warn the court. If he is in a hurry, he will surrender to King Yong."

Wang Mu smiled slightly: "You are right, maybe it is a kind of use, but why isn't King Yong using him?"

"Do you think His Highness still wants Zhang Jun to be stable?"

Wang Mu shook his head, "At this time, at that time! In the past, we were seeking stability and needed stability in the rear, but now it is different. Since we have won Shandong Road, and the north of the Yellow River is our land, the next step, King Yong must want to plan Jianghuai, Take the north of the Yangtze River, but the problem is that King Yong doesn't want to take it from the court, if it is occupied in the name of quelling Zhang Jun's rebellion, the effect will be much better."

"You mean to make Zhang Jun confront the court?"

"Yes! I don't believe that Zhang Jun has no ambition, but he hides it deeply. If his ambition is revealed, the pressure on the court will be great, and anything may happen."

"So what do we need to do?"

Hu Yun hesitated and said, "Help his family leave Lin'an?"

"Relieve Zhang Jun's worries and transfer his family from Lin'an. The court must think that Zhang Jun did it. Without Zhang Jun's family as hostages, he will be bolder in doing things and threaten the court even more. Trust him and the court. The contradictions between him will be deeper, and the emperor's intolerance of him will be irreparable."

Hu Yun nodded slowly, "I know what to do!"

Zhang Jun's mansion is close to the West Lake, with an area of ​​nearly forty acres. In Lin'an, where land resources are scarce, such a mansion is definitely a rare giant mansion. Last year, Zhang Jun became the King of Qinghe County, and this mansion was called Qinghe palace.

There are hundreds of servants and maidservants in Zhang Jun's mansion. He has five sons, who are basically officials in various places in Jianghuai. Xun's old mother.

Zhang Jun only had four family members in Lin'an. To a certain extent, these four family members were hostages. Zhang Jun also defended against the imperial court and tried to arrange his family members in various places. Lin'an only kept the minimum family members.

In addition, among the hundreds of servants in the mansion, there are court eyeliners, and Zhang Jun is well aware of this.

In the afternoon, the youngest son Zhang Ziren came back from the outside and found his mother Zhang Shi with a lot of worries. He shunned all the maids and Zhang Ziren was surprised: "Ren'er, what's wrong with you?"

"Uncle An is looking for me this afternoon!"

Uncle An's name is Zhang An, and the three generations have been in charge of the Zhang family. Zhang An is Zhang Jun's confidant, and he is asked to do all important things. He usually follows Zhang Jun.

Zhang Shi was both surprised and delighted, "Your father is back?"

"No, it was my father who sent Uncle An back. He dared not enter the mansion for fear of being discovered by the court's eyeliner."

Zhang Ziren walked to the door, looked to both sides, and looked out of the window again, then whispered to his mother: "Uncle An said, the court is likely to attack father, and father is worried that we will be arrested, so he wants us to leave as soon as possible." Lin'an."


Zhang Shi was taken aback and said in a panic, "How do you leave?"

"Father has already entrusted someone to help, and will contact us soon, let us clean up our belongings first."

"I still have to tell your grandmother."

Zhang Ziren quickly waved his hand, "Don't tell grandma yet, we'll talk when it's time to leave, mother must get ready first."

Zhang Shi nodded, "Okay! Let me tidy up briefly first."

Zhang Ziren returned to his room. At this moment, Li Huan, the second housekeeper, said at the door, "Xiao Ya Nei, two of your classmates from the Tai Xue came to see you."

Zhang Ziren was taken aback, a classmate of the Taixue, who could this be?He nodded and said with a smile: "It's an appointment, please wait in the guest room, we will come right away."

Li Huan gave Zhang Ziren a meaningful look, then turned and left.

Zhang Ziren stared at Li Huan's back with extreme hatred. He knew that this Li Huan was sent by the court to monitor them, and their every move was monitored by this Li Huan.

Zhang Ziren rushed to the living room, and heard someone laughing from afar: "Brother Fox has missed the appointment, today we are here to denounce it!"

Zhang Ziren’s nickname in Taixue was Fox, and his close friends would call him Mr. Fox, but this voice was very unfamiliar. Zhang Ziren hurried to the living room, and saw two young scholars sitting in the living room, accompanied by the second housekeeper Li Huan. Talk to them.

These two people are very strange, Zhang Ziren has never met before, where is his classmate?
"You two, I, Zhang Ziren, didn't offend you, did I! You actually called me by my nickname when you came to my house?"

Zhang Ziren walked up with a smile. He was afraid that the other party would not recognize him, so he simply reported his door number first.

A classmate stood up and said with a smile, "My dear brother, how are you doing today?"

Hearing the word 'An', Zhang Ziren suddenly thought of Uncle An, and his heart jumped. He said to the second butler Li Huan: "This is my guest, you go!"

Li Huan hurriedly saluted and left. The leading scholar looked at Li Huan's back and said indifferently: "This housekeeper is really lenient, asking questions and making indirect remarks."

"He's not the butler, he is"

Zhang Ziren stopped talking suddenly, and asked with a smile: "Excuse me, are you two?"

One of the scholars took out a brand, Zhang Ziren recognized it at a glance, it was Uncle An's brand.

Zhang Ziren nodded and said: "The man just now was sent by the imperial court to monitor us, and so are the two maids in the inner house."

The scholar nodded, "I'm Wei Yanzong, I'm responsible for taking you out. The situation is urgent, and you are leaving tonight."

"But I can't leave the city at night."

"I'm not going out of the city for the time being, and I'll go out in a few days. I'll put you somewhere else first."

"I see, then what?"

Wei Yanzong lowered his voice and said: "At two o'clock tonight, take a boat from the back house and leave. I will come to pick you up, Young Master."

Zhang Ziren felt relieved, the boat ride was good, "I know!"

In the middle of the night, Li Huan was in a hurry and was about to get up in a daze when suddenly a sword was placed across his neck, which made him startled and stammered, "Who is it?"

"Apart from you, who else in the mansion is an undercover agent sent by the court?" A man beside him asked coldly.

"Chuntao and Chunxing from the inner house are too!"

"anything else?"

"No, just the three of us."

As soon as Li Huan finished speaking, he was punched hard on the temple, and he fainted immediately.

Not long after, the two servant girls Chun Tao and Chun Xing in the inner house were also knocked out, gagged and tied up.

When it was two o'clock, a family of four came out of a room.

Wei Yanzong stepped forward to support the old lady, and whispered to the crowd: "The boat is ready, let's go to another house to settle down for a few days, and it won't be too late to leave the city."

The four members of the family nodded, and followed Wei Yanzong out of the back gate tremblingly.

There is a small river outside the gate of the back house, and a painting boat is moored on the pier.

[The old mother is a little sick, Lao Gao is busy taking care of it, there are only two chapters today! 】

(End of this chapter)

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